
Chapter 258 Greeting Visitors

Chen Mu looked at the large amount of materials and countless equipment in front of him, and he felt excited. These materials are difficult to buy on the market. If he hadn't cooperated with Fatty, he wouldn't have even thought about it.

The amount of materials this time was more than what he saw last time at Yang's Auction House, filling three small warehouses. The equipment sent by the fat man was also valuable, many of which he had never seen before. The total value of all the equipment was no less than a few hundred million, which was a great gift. Moreover, the fat man gave this gift, so Chen Mu couldn't refuse it at all, so he could only remember this favor secretly.

I directed everyone to help with the placement, and worked all afternoon to put all the equipment and materials in place.

Card analyzer, micro-precision liquid phase quenching device, constant temperature maintenance instrument...

Looking around, Chen Mu couldn't help but feel satisfied. Owning an advanced laboratory had always been his dream. However, I didn’t expect that this dream would come true so inadvertently. Although these equipment are not the best in the federation, they are definitely not something that ordinary groups can afford to purchase.

What's more wonderful than this?

It was already dark outside, and Chen Mu then remembered that he had been so busy that he had not eaten. Just as he was about to find something to eat, suddenly, the alarm sounded.

"Unidentified intruder found! Alert level one, all units will be in position immediately!"

The broadcast in the building continued, and everyone was immediately on alert. The card repairmen who were on duty immediately prepared for battle, while those who were resting also quickly entered combat positions.

The empty base immediately seemed even emptier.

Twenty people guarding such a huge base is too weak. It is precisely with this in mind that the entire building now only uses one entrance, and all other entrances are closed. This also means that they only need to concentrate their combat power on this passage. The building's protective performance is very good. If you want to enter by destroying the outer wall based on individual card repairs without special cards, you will need to attack continuously for a long time to achieve your goal.

Combat Command.

Bagnell sat casually on the command chair, surrounded by a circle of light curtains. Each light curtain is about two meters long and two meters wide, and the twelve light curtains exactly form a circle. The command chair can be rotated at will, and the image outside the base can be clearly seen on these light curtains.

On a light screen in front of him, a black figure could be seen crouching on the edge of the lawn.

It was the first time for Chen Mu to see such an advanced combat command room. There were several light curtains in front of everyone, and some of them were constantly operating them.

What surprised him the most were the constantly flowing symbols on some light screens. Looking carefully, he discovered that these high-speed flowing symbols were a series of extremely complex numbers.

Chen Mu has never studied mathematics systematically, which is extremely rare among card makers. But this does not mean that he knows nothing about mathematics. On the contrary, he has profound attainments in certain areas of mathematics.

This is directly related to the financing theory he learned. The core of planning theory is calculation and optimization. He suffered a lot from the difficult and abstruse content of the theory when he was just learning. In order to learn the theory, he studied mathematics for a long time. However, he only studied mathematics to learn the theory, so the content he studied was only related to the theory.

In other words, he is seriously biased.

There were only a few people in the huge combat command room. Bagnell lay lazily in a chair, half-squinting his eyes, not knowing whether he was looking at the light screen in front of him or feeling sleepy.

Bagnell suddenly noticed Chen Mu entering the combat command room. He quickly sat up straight: "Why are you here?"

"If you hear there's an invasion, come take a look."

"Don't worry, there's only one here, probably a path explorer." Bagnell pointed at the light curtain.

Only then did Chen Mu notice the squatting black figure on the light screen.

Looking at Bagnell's confident expression, Chen Mu suddenly wanted to see how he directed a battle.

"What is he doing?" Chen Mu couldn't help asking when he saw that he was still reluctant to take action.

"Hehe." Bagnell said proudly: "He is worried, probably thinking about how to get closer."

Indeed, Bagnell's measures were extremely thorough, which Chen Mu admired very much. Even if it was him, he didn't know how to get close to the base without being discovered. I sighed in my heart, professionals are indeed professionals, I would never have thought of these ideas.

Half an hour later, there was still no movement in the black shadow, but Bagnell still looked like he didn't care much, and he was very patient and not anxious at all.

After more than ten minutes, the black shadow finally couldn't hold back anymore and began to approach the new base.

