
Chapter 250 Shock

Chen Mu frowned and withdrew from the mysterious card - because Bagnell was back. Since he took the money and left with Lu Xiaoru last time, he has not returned until today. Chen Mu also wanted to see Bagnell's results. In his opinion, Bagnell didn't look like the kind of person who boasted.

Weah only glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze and turned his attention back to the fantasy card. The brown dog lay lazily on the ground as usual. It had become lazier since Weah last took it out.

Bagnell brought twenty men with him.

Chen Mu's vision was much improved than before, and he could see the power of these twenty people at a glance. None of these twenty people have mediocre skills, and all of them have sharp eyes. The fierceness of some of them is even more frightening.

"Where did you find so many masters?" Chen Mu asked curiously.

"We were recruited from various cities, and some were acquaintances from the past." Bagnell changed his clothes and looked completely new. All the beard on his face was shaved off, leaving only a dark green color. His hair was also cut short, and he looked more energetic. However, the intimidating aura he showed in front of Chen Mu disappeared and became much calmer, just like an ordinary middle-aged uncle.

Although Bagnell said it lightly, Chen Mu knew how difficult it was. These people can be considered experts in any city, and some of them are not even worse than Lu Xiaoru. You know how much the Zhongzhou Group spent to win over her! Such masters can no longer be impressed by money alone. Although the rest are not as good as others, they are smart and sophisticated, and at first glance they are experienced old card repairmen.

Bagnell was able to find so many masters at once, which shows that his methods are extremely powerful. And it can be seen that these twenty people respect Bagnell very much, even Lu Xiaoru is no exception.

"From now on, everyone's task is to protect the boss." Bagnell turned around and shouted to these people.

The eyes of these twenty people suddenly focused on Chen Mu. These people's eyes were calm and no one spoke. Bagnell didn't explain either. They were just a bunch of veterans. He didn't need to say more. He waved his hand and said, "No more nonsense. Let's get to work."

Still no one among the twenty people spoke, no one asked themselves what to do, they immediately separated and acted quietly but very efficiently. These people moved very fast. Some disappeared into the darkness, some stood guard in front of the door, some began to lay some strange-shaped small devices, and some began to explore the entire building.

Suddenly, a very subtle wave of energy swept across. Chen Mu was suddenly startled.

Bagnell happened to see the surprise in Chen Mu's eyes and explained: "Don't worry, this is scanning reconnaissance. We can know the movements within a two-kilometer radius. If there is any abnormality, we can detect it immediately. In fact, according to theory Technically speaking, the maximum range should be ten kilometers." Bagnell touched his chin: "But the environment in the city is too complicated. Two kilometers is already quite good. Hawkeye's strength is very good."

The professional ones are indeed different, Chen Mu couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Three people stayed in place without moving. Seeing Chen Mu's gaze, Bagnell spoke again: "These three are good at personal protection. One is a melee card repairer, and the other two are defensive experts and are good at energy shields. They used to I have worked as bodyguards for many high-ranking people in Mingzheng District. If I hadn't had some connections with them, I really wouldn't have been able to hire them."

"I don't need a bodyguard." Chen Mu felt uncomfortable when he thought about having three guys following him.

The three of them didn't seem to hear Chen Mu's protest, and guarded him as usual.

Bagnell touched the dark green spot on his thin chin and said nonchalantly: "Don't worry, they are very professional and will not interfere with your work and private life." Obviously, he didn't think Chen Mu would have anything. private life,

Chen Mugang wanted to object, but after thinking about it, he held back. Judging from the actions of these people, we know that they are very professional. In this case, Chen Mu simply left these matters to Bagnell.

He was getting ready to continue his sensory sensitivity training.

Suddenly, the measuring instrument in Bagnell's hand vibrated slightly. He grinned, showing his strong white teeth: "I didn't expect that business would come to my door so soon!" At the same time, the measuring instruments in the hands of the three people beside Chen Mu also At the same time, they all shook together, and their expressions immediately became alert. The three of them were silent, but they immediately narrowed the protective circle. The attentive Chen Mu discovered that this vibration implied a rhythm and should be the signal they had agreed upon in advance.

The crisis came faster than he thought!

