
Chapter 528 Su Hanhao

The man walking out of the shadows walked slowly, but an invisible sense of oppression rushed towards him like a tsunami! He was like a demon emerging from the depths of hell, exuding a violent aura of darkness and death.

This man's appearance was very strange. One side of his left and right cheeks was dark, while the other side was pale and bloodless. When everyone saw this face, they all gasped and felt a bit creepy in their hearts.

"Su Hanhao!" Bai Yue's eyes turned cold, with cold murderous intent: "Didn't you go to Qianhu City?"

Her heart kept sinking. According to the information they had received before, Su Hanhao was heading towards Qianhu City, waiting for an opportunity to sabotage the convening of the alliance conference. Xize also went to Qianhu City to stop him, but why did he appear here?

"Quack!" Su Hanhao said with a gloomy smile: "There are such good things here, how could I turn a blind eye? Even Kuji Temple and Xingyuan want something, so I naturally want a share of the pie. Originally, I still had a headache. No matter what, I didn’t expect that Principal Xiao Tang would also be interested, which is the best thing.”

The expressions of the others all changed greatly. They did not expect that Su Hanhao and Tang Hanpei would join forces!

Su Hanhao turned to Tang Hanpei and said, "Principal Xiao Tang, where's my share?"

Tang Hanpei smiled and said: "I have already prepared it for seniors." He didn't care at all when he was called Principal Xiao Tang. Su Hanhao was much older than him and was a master of the same era as his teacher Pavchako. He handed over four notebooks and said, "This is the original copy. Give it to senior. I will make a backup copy."

"Principal Xiao Tang is indeed a person who does great things, and his magnanimity is extraordinary." Su Hanhao praised. He took the four notebooks unceremoniously and looked through them briefly to confirm that they were indeed the originals. Tang Hanpei would not be able to forge a copy in a short time.

Tan Yuwen felt an inexplicable pain in her heart when she saw four notebooks falling into Su Hanhao's hands. But Ji Zhihao secretly praised Tang Hanpei's skill and gave the original to his companion. In this way, both parties had no grudges and the alliance was naturally stable. For ordinary people, how can they be willing to give the original to others and only keep the backup for themselves?

"I heard that the first one is in Faya? Let's pick a time to force them to vomit it out! Huh, how can they afford this kind of thing?" Su Hanhao said.

"Since senior has spoken out, Hanpei is naturally happy." Tang Hanpei said with a warm smile.

Seeing the two people carving up things that originally belonged to Kuji Temple and Xingyuan with unscrupulous expressions, Meiji and Siam both looked extremely ugly. And Bai Yue's eyes were always fixed on Su Hanhao. Moying is Shuangyue Hanzhou's life-and-death enemy. The two sides are like fire and water. These battles have been constant. The hatred between the two sides has left no room for buffering.

The expression on Siam Luo's handsome and extraordinary face changed, but in a moment, he made a decision and said resolutely: "Senior Mei and Junior Sister Bai Yue, please join forces to kill Madman Su. Tang Hanpei is here to stop you!"

Mei Ji and Bai Yue looked at each other and surrounded Su Hanhao without hesitation.

"Quack!" Su Hanhao laughed repeatedly: "Just the two of you want to stop me, what a joke!"

Before he finished speaking, he disappeared from the room like a wisp of smoke. Bai Yue and Meji didn't hesitate at all, and moved closely behind him.

In the room, Tang Hanpei and Siam confront each other.

"The courage is commendable, but the strength is too low." Tang Hanpei said leisurely: "If I give you another ten years, maybe you can fight me. However, you are determined and determined, and you are quite a bit like your teacher. However, you Do you think you can stop me?"

"Siam's strength is naturally far inferior to that of Principal Tang." Siam looked calm and showed no fear at all: "But if I risk my life to stop you, it should still be possible to stop you for a moment."

"Haha, even if you can stop me for a moment, do you think they can defeat me?" Tang Hanpei looked at Siam with interest.

"I don't dare. If the three of us join forces, we will have a chance to fight with you. Naturally, the two of them are no match for you." Siam shook his head.

Tang Hanpei raised his eyebrows: "Oh, then aren't you working in vain? Are you spending a life in vain?"

Siam's eyebrows were lowered, his face was solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, what you said before is right. Give me another ten years, I may have the strength to fight with Your Majesty, but this is only under normal circumstances. I will die in this battle, everything else Return to dust. If I don’t die in this battle, within five years, I will have a chance to challenge you.”

Tang Hanpei finally showed a bit of surprise on his face, and there was a bit of appreciation in his eyes: "Not bad, your teacher has accepted a good student. Your mind is indifferent and ruthless, and you can even abandon yourself, which is in line with the selflessness of your Kuji Temple. That's what I meant. But if you die, wouldn't it be a dead end for them both to challenge me again?"

