
Chapter 245 Divide Money

Shaking his head, Chen Mu laughed dumbly. What does this have to do with yourself? Even if you knew it, it would be of little use to you. Baiyuan Mansion, that is a place so far away from me.

Whether it is Baiyuan Mansion or Mohadi Domain, after passing through the path window, there will definitely be a gray layer in the middle.

No one knows the mechanism of ash layer formation, but the dangers of ash layer have been documented in many books. The gray layer is dark and gray, which is why the gray layer gets its name. The vitality of the creatures in the gray layer is extremely strong. Even if they are hunted in large numbers, they can recover in more than ten years. Therefore, crossing the gray layer is very dangerous.

Every time a path window is discovered, the Federation will organize experts to break through the gray layer. And the price every time is very heavy, especially the first time. The gateway to the Mohadi Domain was the first to be discovered by humans. The first exploration of the gray layer was based on countless blood.

It is said that the first expedition was completely wiped out, so the Federation organized a second expedition and was wiped out again.

Unwilling to fail, the federal government organized a third expedition. The lineup of the third expedition team was unprecedentedly strong. All the famous card cultivators from the six universities were mobilized, plus military masters, and some long-famous card cultivators among the people. The scale of that expedition ranked among the top in the entire history of the Federation.

The third expedition finally broke through the gray layer, the news spread back to the Federation, and the whole country celebrated. Everyone was in high spirits, and countless people began to predict the arrival of a new era.

And when some rare species and ores found in the gray layer were returned to the Federation, people didn't just cheer this time. Driven by interests, more people are eager to try, and with the encouragement of the federal government, many large and small expedition teams are established, heading towards the trail window and entering the gray layer.

As teams continued to enter the gray layer, the vast gray layer could not stop human greed. A large amount of rare materials and ores were transported back to the Federation, and many people made a fortune from this. These living examples have greatly stimulated people's desire for wealth, and more and more groups and cards are participating in this vigorous exploration movement.

When the gray layer was gradually explored, people who had been dazzled by wealth turned their attention to another exit of the gray layer, which was also a path window. What's outside the window? No one knows, but this can no longer stop these people.

The first one to launch was the expedition team organized by the federal government. This expedition team composed entirely of experts was at the forefront. They were also the group that made the most profits from that exploration activity. They passed through the path window first, and then they were surprised to find that this was a vaster area than the gray layer.

However, this time their luck was extremely bad. They encountered fierce resistance from the local indigenous people.

Perhaps from now on, this should be a turning point event, but at the time, it was just a normal thing. The level of social development of the indigenous people in the New Territory cannot be compared with that of the huge federation. The backward warriors of the indigenous people were naturally unable to compete with the highly developed Kaxiu. The Federation's advance is extremely fast and every battle must be won.

But no one expected that the resistance of the local indigenous people would become more intense. They continued to fight regardless of life or death. Only then did the Federation realize that they had unknowingly fallen into the quagmire of war! If they had stopped and left at this time, maybe the final result wouldn't have been so bad. However, in the face of attractive benefits, individual objections did not make a single wave. Moreover, the Federation at that time had strong confidence in their sound and complete card system. They believed that this was a war between different eras.

This battle lasted fifteen years!

These aborigines have the advantage of fighting locally. They are more familiar with the climate and geographical environment, and their supplies are extremely convenient. Looking at the Federation, although they have advanced technology, a jungle disease is very likely to reduce their number by more than half. And their supplies need to traverse the entire gray layer to reach the new domain.

The war situation was stalemate, and these natives were very cunning and did not fight head-on with the federal army at all. Continuously tearing open the federal army's defense line. As the war continued to progress, the strengths of both sides began to gradually change. The wise people among the aborigines gradually developed their own unique card technology based on the card knowledge they obtained from the captives.

The Union Army knew nothing of this.

Even today's historians are full of admiration and emotion when discussing the Aboriginal people's forbearance. They spent ten years continuously building up strength in secret. Unlike the various universities in the federation, which are separated from each other, the sages of these aboriginal people gathered together to understand together. Then they distributed the card techniques they learned to various tribes without any secrets.

Ten years for them to grow up. Their card system has been continuously improved in the past ten years, blending with their original skills to form a style that is completely different from the Federation.

This war ended in a disastrous defeat for the Federation. After that, the Federation officially began to recognize the independent identity of the new domain, and the new domain was officially named the Mohadi Domain.

The sages of Mohadi Realm did not block the passage because of the victory. On the contrary, they began to communicate and trade with the Federation. To this day, the exchanges between the Mohadi Domain and the Federation are very frequent. However, the hatred of the local indigenous people towards the federal people has not diminished, so few Kaxiu will go deep into the Mohadi Domain.

The Mohadi Domain is still extremely mysterious in the eyes of the Federation people.

Baiyuan Mansion is very similar to Mohadi Domain in this regard, but Baiyuan Mansion is undoubtedly more terrifying. It is said that Baiyuan Mansion is the world of Rou Ke. The so-called Rou Ke refers to those existences that walk in the darkness and resemble assassins. They are adept at using a variety of weapons, including soft objects such as ropes.

This is also one of the biggest grounds for Chen Mu to judge that the devil girl came from Baiyuan Mansion. No matter from any aspect, the devil girl is very consistent with the Rou Ke described in the book.

Whether it's Baiyuan Mansion or Mohadi Domain, it has nothing to do with him. Moreover, Chen Mu knew very well how much he weighed. How could a little person like himself guess a secret that even the other five majors couldn't figure out?

