
Chapter 461 Biao Qing (Second update)

Qiu Shanyu had too many doubts in her heart.

From the beginning, Qiao Yuan showed an unforgettable hatred towards her. She knew very well that this hatred was definitely not because she used words to squeeze him into an enemy. She thought about it many times later, and the answer she came up with surprised her - Qiao Yuan didn't agree to the competition because of words, but because of his hatred for himself!

Then, there was that bet!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but reached out and touched her lips. She will never forget that humiliation! In front of countless people, she was bitten on the mouth by Qiao Yuan. Such humiliation, even killing him was not enough to vent her anger! After that, she kept trying to find traces of Qiao Yuan through various channels, but Qiao Yuan seemed to have suddenly disappeared without any trace.

However, Qiao Yuan, who didn't expect to disappear, suddenly attacked their station!

Qiu Shanyu felt her mind was in chaos. How did Qiao Yuan know that she had arrived in Dongrui City? How did he know where she lived? Why would he take such a big risk to attack him secretly? Who is the man fighting Uncle Shi?

Too many doubts were swirling in her heart, and the most important point was, what hatred did this guy have against her?

"Remuneration?" Chen Mu twitched the corners of his mouth, but Qiu Shanyu knew that it was definitely not a smile.

Her heart kept sinking. Could it be that she really had sworn hatred with the other party? She couldn't help but said: "Mr. Qiao, I have a question. I wonder if I can ask it?"

"You asked." Chen Mu replied calmly.

After thinking about it for a moment, Qiu Shanyu replied: "I can feel Mr. Qiao's hatred for me, but I don't understand it. Counting this time, this is probably the second time that Mr. Qiao and I have met. I did something wrong last time. It's offensive, but I believe Mr. Qiao wouldn't hold such grudge against a woman for such a thing."

"Second meeting?" Chen Mu smiled. Qiu Shanyu felt that there was a bitter taste in his smile. However, she had no time to realize the sadness in this smile at this time, and asked urgently: "Isn't this the second time?"

"Luoyou City, do you still remember?" Chen Mu asked.

"Luoyou City!" Qiu Shanyu exclaimed, secretly thinking that something was wrong! When the other party clearly mentioned Luo Youshi, she knew that Qiao Yuan's hatred for her was probably true. She forced a smile and said: "I did go to Luoyou City, just to preside over some affairs of our Faya. However, I still can't remember where I saw Mr. Qiao. A master like Mr. Qiao, if he were in Luoyou City , I believe I will definitely have heard of it!" She racked her brains and couldn't think of a character like Qiao Yuan. It stands to reason that a card repairman of Qiao Yuan's level is definitely the top expert in Luoyou City. How could she possibly Have not heard?

After thinking about it, Chen Mu nodded slowly: "You have indeed never seen me."

Qiu Shanyu immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but before she could rejoice, Chen Mu's next words shattered her luck: "But I have seen you, Yu Guo, and Xiaoman."

Qiu Shanyu's heart sank suddenly.

"You should still remember Yang's Auction House, right?" Chen Mu said slowly: "Then you must remember its boss Yang An. I forgot to mention that he is my friend. In addition, I believe you should also remember my name. I have some impression, my name is Cao Dong."

Qiu Shanyu's face suddenly lost all color, and she looked at Chen Mu in disbelief: "You, are you Cao Dong?"

"Yes." Chen Mu's face was expressionless, but the murderous intent in his eyes became increasingly intense.

Qiu Shanyu took a few deep breaths. Although her face was still pale, her expression soon returned to normal. She nodded calmly: "It's you! We found out before. We were planning to attack you, but what happened later? It disrupted our deployment. And" her eyes stared at Chen Mu, sharp as an arrow: "Should I call Mr. Qiao a digital card maker? Well, the maker of the digital series of cards, Mr. Cao Dong !”

Chen Mu admitted straightforwardly: "It's me. You guys can find out this information, it's very impressive."

"Haha." Qiu Shanyu's face was pale, and there was no smile in her laughter: "The reason why we noticed Yang's Auction House was because of Mr. Cao's digital series of cards. Not only me, all the forces are looking for Yang. The mysterious card maker behind the auction house. It's just that we, Faya, were one step ahead. Unfortunately, Yang An didn't cooperate and we didn't get the results we expected." She took a deep look at Chen Mu: "The identity of Mr. Cao's card maker He has been misleading us all the time. Haha, I didn’t expect that after Heiner Vincent, someone who was both a card repairman and a card maker would finally appear! Losing at the hands of Mr. Cao is not an grievance at all.”

She raised her head sharply: "During our investigation, in addition to the jungle communication technology of the Zhongzhou Group, another more mature communication signal appeared in Luoyou City. Could it be that this is also Mr. Cao's masterpiece?"

Before Chen Mu could answer, she nodded to herself: "It seems so. The core of communication technology is cards. In Luoyou City, Mr. Cao is the only one who has the ability to do this! I didn't expect Mr. Cao to still It’s really surprising that you are proficient in card weapons!”

