
Chapter 462 Decision

Qiu Shanyu woke up quickly. The first thing she did when she opened her eyes was to stare at Chen Mu's wrist. The flower on his wrist was so green.

"Is there something tracking on you?" Chen Mu asked coldly.

"Oh." Qiu Shanyu raised her pretty face and took off the silver necklace from her neck: "This is it."

Chen Mu took the necklace suspiciously. In his opinion, Qiu Shanyu's cooperation was abnormal. The necklace looks very ordinary. The pendant is a small silver medal with many patterns engraved on it.

Uncovering the silver medal, there was indeed a mini card embedded inside. After looking at it carefully for a moment, Chen Mu understood that it was a jamming device that could emit a fixed wave frequency to tell his companions his location. With a slight exertion of his fingers, the silver medal was crushed into pieces, along with the mini card inside. As long as this signal source is cut off, the other party will no longer want to know Qiu Shanyu's location.

To be on the safe side, Chen Mu still ordered: "Throw away all the bits and pieces you have."

"Oh." Qiu Shanyu obediently took off all the decorations on her body. Seeing Chen Mu staring at her, she raised her eyebrows: "Do you want to check it out?"

Chen Mu hesitated when he heard the words, and then asked after a while: "Do you know this thing in my hand?"

"It's called Biao Qing." Qiu Shanyu said lightly, but Chen Mu could hear the fluctuation in her tone.

"Biao Qing?"

"I don't know much about it. Biaoqing is a strange plant in Baiyuan Mansion. It grows at the lowest level of Baiyuan Mansion. It can live in the body of living things. This kind of creature is extremely rare. Even in Baiyuan Mansion, It’s also a priceless treasure.”

"Priceless treasure?" This statement made Chen Mu feel quite strange. There was actually a priceless treasure in his body. And more importantly, this priceless treasure may cost him his life at any time.

Qiu Shanyu didn't even look at Chen Mu, and said directly: "In Baiyuan Mansion, Biao Qing is what everyone dreams of. It is extremely thin, but extremely tough. It is a very powerful weapon for Rou Ke. Except In addition, it is very suitable for being made into cards. Of course, the cards of Baiyuan Mansion and the cards of the Federation are two different things. But its most important function is not these."

"what is that?"

"Its most important function is its excellent sensory conductivity. It can reside in the human body, absorb human perceptions and grow. It will be like the most dense network, distributed in every part of the human body. It has good conductivity Sex, making it like a fine pipe structure, can greatly enhance the control ability of perception. But there is a prerequisite, which is to activate it. If it is not activated, it will madly absorb the energy of perception and body, and every time it passes After a period of time, it may lose control and cause severe pain to the host!" Qiu Shanyu said calmly.

"Enhance sensory control ability?" Chen Mu felt that this statement was a bit ridiculous. Could it be that the Devil Woman implanted the green thread in his body for his own good? But the pain Qiu Shanyu said was very accurate.

"The card made with Biao Qing has another purpose, and that is to control the implanter. The unactivated Biao Qing will only be controlled by the former owner, and after activation, it will lose control of the former owner. And is controlled by the resident body." Qiu Shanyu said seriously.

This time, Chen Mu believed it. It is only reasonable to say that the devil woman implanted the green thread in her body in order to control herself. But... "How do you know this?"

Qiu Shanyu was silent for a while and then said: "We, Faya, have had contacts with Baiyuan Mansion a long time ago."

Chen Mu was shocked. Faya had contact with Baiyuan Mansion a long time ago? The relationship between the Federation and Baiyuan Mansion is definitely not friendly. The war between the two sides has lasted for a long time in history. You fought against me and suffered heavy casualties! Although the war ended after that, except for occasional sporadic exchanges, no large-scale commercial activities were heard of. Moreover, the right to communicate with Baiyuan Mansion is firmly grasped by the Sixth Formation.

Faya actually had a cooperative relationship with Baiyuan Mansion a long time ago? This surprised Chen Mu.

He couldn't help but begin to speculate about the relationship between Faya and Baiyuan Mansion. Could Baiyuan Mansion be Faya's real backstage? No wonder! He has always been surprised that Faya's strength always gave him the illusion that Faya was going to face the six major powers and the entire federation as a family!

It would only make sense if Fa Ya was really behind Baiyuan Mansion.

But, how could Faya bypass the Six Greats and get involved with Baiyuan Mansion?

Seemingly understanding Chen Mu's thoughts, Qiu Shanyu said nonchalantly: "The history of the connection between us and Baiyuan Mansion can be traced back even earlier than the Federation discovered the path window of Baiyuan Mansion!"

Chen Mu was horrified, this was definitely a shocking secret!

Faya is really unfathomable!

But why would she say this to herself? Chen Mu looked at Qiu Shanyu in confusion, as if her attitude had changed 180 degrees after seeing the blue mark on her hand!

why is that?

"How to activate Biao Qing?" Chen Mu asked tentatively.