"It's not a good idea if only my Kuji Temple family is sacrificed." Siam said calmly.

Somehow, after hearing these words, Tan Yuwen suddenly felt cold in her heart.

"Haha, why are you so sure that I will kill them both?" Tang Hanpei said with a smile.

"Your Majesty's enemy is the world!" Siam said calmly.

"Haha!" Tang Hanpei laughed up to the sky, and then rested for a moment: "Not bad, not bad! I appreciate you more and more. Whether you live or die today depends on your own ability."

Tang Hanpei walked out the door first, and Siam followed closely behind without hesitation.

In the room, only Tan Yuwen and Ji Zhihao were left.

Ewing suddenly appeared at the door, half-kneeling and saluting: "Miss."

"Ewing, hold the door for me. If there are any intruders, kill them." After Tan Yuwen gave this order, she felt more tired than ever before, as if all the strength in her body had been drained.

"Yes!" Ewing solemnly accepted the order and stood at the door.

Inside the jungle shuttle, after modifications, the environment inside the shuttle has changed beyond recognition. There were various instruments stacked inside, and the various jammed parts filled the place with the smell of iron and engine oil. If it were anyone else, they would have been unable to bear it and fled away, but Chen Mu felt extremely comfortable inside.

The computing box kept running in the corner, the lights flashing.

In front of Chen Mu, there were many jamming parts.

He didn't take action. He had been thinking about a problem these days.

The card system has become the most important system in federal society, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that there are many things that are not necessary. High-end cards and rare materials are not the most important components of this system. What really brought the Federation into the card era was the use of low-star energy cards, especially the mass production of low-star energy cards.

This is the fundamental reason why the Federation has entered the card era!

High-end cards will always belong to only a small group of people. But what really supports this society is the low-star energy card. Their appearance has allowed cards to enter every corner of ordinary people's lives. Lighting, eating, heating...

Among them, the most important thing is large-scale production!

Now all cards with three stars and above are hand-produced by card makers, which has produced a large number of card makers. However, this is also the real shackle that hinders the development of cards.

Chen Mu originally planned to make a measuring instrument, but suddenly thought of Faya's battle shuttle, and then thought of many questions.

For example, if my team wants to complete card replacement, it means at least two thousand cards!

Two thousand cards is not a small order in any city. It requires a lot of card makers and takes a lot of time to complete. In the past, Chen Mu spent several months making a set of cards.

But now, time simply doesn’t allow it.

He realized that this question was more valuable than a meter and more important to himself.

The large-scale production of cards has always been the focus of research by various groups, but so far, no one has succeeded. Chen Mu does not feel that he is smarter than others, but he knows that he also has advantages that others do not have. He is both a card repairman and a card maker. He also knows the long-lost card processing technology. He also knows how to process metal and make card equipment!

What he knows is very refuting. Although each knowledge system is not perfect, if they can be combined effectively, they may be able to play some role.

The question intrigued him, and if it worked, it would be more useful to him now. Chen Mu is a loyal pragmatist. He studies whatever is useful. He will never pursue theories that are of no use to him.

The biggest difficulty in mechanically producing cards lies in perception. Perception is a medium that is essential for making the card-making material fit the card itself. Perception can only be possessed by card repairmen and card makers. Cold machines cannot produce perception. Moreover, Ka Xiu's perceptions do not have this kind of media function. They have centralized characteristics rather than scattered characteristics.

One of the fundamental reasons why low-star energy cards can be produced mechanically is that they do not require the intervention of sentience.

People have not yet found a media substance that can replace human perception.

Since it can't be found, why replace perception? Chen Mu decided to change his thinking. His knowledge system was not perfect, but there were basically no rules and regulations. In his mind, nothing is certain or inevitable.

Chen Mu has made countless cards and is very familiar with the process of making cards. After thinking about it carefully, he knew where the problem was. The most difficult thing for a card maker to do when making cards is perception control. Since each texture on the card requires different intensity of perception, it is extremely difficult to achieve perfection in the entire process. The more advanced the card, the more complex the texture will be. Even if the card maker keeps it in mind, it is still easy to make mistakes during the production process.

Humans are not machines and will always make mistakes!

A ray of light suddenly illuminated Chen Mu's mind! Humans are not machines, so they will naturally make mistakes. But if this part of the work is performed by machines, wouldn't it mean that there would be no mistakes?

As soon as this idea comes out, inspiration rolls down like a flood from a dike.

Chen Mu only felt that his eyes were suddenly enlightened!

An unprecedented road appeared in front of him, and he felt excited and even trembled from the depths of his soul!

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