
Chapter 259 Ambush

An energy band filled with electric light had wrapped around his energy shield.

The crackling energy band was like a long snake, tightly wrapped around his energy shield.

Electric energy belt! This is a power strip!

Electric Belt is not a powerful card, but just a relatively unsophisticated card. It can release charged energy bands. These charges are distributed extremely cleverly. They are not aggressive in any way, but a small field is generated between the charges. This field can attract objects or delay the movement of objects.

Card repairmen who are good at electrical energy belt cards are extremely rare among civilians, but more common among the military. No teenager would choose such a card that has no lethality or self-protection ability when entering school. What's more, the skills required to bring electric energy cards are higher than those of ordinary combat fantasy cards. Only the military, which pays attention to teamwork, will specially cultivate this unique card repair.

The difficulty and cost of training an auxiliary card repairman is much higher than that of an ordinary card repairer. They are more likely to die in battle and cannot fight independently. Once they are alone, it means certain death. Card repairers who are good at charging cards with electric energy are even rarer. It requires card repairers to have superb perception control skills, so that the charge distribution can be more clever. Those who practice electric energy belt cards need to start from a young age, and their practice methods are completely different from ordinary card practitioners.

I actually encountered a card repairman who was good at bringing cards with electric energy!

His body suddenly tightened, and the powerful force made him almost unable to move for an instant!

Is it from the military? This thought flashed through my mind uncontrollably. But after all, he was extremely powerful, and the air flow card suddenly opened to the full, and the huge thrust made him break away from this force immediately.

However, in this little time, the third and fourth waves of attacks followed one after another, making it impossible for him to avoid them.

His expression changed again, he understood the other party's intention!

The other party didn't even think about using the electric energy belt to trap him. The other party just needed the electric energy belt to wrap around him for a short while, which lasted less than half a second. But what the other party needs is this half second. In fact, Bagnell and the others only need 0.4 seconds.

Two waves of six attacks in total hit his energy shield firmly, and this time, every attack was so powerful!

Even a four-star energy shield card cannot reach such a violent attack.

Ping, a crisp sound!

The light blue energy envelope turned into a cloud of broken light, like a cloud of light blue smoke and rain. In the dreamlike mist and mist, a determined face, with eyes full of light and fighting spirit, shines directly on this huge base with only scattered lights!

Only a moment later, his figure gradually blurred and finally disappeared into nothingness.

What a speed! Chen Mu was dumbfounded. What a terrifying speed it would take to keep the afterimage for such a long time! It seems that the opponent has an extremely excellent air flow card.

But even so, the opponent's superb flying skills are amazing.

Bagnell took it for granted. How could Card Xiu, who could use a four-star energy shield, not even have this level of skill?

Farther away from the new base, the masked lady of Faya suddenly chuckled: "It seems that our children have suffered a little loss. Unexpectedly, the masters sitting here are indeed no ordinary people."

Xiaoman looked at Madam with admiration. The generosity of the other party in the last auction house immediately made Xiaoman very fond of her. And the series of instructions she issued during this period all showed her outstanding wisdom. Not only Xiaoman, but also Yu Guo and Huzi were convinced of the lady sent by them.

"Lord Yu Guo, it's your turn to take action." Madam nodded gracefully to Yu Guo.

"Yes! Madam!" Yu Guo stood up with a solemn look on his face, and disappeared into the jungle with several card repairmen.

Xie Yanbai's surprise could no longer be described in words. This new base brought him too many surprises. The opponent's defense was impeccable, and every move was carefully arranged, interlocking, and extremely powerful. It is impossible for such a powerful person to remain unknown. But judging from the information he investigated, he couldn't find any clues.

An excellent commander is more precious than a powerful card repairman. The commander is the brains of a team and determines the life and death of the entire team. Although some universities also offer this major, commanders who have not been tempered by actual combat will always only be able to talk on paper.

Growing from a novice to a qualified commander takes a lot of time and cost, often meaning hundreds of lives. To become an excellent commander, in addition to the training of combat, you also need to have talent and understanding.

That's why a good leader is so rare and precious. The vast majority of talents in this field in the Federation are in the military, and only a very small number of them exist in some large card repair groups, or serve as personal consultants for some wealthy families.

The opponent's methods are extremely sophisticated, and it is impossible to reach this point without ten or twenty years of experience.

According to his investigation, this Cao Dong should not have much power. How could he recruit such a talent? Not only that, there are actually card repairmen who specialize in electric energy belt cards, and such talents only exist in the military.

Does Cao Dong really have any connection with the military?