Chen Mu was secretly shocked. Qiu Shanyu's reasoning ability frightened him. However, he didn't know that the surprise in Qiu Shanyu's heart at this moment was a hundred times stronger than his own?

It has been hundreds of years since the implementation of the Vancente system, and there has never been a person who is both a card maker and a card repairer. What is the origin of Cao Dong? He knows card making, card repair techniques, advanced techniques for card-free flow, and card equipment! The calm Chen Mu in front of her suddenly became unfathomable in her eyes.

What else does he know? Who is he?

Chen Mu's card repair skills and card-free flow skills are not rare to her. Faya has no shortage of powerful card repairers! But his superb card-making skills and jungle communication technology are enough to make any group get him at all costs.

"Why did you attack my uncle's house?" Chen Mu didn't intend to go around in circles. This was also the fundamental purpose of today's operation.

"Because we need the right to speak." Qiu Shanyu's answer was beyond Chen Mu's expectation. In his expectation, the other party would definitely not be so cooperative.

"Right to speak?" Chen Mu was a little surprised. This word made him confused.

Qiu Shanyu didn't mean to hide it at all: "You know the news that Shuangyue Hanzhou is going to establish the Tiandongli District Alliance. Although all parties are obstructing it, Jiayingxia's methods are really superb, and the establishment of the alliance is unstoppable." She Glancing at Chen Mu, he quickly explained: "However, Tiandongli District has countless forces, and Shuangyue Hanzhou needs to reconcile conflicts in all aspects, so they established a parliamentary system. Taishu's family is one of the oldest families in Tiandongli District. One, they have the decision-making power.”

"So you just want to kidnap the three young masters from Taishu's family?" Chen Mu sneered.

Qiu Shanyu said nonchalantly: "Tai Shuyong rejected our suggestion. This old guy who can't see the times clearly still clings to dreams of past glory! Naturally, we have to put some pressure on him." She glanced thoughtfully. Chen Mu: "I didn't expect that Mr. Cao was also interested in Taishu's family? Hey, I think about it. The mysterious card repairman named Manager Bai who suddenly appeared in Taishu's house could be Mr. Cao. No wonder our operation failed this time. With a master like Mr. Cao here, we are doomed to fail.”

Chen Mu was secretly awestruck. Qiu Shanyu guessed his other identity just by relying on her own words. Her sharp thinking was really shocking.

Qiu Shanyu was quite playful: "I just don't understand. How can a peerless person like Mr. Cao be interested in the declining family of Taishu's family? He doesn't hesitate to devote himself to it. I'm very curious."

After learning that the other party's purpose had nothing to do with the devil woman, Chen Mu's mood suddenly became even worse.

The devil woman is the safest way to eliminate the green line on her body. When Chen Mu found out that Faya's target was his uncle's house, his first reaction was that Faya had the same purpose as himself.

It was precisely because of this idea that he did not hesitate to take risks and visited Faya's station with Weah at night. Now I find out that it was just a misjudgment on my part.

Chen Mu smiled bitterly in his heart, raised his arm, and looked at the increasingly delicate green flower on his arm. You can imagine his depressed mood.

"Biao Qing!" Qiu Shanyu stared at the pattern on Chen Mu's arm and exclaimed.

Chen Mu suddenly raised his head: "Do you know this?"

"Biaoqing...it's Biaoqing..."

Qiu Shanyu murmured to herself in despair. She looked directly at the green flowers in Chen Mu's hand and completely ignored Chen Mu's questions.

"Someone is approaching." The silent Weah suddenly sounded the alarm.

As soon as he finished speaking, he appeared behind Chen Mu and Qiu Shanyu. The stunned Qiu Shanyu was hit on the neck, rolled her eyes, and passed out. Chen Mu smiled bitterly, these people came at the wrong time! However, he could only let Weah pick him up and leave quietly through the window.

Under the cover of the night and the shadow of the building, Weah took Chen Mu and Qiu Shanyu away safely. Along the way, they found several groups of card repairmen. For the other party to be able to find this place accurately in such a short period of time, Qiu Shanyu must have something on her to guide them.

"Weah, let's go to the wild first." Chen Mu suddenly said. In the city, if they encounter any situation, they are likely to be exposed. But in the wild, they don't have to worry too much. Moreover, Faya had just launched a sneak attack on Taishu's house. At this time, if there was a big fanfare, they would immediately become the target of public criticism.

Weah didn't speak, but changed direction and ran towards the wild.

There is no so-called city wall in Dongrui City, but few people go to the wild at this point. Chen Mu and the others did not walk along the main road, but shuttled directly through the woods.

In a city like Dongrui City, the surrounding wild beasts have long been cleaned up. Moreover, deep in the woods, there will be a monitoring station at a certain distance, but the monitoring station will only monitor the traces of wild beasts and will not have any interference with Card Xiu's behavior. But Weah was careful to avoid monitoring stations along the way.

Very far into the jungle, Weah stopped and put down Chen Mu and Qiu Shanyu.

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I recommend a book that I am currently reading, "Ultimate Training". Although it has a very pornographic title, it actually has nothing to do with that. It is a very good book.

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