
Chapter 249 The crisis is coming

Seeing the Y09 he had taken off, Chen Mu was filled with joy. A person's strength is like water in a barrel. Every time he fails, the water level actually rises slightly, but in the eyes of ordinary people, this tiny amount is so small that most people will ignore it. And when there are too many failures, people tend to have the illusion that their efforts have not received the rewards they deserve, and most people will become discouraged.

One thousand, six hundred and eleven failures and one thousand, six hundred and eleven failures came together to help Chen Mu break through this obstacle.

What made Chen Mu even more excited was that after Y09 was solved, his strength seemed to have suddenly improved a lot. The subsequent process of removing the energy block was extremely smooth, and most of it was done in one go and was a one-time success. Even if you encounter an energy block that is similar in difficulty to Y09, you can easily remove it after a few attempts.

This made Chen Mu excited and surprised. He even wondered if it was an illusion.

It only took half a day to complete more than half of the model built with energy blocks, which was completely opposite to the previous snail-like speed. Half of the work is completed, and the prototype of the model can be seen. Chen Mu originally thought this model was a fortress, but when he built it piece by piece with his own hands, he had a completely different feeling.

This feeling becomes more intense as the number of energy blocks increases.

When the model was eighty percent complete, Chen Mu had already guessed that the model should be an energy structure. As for the purpose and characteristics of this energy structure, he still can't tell.

How many types of energy structures are there? No one can explain this issue clearly. Not to mention Chen Mu, even Rosenberg and Heiner Vansant can't explain this issue clearly. Every intermediate card maker needs to master hundreds of energy structures, and they are often proficient in only a dozen or even fewer. Masters like Mrs. Zhilian know more types of energy structures, but what they are really good at is their ability to change and optimize the energy structure to make it perfect and more efficient!

Their understanding of energy rules has far exceeded that of ordinary card makers.

From the time Rosenberg proposed the card theory system to today, after the development of countless masters, today's card theory system is completely different from the original one. Among them, there are theories derived from new developments, and there is also a lot of ancestors' knowledge that has been lost in the long river of history due to various reasons. This situation is especially serious in the genre era.

This situation was not greatly improved until Heiner Vincent. The era of chaotic schools is over, and the era of the academy has begun. The establishment of various standard systems, especially the training of card makers and card repairmen, and the academic training have allowed most of the subsequent theories to be completely preserved. Come down.

Many things before, especially Rosenberg, the founder of the card theory system, many of his things have disappeared today. This is the common pain in the hearts of every generation of card makers. Even another master, Heiner Vansant, spent countless efforts in his life, hoping to collect Rosenberg's scattered treasures, but unfortunately he achieved little success. Even so, the theoretical knowledge in this area in Xingyuan's library is far richer than that of the other five.

It is said that there are some old scholars in Xingyuan who specialize in studying ancient card masters. Their theoretical knowledge is so rich that it is a bit scary.

But our poor Chen Mu is undoubtedly outside the academy system. He has not experienced professional study, and his understanding of energy structure is estimated to be less than a quarter of that of an ordinary intermediate card maker. Even with the energy structures he knew, he was not proficient in any of them. He relies more on the theory of financing to optimize these energy structures. This is not because of his deep understanding of energy rules, but because the theory of financing is too powerful.

He had never seen the energy structure model in front of him before. It looks like a strange-shaped fortress. It is composed of 266 energy blocks and has a very stable structure.

He has not studied energy structure analysis and cannot judge its specific performance. However, he also has his own native method, which is to analyze it using theory.

The results of the analysis surprised him. The perfection of this structure far exceeded his imagination, and even exceeded the optimization degree of the theory of chips he now mastered. But when he thought about it, he was relieved. The theory of financing is the core content of the mysterious card. Since the energy structure that appears in the mysterious card, how could it not be optimized by the theory of financing?

Obviously, this is a very perfect energy structure.

In the world of card makers, there is a saying that structure determines everything. An excellent energy structure will definitely show excellent performance.

However, Chen Mu was in trouble. Without exception, the cards he had made before had precedents to follow. And like the tail-off shuttle card and the folded swallow card, they are so detailed that every step is extremely clear. What he needs to do is to follow the steps to realize them. Others, such as Yushuo cards and digital series cards, also have reference objects.

This time, Chen Mu faced a strange energy structure that he had never seen before. If you want to know its function, the simplest and most practical way is to make it. And if you want to make it, you immediately face more and more direct problems.