If this is a coincidence, it is too much of a coincidence. It's no wonder that he thinks so. The simultaneous appearance of an excellent commander and a card repairman who specializes in electric energy belt cards makes people suspicious.

At this moment, he suddenly had a warning sign.

"No wonder, it's Jie Yanbai." Bagnell suddenly realized.

The Kajiu surrounded in the middle of the sky was the infiltrator who had just approached the base, and only then did everyone see his appearance clearly. They just heard the explosion in the distance, so they quietly came over to see what happened. As soon as they arrived, they saw this scene in front of them.

Chen Mu happened to know these eight people headed by Ka Xiu. They were Yu Guo from Faya, with his unique half-mask and indescribable uncanny coldness. However, what people didn't expect was that it was Xie Yanbai who had the upper hand!

Xie Yanbai's strength is stable and stable, and he can advance and retreat freely in the encirclement.

The energy body he released was a red beam as thick as a thumb, and its penetrating power was extremely frightening. Chen Mu saw with his own eyes that a famous card cultivator was forcefully penetrated while holding up the energy shield. What is even more shocking is that its emission frequency is so fast that it is jaw-dropping. I saw his index finger connecting, and the sky was filled with a network of red light beams.

In the bright red light net, Yu Guo's [Aurora Beam] actually made Chen Mu feel a little powerless.

"Tsk, tsk, this Jie Yanbai is indeed no ordinary person. He can practice such an ordinary card as [Carmine Finger] to this extent. It is really not easy!" Bagnell, who has always rarely praised others, couldn't help it. Admire.

【Carmine Finger】This name...

Chen Mu felt very weird when he thought that Jie Yanbai, such a dignified and resolute person, would use such a feminine card.

As if he guessed what Chen Mu was thinking, Bagnell explained while looking at the people fighting in the sky: "Speaking of this [Carmine Finger], it was really made by a female card cultivator from the Zhongda Book Mansion. No one knew what it was called before, but after this female card cultivator, the name [Carmine Finger] has remained. In Zhongda Book Mansion, there are countless more advanced inheritances than it. And men think it is too girly. , few people can practice it.

Xie Yanbai was born in Puju District. After being admitted to Zhongda Shufu, he was ignored by everyone except one of his teachers who took good care of him. He simply practiced with his teacher. This teacher was a woman and practiced "Carmine Finger", so he simply also practiced this inheritance.

It is said that he was ridiculed at school because of this incident.

Unexpectedly, Xie Yanbai's extreme diligence, perseverance, and understanding would make his [Carmine Finger] flourish. In a competition at school, he entered the top eight with this skill, and thus made a name for himself. After that, he continued to hone his strength everywhere. A few years later, he suddenly approached the Federal Comprehensive School to challenge its principal Pavchako. After a fierce battle, he won praise from him. His net worth immediately doubled and he became famous in the Federation, becoming a famous master among the younger generation of the Federation. [Carmine Finger] is also widely known for this reason. "

Chen Mu glanced at Bagnell in surprise. He didn't expect Bagnell to be so familiar with such gossip news.

However, Yu Guo and the others had a very good estimate of Xie Yanbai's strength. Except for two card repairmen who were pierced by red beams in the first wave of confrontation, the other six people resisted.

Xie Yanbai is still quite wary of Yu Guo's [Aurora Beam], you can tell by watching him dodge carefully.

However, he never thought that Yu Guo was just a cover, and the real attackers were other card cultivators.

Yu Guo retreated suddenly, and the five card cultivators suddenly held up the energy shield and rushed straight towards Jie Yanbai!

Bagnell's expression suddenly changed, and he shouted: "Withdraw!"

Chen Mu Weah's reaction was equally fast. Weah held Bagnell in one hand and Chen Mu retreated into the depths of the jungle.


Behind them, there was a loud noise, and a bright red fire suddenly lit up in the sky, which was extremely dazzling. The shock wave caused by the explosion swept through the forest like a hurricane. The sound of the big tree snapping and breaking could be heard endlessly. Chen Mu felt a strong push from behind, and he rushed forward, almost hitting the tree. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and kept shaking his body along with the thrust to offset the force. Although Weah was holding someone in his hands, he reacted faster than him and froze his body directly.

"Ruthless enough!" Looking at the fire in the sky, Bagnell's face turned red and green, and he uttered these two words with half admiration and half disdain.

Chen Mu looked at the brilliant ball of fire in the sky, but couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out of the fire ball. This sudden change was beyond everyone's expectation. Even Yu Guo didn't react for a moment and watched helplessly as the other party disappeared into the horizon at an alarming speed.

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