Qiu Shanyu smiled: "Do you think I will know? You probably don't understand how precious Biaoqing is! In Baiyuan Mansion, there is only one clan that knows how to use Biaoqing and can make them into cards. Moreover, in In this clan, only the royal family is qualified to have it! I really want to know who implanted the green mark on your body?"

Her eyes were staring at Chen Mu.

Royal family? The devil girl's extremely ugly, nightmare-like face appeared in his mind. Could it be that the devil girl was actually a royal member of a clan in Baiyuan Mansion?

Things seem to be getting more and more complicated, and I am getting more and more information, but it does not help matters at all!

Even if what Qiu Shanyu said was true, it only proved the danger of Biao Qing and did not improve his current situation. And if it's fake, it means absolutely nothing. However, Chen Mu still felt that Qiu Shanyu didn't seem to be telling lies.

"I want to see him!" Qiu Shanyu said suddenly.

"He? Who?" Chen Mu was stunned and asked in confusion.

Qiu Shanyu said calmly: "I will implant you with the green implant."

Shaking his head, Chen Mu said: "I can't find him either." And he said coldly: "You probably haven't figured out your own situation yet. As far as hatred is concerned, I don't have any reason to let you live, let alone meet him."

"You can't find him either?" Qiu Shanyu was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly. She laughed very wantonly, as if she had heard the most interesting thing.

Chen Mu frowned slightly: "This has nothing to do with you, and you don't need to care."

Qiu Shanyu suddenly stopped laughing and looked at Chen Mu seriously, with a serious expression.

"I can help you find him."

"Can you help me find him?" Chen Mu's eyes suddenly condensed.

"Yes. I have a way to find him." Qiu Shanyu couldn't see the slightest joke on her face.

Chen Mu was silent, he was still digesting this information!

"You can understand this as my means of survival. However, I am in your hands anyway, and you can implement any means at any time. As for the hatred between us, oh, as far as I personally understand, there is no hatred between us. . The Yang'an matter, it was a war, just different positions. Did you kill fewer people?" Qiu Shanyu continued nonchalantly: "Of course, I don't want to force this kind of personal issue, but I want to let it go for the time being. It shouldn’t be too hard to accept for a while.”

Things took a turn for the worse, and things took a completely unexpected turn.

"Why do you want to see him?" Chen Mu suddenly asked.

"This is my personal matter. I don't think there is any need to explain. You can understand this matter as a deal. I will help you find him, and you will let me live for a while longer until I see him." Qiu Shanyu Calmly: "How is it?"

Chen Mu was silent for a while: "Okay. But if you make any little move, I will kill you at any time."

"Okay, deal." Qiu Shanyu readily agreed.

The two fell into silence, and Weah didn't say a word from beginning to end. He had been thinking about something.

Chen Mu noticed something strange about Weah at this time and couldn't help but asked: "Weah, what's wrong?"

"I remembered something." Weah stared at his hands.

"What is it?" Chen Mu suddenly became interested. Weah's origins and past were all mysterious and unusual. He couldn't remember what happened before.

"Fight." Weah's answer was extremely concise.

After glancing at Qiu Shanyu beside him, Chen Mu stopped asking any more questions. Qiu Shanyu kept looking at Weah with interest. It was obvious that she was very interested in Weah.

"Your companion is very strong. I have never seen anyone push Uncle Shi to this point." Qiu Shanyu praised.

"Uncle Shi?" Chen Mu immediately realized that she was talking about the man in the bronze mask.

"Well, Uncle Shi is one of the most powerful card cultivators in the Federation." Qiu Shanyu's tone of voice must have been unusual.

Chen Mu couldn't make any comment, so he said indifferently: "Maybe."

When both parties reach an agreement, it is a cooperative relationship for the time being. Although he made this choice rationally, emotionally, Chen Mu felt weird and uncomfortable. After he wanted to kill himself, a woman was by his side, talking to him as if nothing happened. How could he not make others feel uncomfortable?

I don't know yet whether what Qiu Shanyu said is true, but he doesn't have much choice. Even if there is a chance, he will fight for it. I'm afraid she saw through this and proposed this deal. Since she knew so much about Biao Qing, she must be familiar with its dangers.

As expected, he was still afraid of death. Between avenging Yang'an and seeking his own survival, he chose the latter. Thinking of this, Chen Mu felt sad. He also knew that even if Xi Ping knew his decision, he would understand it, but Chen Mu still felt a little uncomfortable.

A bitter smile was a bitter smile, but he did not waver in his decision. Revenge is important, but living people are more important! Moreover, the initiative in matters is still in one's own hands.

Now think about it, how weak it was to give up the struggle because the chances were too slim.

After experiencing countless trials and tribulations, Chen Mu gradually matured, and his mentality had already changed.

His eyes were firm, although there was still bitterness and mockery of himself.

However, another practical problem was before him, how should Qiu Shanyu arrange it?

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