I saw him bending his waist and moving forward slowly. The movements were quick and brisk, and with the cover of night, it was really hard to spot. He could be spotted from such a distance, and the person who spotted him had amazingly good eyesight.

Glancing at the scene indifferently, Bagnell bared his teeth and smiled: "This guy is going to be in trouble."

Sure enough, before he finished speaking, a ball of light suddenly burst out on the dark screen of light.

The infiltrator triggered the jamming device hidden in the grass. Chen Mu recalled the day he saw Bagnell placing the jamming device in the grass. With that density, you can encounter one almost every two steps.

What kind of grass is there? This is obviously a sea of ​​jamming mechanisms!

Chen Mu suddenly felt sympathy for the infiltrator.

"A directional blasting device coupled with a high-sensitivity triggering device, hey, the explosion range is less than one meter. But the power at the center of its explosion can break through the three-star energy shield card." Bagnell's introduction is clear to all. There is a sense of pride.

However, the infiltrator also had a flash of light, and a light blue energy shield rose up.

The energy shield shook violently, but then it held firm.

"Four-star energy shield!" Bagnell's eyes lit up, and he suddenly became more energetic.

The infiltrator probably also knew that he was exposed. How could someone who was able to put up such a protective device have their organs triggered and not be discovered? Looking at the lawns stretching for several kilometers, his scalp felt numb when he thought of the unpreventable mechanical jamming mechanism in the grass, and he simply ascended to the sky.

When he is in the air, he can do whatever he wants, whether he is advancing or retreating.

Chen Mu's attention was also attracted by the light blue energy shield on the light screen. Three-star energy shield cards are more common, four-star ones are relatively rare, and five-star ones are even rarer. In fact, the use of energy shield cards is very technical. For the same energy shield card, in the hands of an ordinary card cultivator and a defensive card cultivator who specializes in energy shields, the protective properties are very different.

A combat-type card repairman who has the ability to use four-star energy shield cards, then the cards he is good at should be five-star!

Anyone who can use five-star cards is a master among masters no matter where they are.

"A big fish actually came! Hehe." Bagnell touched his chin with an expression of interest. Then he said to himself: "How can I feel at ease if I don't treat you well?"

Chen Mu who was listening to the side was completely speechless.

"Attention everyone, prepare for the band attack, and give a warm welcome to our guests." Bagnell ordered to the sound transmission jammer in front of him.

Seeing that no one was attacking, the infiltrator holding the blue energy shield boldly approached the base.

"Turns out he's a rookie." Bagnell muttered, with a lack of interest on his face, but the tone of his command that followed was extremely cold: "Attack!"

Before the sound disappeared, a beam of light, a ripple blade, and an energy shuttle flew towards the conspicuous infiltrator at the same time. Before the infiltrator could come over, a series of screams sounded out.

There are a total of twelve attacks, divided into four waves, each wave consists of three attacks, and the two waves are separated by 0.2 seconds.

Every attack, every attack, has been carefully planned, and every reaction of the opponent has been taken into account.

The infiltrators didn't take the first wave of attacks seriously, and the attacks were not considered violent. However, he was still quite impressed. Of course he could see that the angles of these three attacks were carefully arranged. It was difficult for him to dodge all of them, but for a card repairman of his level, an attack of this magnitude was not enough to make him flinch.

Only one of the three attacks hit him, an energy shuttle, causing his energy shield to shake violently.

The second wave of attacks 0.2 seconds later surprised him. The opponent really had a back-up move.

In the flash of lightning, he suddenly discovered that the angles of the three attacks in the second wave were really tricky! With the energy shield raised, no matter how he dodges, he will be hit by two of them. And if he doesn't support the energy shield, although his flying speed can be increased and he is more flexible, the possibility of being able to dodge them all is still very small.

He was most likely hit by one of the attacks. However, without the protection of the energy shield, an attack would be enough to kill him.

In these 0.2 seconds, he subconsciously chose to continue to hold up the energy shield. In his opinion, this was safer and safer. The four-star energy shield is extremely protective, and ordinary attacks cannot break it.

Two of the second wave of attacks hit his energy shield.

His expression suddenly changed!

Like throwing another stone into a lake that has not yet calmed down, his energy shield shook even more violently. However, what made his expression suddenly change was not this powerful wave blade attack, but another attack in this wave of attacks.

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