With the wind whistling in his ears, Yu Guo quickly thought about his action. He has always trusted Huzi's intelligence capabilities. Although he was a little confused about the lukewarm attitude of the Zhongzhou Group this time, it would undoubtedly be a great achievement if he could bring such a card maker back to the organization.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Xiaoman beside him. He secretly made up his mind to capture this mysterious card maker, so that Xiaoman's wish could be fulfilled. He was attentive and had already discovered that Xiaoman had been obsessed with that 007 these days. There was no way that Faya couldn't get the materials that Yang's Auction House could get. At that time, ask the card maker to make a new 007, or a better card.

No matter how bad it is, the credit this time is enough for Xiaoman to pick an outstanding card in the organization. There are many outstanding cards in the organization, but these card organizations will not give it to any member randomly. More often, it will be used as a reward. The greater the credit, the better the performance of the card. This is a general rule.

"Ahead is, you see, that five-story building." The young man leading the way pointed to a five-story building in the distance.

Yu Guo woke up immediately and nodded: "You go back first." The young man flew back quickly. He would only be in the way of what happened next.

"How to act?" Xiaoman came over and asked.

Yu Guo muttered: "Let's try to induce him first. We can offer a high price and see if we can convince him. This is the best, so that both parties don't get along. Maybe we will have to deal with him in the future."

Xiaoman nodded, but then asked: "What if the inducement fails?"

"Then take action!" Yu said decisively: "You take action first to entangle the female card cultivator next to him, and I will capture him."

"Okay." Xiaoman nodded, then whispered instructions to the five card cultivators behind him.

Staring at the five-story building in the distance, Yu Guo was secretly curious. He didn't know why Cao Dong kept a low profile so deliberately. If someone hadn't pointed out this five-story building, he would never have imagined that the creator of the digital series of cards that caused a sensation in the Federation lived in such an inconspicuous building. The location of the small building is very remote, and there are few pedestrians nearby.

But this was exactly what Yu Guo wanted, and he didn't want to attract attention by doing it himself.

The night wind gradually picked up, making people feel slightly chilly.

"Action!" Yu Guo shouted.

The five people flew straight towards the small building at high speed. Suddenly, Yu Guo's expression changed, and he was suddenly shocked.


Before he finished speaking, he had already discovered that he and others had been locked!

It was extremely difficult to stop the body while flying at high speed, and the inertia of flight carried them to the front of the small building.

The five people could barely keep their bodies still. They were floating in the air only about 500 meters away from the small building, and their faces turned pale. The small building was still so inconspicuous, and as the night grew darker, its outline began to blur. However, Yu Guo and his group of seven seemed to be frozen in mid-air, and no one dared to move.

At least fifteen or more perceptions have locked them in. These perceptions have different properties, but they have one common characteristic, that is, they are full of murderous intent! No one would doubt it if they took another step forward. What awaits them will be an overwhelming firepower attack!

In the eyes of everyone, the small building with an inconspicuous appearance suddenly looked like a cheetah with half-closed eyes, ready to launch a fatal blow at any time!

Danger! The extremely intense danger burst out uncontrollably from the deepest parts of everyone's hearts, just like Xiao Man, who couldn't help but change his face slightly. The calmest one was Yu Guo. He stood in mid-air like a javelin, with half of his silver mask unable to block its light even in the night.

The information is wrong! The first thought that flashed through Yu Guo's mind was that there were at least fifteen card cultivators in this small building, and there were also several powerful characters inside. The looming energy fluctuations made him dare not relax at all! He just noticed something was wrong because he felt a very subtle energy fluctuation. He knew at that time that they had broken into each other's early warning circle.

What kind of character is Cao Dong? Where did so many masters come from? Moreover, this early warning method is only used by really large teams, such as the military, and some huge card repair groups. He didn't expect that he would encounter them here. Where did these masters come from?

Countless doubts were swirling in his mind like lightning. Yu Guo, who was calm on the surface, was horrified in his heart. Even if he brought all the power of Luoyou City, he would only succeed in a 50-50 manner. And if you want to avoid attracting attention, it’s simply impossible!

More than a dozen masters are hiding in a small building with less than five floors. Such a defensive force is really scary! But this also meant that the opponent's formation was very dense. He really wanted to blast the building to pieces with an aurora beam. His aurora beam covered almost half of the small building, but he restrained himself. This impulse. There are only seven people on our side, and the opponent is far superior in number to them, not to mention that it is not them who have the upper hand now.

The expressions on Yu Guo's group became increasingly ugly.

The small building was quiet and dark, without any light. But those ten senses locked them firmly, and the sense of danger it brought was so strong that the hairs on their hair exploded!

Time passed by, and there was no movement in the small building, as if it was an empty building.

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