
Chapter 358 Change (3)

Bagnell's return is undoubtedly a reassurance for the base that has just experienced a war. There were more than eighty-two card repairmen who came back with Bagnell.

Chen Mu could tell at a glance that these Kaxiu had undergone fundamental changes from when he saw them before. He was already very familiar with that temperament that had been honed in battle, and could be seen at a glance.

Among these eighty-two card cultivators, 42 are card-tao cultivators, while the remaining forty were recruited by Bagnell last time. Bagnell recruited a total of eighty people last time, and now there are only forty left. This is undoubtedly a cruel number.

Bagnell's face was weathered and his beard was unkempt. When he saw Chen Mu, he couldn't hide the joy on his face. I saw him walking forward quickly and saluting: "Boss!"

The card repairmen behind him, especially those who were recruited later, were very surprised when they saw the scene in front of them. In their eyes, Bagnell is definitely a typical representative of rebelliousness. Even Miss Weiwei of the Naluo family is not serious. How can he respect others so much? The more senior set card cultivators did not show any surprise.

But as soon as Bagnell put down his hand, his eyes became a lot weirder: "Boss, you seem to be a lot haggard." Then he lowered his voice and chuckled: "Is it possible that the boss has already taken Miss Su Liu... huh huh !" He made an expression that you understand.

"Huh?" Chen Mu strangely repeated Bagnell's weird pronunciation. Obviously, he didn't understand.

"Uh-huh, that's the uh-huh! Haha, boss, don't pretend, don't pretend!" Bagnell laughed. His eyes suddenly lit up and he shouted behind Chen Mu: "Old thief!"

Xi Ping, who was very happy to see Bagnell, suddenly turned dark when he heard this shout.

Bagnell immediately realized his mistake and said, "Haha, um, Lao Xi, I really miss you these days!" Before he finished speaking, he stepped forward, hugged Xi Ping's shoulders, and ignored him. Xi Ping's face was as black as coal.

However, Xi Ping's dark face quickly disappeared, and the two of them put their arms around each other, showing very lewd expressions, and their eyes drifted towards Chen Mu from time to time.

"I'm telling you..."

"Oh my, my eyes are indeed bright! The boss is a little weak when he sees the energy and blood... Nutrient solution... Miss Su Liu is indeed a senior medical practitioner... We have to remind them... Although they are young and have capital... they still have to Be more moderate..."

The two chatted with each other and quickly walked away, leaving Chen Mu with a puzzled face. He was still thinking about Bagnell's weird pronunciation just now: "Uh-huh...uh-huh..."

Bagnell's trip was fruitful. In addition to the commission of 200 million euros, Miss Weiwei also received an additional 100 million euros in rewards. However, the most important thing is that they have established a good relationship with the Luo family.

Chen Mu didn't know anything about the Luo family. However, after Bagnell's introduction, he began to gradually understand the importance of the Luo family.

The Luo family is a wealthy family with a long history in Tiandongli District. Among the wealthy families still surviving in Tiandongli District, there are only two that have a longer history. The Luo family has a much longer history than Shuangyue Hanzhou, one of the six major ones.

After hundreds of years of operation, they are like a giant tree, extending their roots to every corner of Tiandongli District. Unlike those family groups with a flamboyant style, the Luo family is secretive and low-key.

However, no one dared to ignore the Luo family's voice, not even Shuangyue Hanzhou.

It can be said that the good relationship established with the Luo family this time will be of great benefit to their development in Tiandongli District.

The battle between Miss Weiwei and the Luo Elders' Association is more complicated. But what is certain is that Miss Weiwei is already in charge of the Luo family.

But this experience was also extremely thrilling. When Bagnell came up with the plan to pass through the Wilhelm Forest, cross the Tianlong Grand Canyon, and detour through Li'er City, he didn't have much confidence in his heart. But I didn't expect that Miss Weiwei chose this extremely difficult and dangerous plan regardless of the opposition of her subordinates.

They encountered many powerful beasts on the way, but with Bagnell's excellent command and the Shuka skills of the Tao Ka Ka Xiu, they finally reached Thousand Lakes City with difficulty.

Later, when he received the news that the valley was attacked by the Kawashita Alliance, Bagnell could no longer care about anything else and hurried back. Unexpectedly, they caught up with Faya and started the chaotic battle again, so they had to go back the same way. Fortunately, I had good luck on the way back and encountered no dangers, and finally arrived at the Snow Silkworm Valley safely.

