
Chapter 359 Change (4)

The previous set of cards is no longer suitable for this group of newly recruited card repairmen. Their average perception intensity is above level five, which is much higher than the average level four of Chen Mu's previous set of card repairers. If you use a set of cards, these card repairers can now use a set of cards that are higher level and more powerful.

The reason for choosing the card set tactic is to make up for the lack of lethality caused by the low level of card repair.

In the battle with the Kawashita Alliance, Shuoka exerted great lethality. But calm down and think about it, the excellent performance of the tactical shuttle card is directly related to the low average card repair level of the Kawashita League.

The combat effectiveness of those real large groups cannot be compared to local forces like the Kawashita Alliance. For example, in the Snowflake Card Repair Group, none of the card repairmen around Mobley had a perception intensity below level six, and some of them could not even be seen through by him.

Chen Mu suspected that these people were most likely masters of level seven perception, including Mobley.

Looking at their side, Xiao Bo, who has the highest level of perception, is only a hair away from level six. Others, including Chen Mu, have not reached the sixth level of perception. This level is not as good as an ordinary member of the Snowflake Card Repair Group.

Of course, perceived intensity is only one aspect of combat effectiveness. Whether it is Xiao Bo or Chen Mu, their strength is not the intensity of perception. What Xiao Bo is better at is the subtle control of perception, while what Chen Mu is good at is more mixed, a hodgepodge of close combat, long-range combat, and no-card flow.

One-on-one, the ordinary members of the Snowflake Card Repair Group are absolutely no match for the two of them. But if the two of them faced those masters with level 7 sensory intensity, they would have little chance of winning. The only person on Chen Mu's side who could compete with Ka Xiu, who had level 7 perception, was Weah.

The essence of the card set strategy is to combine low-level forces and transform their numerical advantage into overall combat effectiveness. You must know that the cost of hiring a card repairman with level 7 perception can still be enough to hire fifty card repairers with level 6 perception, and the cost of hiring a card repairer with level 6 perception is enough to hire twenty card repairers with level 5 perception.

There are absolutely no card repairers with level 7 perception on the market, there are only a few card repairers with level 6 perception on the market, and there are countless card repairers with level 5 perception on the market.

No one is more familiar with the principles of card set than Chen Mu, but the design process was not always smooth sailing. For this group of newly recruited card cultivators with level 5 perception, four-star cards are more suitable. But for Chen Mu, the success rate of making four-star cards is not very high.

This is not a matter of Chen Mu's lack of knowledge, but a matter of proficiency.

So far, he has produced only a handful of four-star cards, so there is no proficiency to speak of. Like Samsung cards, he has produced countless of them, and the success rate is naturally ridiculously high.

There was another headache that gave him a headache during the production process. The energy involved in four-star cards is already very large, and the requirements for perception are also higher. This does not mean use, even production is no exception.

In terms of theoretical knowledge, Chen Mu didn't have much of a problem. The intermediate card theory greatly broadened his horizons, and many of the doubts that had accumulated in his mind were solved. He was able to optimize the structure of the cards to a greater extent, and his understanding of the energy structure became deeper.

Coupled with the battle during this period, Shuoka exposed a series of problems during the battle, which also allowed him to design a plan in a targeted manner.

The plan has been completed, but the biggest headache is the production. There are more than 2,200 card cultivators in the training camp now. If half of these card cultivators can stay, there will be a thousand people. One thousand people means one thousand cards!

But now he is the only one who has the ability to make it. Since the card being made this time was a four-star card, Ru Qiu's perception was not strong enough to make it. Moreover, Chen Mu didn’t dare to hire someone to make it. The set of cards will be their core combat power in the future and must not be leaked!

One thousand, even one-star energy cards, is a lot of work, let alone four-star cards? If it were a Samsung card, Chen Mu could make it much faster, but the combat effectiveness of the Samsung card did not satisfy him.

Chen Mu tried hard but couldn't think of any way, so he gritted his teeth and did it, no matter how much he did!

Ru Qiu's delicate face was smoky. If Jiao Si saw her looking like this, he would probably yell at Chen Mu on the spot. She shuttled through the laboratory like a high-speed spinning top, not daring to stop for a moment, and kept mumbling words.

"Polyester is heated to 129 degrees..."

"The black ridge rock is crushed to a micro-fine level...and then..."

"Zi Ying Zi will be added after ten minutes of cooling..."

The completed tubes of Kamo were placed in front of Chen Mu as quickly as possible.