What's more, the golden-spotted soft liquid fungus, judging from Su Liu Cherou's description, is not something he can get. There are so many things that can extend people's lifespan and are treasures wherever they are placed. Going to Baiyuan Mansion? That's even more nonsense. Instead of doing this, it would be more realistic not to work hard on your own perception.

Chen Mu didn't know how crazy his digital series of cards had been selling!

The fat man came to the door, followed by someone.

"Brother, why are you here?" Chen Mu opened the door. Although we have only known Fatty for a short time, Chen Mu has a similar temperament to him. Fatty is a typical guy who doesn't get up early. If you come to find yourself, there is a good chance that something is wrong. Are there any new materials coming? Chen Mu couldn't help but feel refreshed. The last time he made a card, he had an unprecedented amount of fun.

The fat man smiled bitterly but said nothing. He just looked at Chen Mu like a monster.

After a while, he suddenly uttered: "What kind of freak are you, you guy? I'm afraid your future achievements will be at least a master like Luo Qi! I don't know what great luck I got, but I actually made friends with you. "

Fatty's meaningless and emotional words made Chen Mu even more confused: "What's wrong? Did something happen?" However, he admired Master Luo Qi, which was very consistent with Fatty's profit-seeking style.

"Nothing happened. I'm here to give you some money." The fat man's expression showed a bit of a wry smile.

Seeing the fat man's expression that could squeeze out bitterness, Chen Mu couldn't help but asked with concern: "Is it selling well?" He had very little involvement in the trading of cards and was not very knowledgeable. But he knew that the materials he consumed were valuable. If those cards couldn't be sold for a good price, he would be surprised if he didn't lose money.

The fat man looked at Chen Mu speechlessly. When he saw that his expression didn't seem to be fake, he looked away angrily and couldn't help but cursed: "You pervert!"

Chen Mu was even more confused, so he simply waited for the fat man's next words.

The fat man took out a money card and handed it to Chen Mu: "Here is your money, a total of 360 million euros."

Chen Mu was immediately startled: "Why so many?" So far, the most he has handled is tens of millions. Now suddenly the fat man throws a 360 million money card, why don't you scare him? One jump.

Chen Mu did not accept the money card, but looked at the fat man in confusion.

Seeing Chen Mu's expression, the fat man suddenly became discouraged and said angrily: "Do you know how much your card sold for? Your 007 sold for 350 million, grandma's, and I received a lot of money for the admission fee alone. Excluding raw materials and other expenses, this is the money you should get."

"Three hundred and fifty million!" Chen Mu's brain was a little confused. He naturally had an impression of 007. He got inspiration for that card from the Bipolar Thunderball card, and it was also one of the two four-star cards among the twenty-two cards. one. However, a four-star fantasy card can be purchased for 350 million? He felt that the price was really outrageous!

Seeing Chen Mu's unbelievable expression, the fat on the fat man's face trembled, and he muttered: "The price is beyond my expectation, but Mrs. Zhi Lian bought it, so it must be worth that price, anyway, I don't I understand, as for you." The fat man thought of Chen Mu throwing so many super bombs at him with a normal face, and couldn't help but said: "You don't understand either!"

Chen Mu responded with a sigh, and then took the money card.

"Only eleven cards were sold, and this is the dividend for eleven cards." The wry smile that Chen Mu saw just now appeared on the fat man's face again: "Brother, we played too much this time, brother is a little Scared!"

"How do you say this?" Chen Mu's expression became serious, and he vaguely felt that this might involve his safety. Once he encounters a problem in this area, he will always be particularly serious.

"Brother has really caused a sensation in the Federation this time." The expression on the fat man's face was a little complicated, a little worried, and a little proud. Even a heavyweight like Mrs. Zhi Lian came, and his face was greatly improved. The fat man's face became solemn: "But if you keep playing like this, my heart can't bear it, brother. You don't know, I was almost driven crazy during this period. Fortunately, I saw the opportunity quickly and hid early in the morning." . Otherwise, dear, I can’t afford to offend anyone. I won’t be able to bear it even if you do it a few more times. Besides, brother, there are already many people secretly investigating. You and I met at the banquet, and there were many people I saw that day. , but no one has thought about it yet. Once someone notices you, it will not be easy to hide."

There was deep concern in the fat man's words. Chen Mu was silent, he knew what the fat man said made sense. If digital cards are as popular as he says, someone will be trying to get a hold of them.

"Besides, the folded Yanpo card hasn't been auctioned yet." The fat man took out the folded Yanpo card and handed it to Chen Mu: "One 007 is enough. If a more powerful card appears, it will be a threat to me. For me, it’s too much. My brother’s foundation is weak, and I can barely bear the impact of a 007. If another more powerful one appears, it will be beyond my ability to bear. Although my brother is greedy for money, he knows , What kind of money can be greedy, and what kind of money cannot be greedy."

The fat man's words were beyond Chen Mu's expectation. When he saw the folded Yan Boka handed over by the fat man, he was a little stunned for a moment.

"The digital series cards are enough for me. No matter how strong they are, they are more of a curse than a blessing to me. I will keep this card for now and don't let it out for now. Its value is enough for you to recruit a first-class card repairman. Yes. With the number series cards, I won’t be short of money to spend. For us businessmen, it’s natural to seek money, but life is still the most important.” Fatty taught earnestly.

Chen Mu couldn't help but respect this extremely fat man. In the face of interests, how many people can control it like Fatty?

Taking the folded Yanbo card, Chen Mu nodded and said solemnly: "Yes."

"The remaining number series cards will be carried out according to our original plan." The fat man pointed to the silent man next to him and said: "This time, another thing is to introduce a business to my brother."

Only then did Chen Mu take a closer look at the man brought by the fat man.

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