Speaking of this, Bagnell couldn't help but show a bit of joy for the rest of his life. When he learned that the base had defeated the Kawashita Alliance, Bagnell was overjoyed. But when he learned about the profits after the war, he was stunned on the spot, with countless money cards flying in front of his eyes!

It is said that Bagnell worked hard to befriend Xi Ping for a long time that night. The general meaning is: With such money, no matter what, one of them must have a beautiful girl!

Bagnell's return also put a stone in Chen Mu's heart. Although Jiang Liang performed very well, he was still young and not as experienced as Bagnell in many aspects. Bagnell is well-informed and has rich experience in all aspects. He can always give the right advice at the right time.

The two have completely different styles. Jiang Liangqi has an excellent view of the overall situation, is law-abiding in his work, and has the style of a general, but his methods are still a bit immature. And Bagnell is as cunning as a wolf, with all kinds of underhanded tricks coming out in an endless stream, and with his rich experience, he is definitely a headache.

But the two have many things in common. For example, they both emphasize organizational discipline and have the same iron-blooded methods.

When Bagnell came back, he was responsible for the work on Cardius. Jiang Liang had no objection to this. On the contrary, he was relieved. Although he was highly valued in the army before, being in charge of training thousands of people now is far beyond his capabilities. But Bagnell was not there at the time, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue.

Now that Bagnell had taken over, he was relieved. He was happy to be Bagnell's deputy so he could learn more. Bagnell also never hesitated to impart some of his own experience to him.

What's pitiful are those card repairmen who are still in the training period. New tricks began to appear in their training. In the first few days, they were very happy, thinking that from now on, they would say goodbye to the damn physical training and queue training.

However, they soon realized how ridiculous their idea was.

Indeed, the training content changes every two or three days, which seems to be much more interesting. But damn, they suddenly discovered that after each training, they were more tired than before, and they simply didn't have the strength to move a finger. After they finally adapted to the new training method, they suddenly discovered that the training method had changed again.

At first, they cursed the new instructor in their hearts every day, but after a few days, they didn't even have the strength to curse.

The most hateful thing is that this new instructor is completely different from the previous instructor.

Want to leave now? no way! Do you think this is a store? Everyone must wait until the training period is over before they can leave.

Quit? This time, the ones who appeared next to the instructor were not two card cultivators, Qu Qu, but a total of forty card cultivators. After the protested Ka Xiu was severely punished, no one dared to come forward again. What made them even more depressed was that when they went back and looked through the agreement they signed, they discovered to their surprise that the instructor's behavior was in compliance with the agreement.

So some people had the idea of ​​being passive and sagging, but the cruel reality shattered the remaining luck in their hearts.

The smiling middle-aged instructor announced that all card repairmen were divided into four areas, with each group of ten people. Confrontation training would be conducted in the area. One-half of the food of the last ten groups in each area would be allocated to The top ten teams in the region.

As soon as this move came out, it was indeed very effective. All the card repairmen were as if they had been beaten to death, and they all tried their best. joke! If anyone dares to be passive and slow in his work, other members of the same group will not let him go. Not only that, since it is a team confrontation, those who do not cooperate well will starve.

Half the food was not filling at all, but it kept them from being so hungry that they couldn't train the next day.

This sinister and vicious guy!

As soon as every Kaxiu saw that smiling face, they wanted to pounce on it and tear it to pieces! Only now did they realize how gentle the young instructor following the middle-aged man was!

However, no one dared to act rashly under the shock of forty ferocious Pangka cultivators.

It has to be said that Bagnell's training methods and methods are much more effective than Jiang Liang's. In just a few days, these card repairmen were completely different from before. Especially during confrontation training, they all had fierce eyes like hungry wolves.

Looking at the performance of these card cultivators, Bagnell smiled with great satisfaction: "The foundation of the card cultivators in China is really good. They are much better than those we recruited before, but the training methods are too gentle. , Tsk tsk, it’s a pity that the conditions are not enough, if we don’t do extreme survival training, the effect will probably be good.”

Jiang Liang's hair stood on end immediately. He had already heard of the famous name of extreme survival training. But even in the army, they don't dare to conduct such training at will, because its mortality rate is more than 15%.

He glanced with pity at those Cardiffs who were training, and fell into Bagnell's hands. Their luck was really bad. He completely forgot that he had also come out of Bagnell's hell training before.

I don't know whether it was due to the influence of Bagnell's return or the nourishment of Su Liu's nutrient solution, but Chen Mu was in surprisingly good condition these days.

He is designing a new set of cards.

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