Looking at the kamo that almost filled the table in front of him, Chen Mu couldn't help but reveal a wry smile! However, he quickly controlled his emotions and started producing.

The results on the first day were disastrous.

Of forty-two tubes of jam, he only succeeded in producing two. This success rate is less than one twentieth.

Chen Mu, whose senses were exhausted, lay on the ground like a puddle of mud, looking helplessly at the ceiling. tired! It’s so tiring! This kind of tiredness is different from that of Weah's sparring, as if a feeling of powerlessness bursts from deep inside. And the sequelae of overuse also appeared, a splitting headache, and it was like a knife was being twisted in my head.

I don't know how long it took, but Chen Mu fell into a deep sleep. There is not even a drop of sensation left in his body. How long has it been since he reached this state?

Ru Qiu was not much better. After a day of playing with Kamo, she almost went crazy. In order to provide enough card ink for Chen Mu, she not only needs to perfectly complete the production of card ink, but also needs to compress the production time as much as possible.

After spending a whole day at such high-intensity work, one can imagine how tired she is. At this time, she didn't care about her image and fell asleep.

She was asleep and didn't notice that Chen Mu's body was exuding a vague fluctuation. This fluctuation is very subtle, and the frequency is extremely slow, so slow that it is almost imperceptible.

Extreme method - this is the name Chen Mu gave to the set of perception training methods of the mysterious card.

Chen Mu's current state is exactly an extreme state. The perception in his body is only a hair away from level six, and its intensity cannot be underestimated. On weekdays, it is rare to encounter such a complete consumption of perception.

After long-term and continuous practice, the extreme method has become an instinct of his body.

In his body, a very fine filament of perception slowly began to grow, and its growth rate was extremely slow. Just like a newborn insect growing with great difficulty. But if Chen Mu could see it, he would find that its growth rate is constantly increasing!

The sensory filament looks like a spiral of seaweed, and it continues to grow toward both ends.

One by one, the filaments of perception continue to emerge and grow!

Chen Mu, who was sleeping, was unaware of the huge changes taking place in his body.

"Can you not do it?" Xiao Bo looked at Weah pitifully and begged.

Weah's rock-like face showed no emotion at all. He didn't even bother to say anything, he just pointed at the snow pit at his feet.

There is a snow pit that is ten meters deep. Looking down from the ground, it is so dark that it is difficult to distinguish the bottom of the pit. Ten meters! The thought of being buried in a ten-meter-deep snow pit is enough to make one's scalp numb!

Xiao Bo swallowed hard, his heart beating rapidly. He has the courage to challenge all kinds of beasts, but obviously that does not include burying himself alive in a ten-meter-deep snow pit.

Seeing that Weah was unmoved, Xiao Bo had no choice but to do the next best thing: "Three meters, look, they are all three meters! Why is it my turn to be ten meters above my head!"

Xiao Bo looked excited, as if he had suffered some extremely unfair treatment.

With an impatient expression on his face, Weah directly raised his right foot and kicked Xiao Bo into the snow pit.

"Ah!" Xiao Bo's heart-rending scream rose from the snow pit.

Weah glanced expressionlessly at the card repairmen beside him, who quickly pushed the snow next to the snow pit into the snow pit. In the blink of an eye, Xiao Bo disappeared.

These card repairmen were secretly grateful in their hearts. Fortunately, the snow pit they used for training was only three meters deep. They now admired their boss so much that they asked Weah to supervise Xiao Bo, a guy who refused to use the snow pit method. The effect was indeed outstanding.

Weah stayed for a while and then said: "Pull him up in ten minutes." After saying that, he ignored it and walked away, leaving several card repairmen looking at each other.

Ten minutes later.

Xiao Bo lay on the snow with a pale face, trembling all over, breathing air desperately and greedily. Several card repairmen around him immediately admired him. He was truly worthy of being second only to his boss Weah. He was buried alive in the snow pit for ten minutes and still didn't lose consciousness.

too strong! The vitality exists like Xiaoqiang! Reminiscing that Xiao Bo had stayed alone in the depths of the bush for half a year, the admiration in everyone's hearts was even greater.

Xiao Bo's trembling body finally gradually became still, and his complexion began to return to normal!

His expression was dazed, and suddenly the light in his eyes suddenly swelled, and an astonishing momentum burst out from his body. Everyone around Ka Xiu looked horrified.

No one noticed that a flash of ecstasy flashed in Xiao Bo's eyes.

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