What materials should it be used for? How should these materials be disposed of? What kind of texture should be used to achieve the effect you want...

He felt unprecedentedly confused, and his extremely weak foundation was completely exposed at this time! Another method is to analyze based on theory, but this possibility is smaller than making cards.

The greatest pain in life is to have a golden mountain in front of you, but you cannot take away even a grain of gold sand. This is how Chen Mu feels now. A perfectly structured energy structure is placed in front of him, but he has no idea how to make it into a card!

Chen Mu, who was extremely distressed, simply put all his energy into building the model. He completed one and had four more to go. He was also curious, what were the other four models? Energy structure? Or something else?

Xiaoman and Yu Guo were talking about Zhongzhou Group. Both of them had doubts in their hearts, and they were a little confused about the attitude of the organization. Take a look at the Federal Comprehensive University and the Zhongda Academy. Zu Ning is the leader of one team, and Xie Yanbai is the leader of the other team. They are both powerful figures. Although Yu Guo's strength was strong, he was still a little behind the two of them, let alone Xiaoman. If the organization is interested in Zhongzhou Group's technology, it should send more powerful backup force.

But now there is no movement in the organization, which makes them puzzled.

The beard rushed into the room like a gust of wind, his face filled with excitement.

"You're all here! Great! Oh my god, guess what I found?"

The two stopped and looked at each other with doubtful expressions. Beard has always been calm, and this was the first time they saw him dancing like this.

"Did you find that your hemorrhoids are cured?" Xiaoman turned his face sideways and asked seriously.

Beard's laughter suddenly stopped, and a smile settled on his face, a very strange expression. Yu Guo couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

Beard was furious, but he didn't dare to get angry. The female tyrannosaurus was not someone he could provoke. Looking at Xiaoman angrily, Huzi quickly became excited again: "Last time, according to Xiaoman's reminder, I went to investigate the relationship between Cao Dong and Yang An. Unexpectedly, I made a surprising discovery!"

Xiaoman and Yu Guo's expressions immediately became serious.

"At Ren Wenzhou's banquet, many people saw Yang An and Cao Dong talking for a long time, and some people vaguely heard talk about cooperation. Not long ago, Yang An got a batch of very good materials, a digital series The card should have been made from this batch of materials. And not long ago, before the auction was held, many people saw Yang An and his chief steward Xi Ping and Cao Dong conducting the auction together. Then, Within a few days, the digital series of cards appeared.”

Xiaoman and Yu Guo's eyes sparkled when they heard this.

"If one of them is a coincidence, it must not be so many coincidences. Based on this information, I am sure that Cao Dong is the maker of the digital series of cards!" Huzi was extremely sure, his face turned red due to excessive excitement.

After taking a breath, Huzi's excitement remained undiminished: "And what's good for us is that other forces haven't gotten the news yet. It's entirely possible for us to kidnap Cao Dong before they find him!"

Yu Guo asked calmly: "How is the power around Cao Dong?"

Hu Hu chuckled: "This is the most important thing. I have found out clearly that there is only one senior card cultivator around Cao Dong. I believe Xiaoman can handle it by himself!"

Xiaoman thought of the day he arrived at Tianyi and couldn't help but stand up: "I remember, yes, there is a senior card cultivator next to Cao Dong. His strength should be about the same as mine! She is a female card cultivator!"

"His specific location?" Yu Guo asked in a deep voice, his eyes as deep as the sea, and the strange light of the silver mask flashed.

"Check it out!" Hu Hu said quickly.

"Xiao Man, come with me and bring five good guys! Not only do we want to rob him, but we also want to avoid attracting anyone's attention!"

A trace of excitement flashed in Huzi's eyes, but he said without concern: "Yang An's background has not been found out yet. If this offends Yang An and arouses Jiao Si, there will be some trouble! Should we find out clearly before taking action? "

"Soldiers are very quick. We have to take action before others can react! We need to be cleaner. It will not be easy for others to find us." Yu Guo said proudly: "Even if Jiao Si comes, what can he do? He is alone. Can adding another Siyuan Academy be able to compete with us?"

Huzi thought for a while and felt that he was worrying too much.

Yu Guo immediately stood up, glanced at Xiaoman, and shouted: "Let's go!" Xiaoman, who had already counted the number of people at the side, followed closely without any hesitation.

PS: There will be another session at 12 o'clock in the evening, when the Jingjing Conference will be held. Everyone is welcome to attend!

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