
Chapter 529 Fight

Su Hanhao chuckled sinisterly: "Meji, you are no match for me, not then, not now. You go, I only want this little girl. Huh, Jiaying Xia is a dead woman, I want her to know how powerful I am. . Hehe, give the little girl to my eldest son as a slave, that’s good!”

Bai Yue's eyes became more and more crystal clear, like ice crystals, and her whole body exuded a bone-chilling chill. Her perception seemed to contain a cold aura, and when it spread, flying snowflakes appeared in the sky.

Meggie snorted coldly: "Old ghost, your habit of talking big has not changed much from back then. I didn't fight you back then, and I was supposed to meet you today, but unfortunately, things are different today, and I don't have time to fight with you. Ji. Girl, let’s go!”

Before the words fell, the two of them took action at the same time.

The ice-like Baiyue shot out suddenly, a beam of brilliant and misty colored light, and the dark sky suddenly became dreamlike. A cold and misty aura rippled out, and the temperature dropped sharply. In the blink of an eye, snowflakes began to fall from the sky.

"[Aurora]?" Su Hanhao's eyes narrowed: "That damn woman was willing to give you this card."

Meggie took action at the same time, and his face, which was as rosy as a baby, suddenly turned red, so red that it seemed like blood would ooze out. With his eyes widened, he showed his dignity without anger. He raised his hand and pointed directly at Su Hanhao, and shouted loudly: "[Prison Prison]!"

A solemn aura suddenly filled every inch of space, and a ring-like energy body slowly flew out from Meggie's finger.

"Damn it!" Su Hanhao's face suddenly turned cold, and he suddenly felt murderous: "Old man Mei, you are dead today!"

He didn't expect that Meggie would fight tooth and nail as soon as he took action!

As soon as the ring came off Meggie's finger, it suddenly expanded, forming a huge energy ring with a diameter of one kilometer! And Su Hanhao was trapped in this energy ring. The terrifying energy fluctuations emitted by this energy ring made even him tremble with fear!

Su Hanhao's face was solemn. He did not dare to hesitate and shouted: "[Evil King's Eyes]!"

Countless black energy surrounded him like thin lines, gathering at an alarming speed. He was surrounded by nine black eyes made of energy!

These black eyes, all tightly closed, swam around him like fish.

The huge energy ring grew to both sides at an astonishing speed and squeezed into the middle at the same time. The air seemed to be almost solidified by the pressure coming from the face.

In the blink of an eye, the energy ring turned into an energy ball, and Su Hanhao was enclosed in this energy ball. And this energy ball is still shrinking. As it continues to shrink, its energy wall becomes heavier and heavier. The energy fluctuations it emits are like a stone weighing on people's hearts.

"Hmph!" Su Hanhao snorted coldly, but he didn't dare to be negligent at all. He didn't dare to look down upon Meji's full blow.

Along with this cold snort, the nine black eyes surrounding him opened at the same time!

Siam stood in front of Tang Hanpei with a calm expression and a respectful salute: "Siam is practicing the [Eight-Armed Heavenly Dragon] from Kuji Temple, but his cultivation is still shallow and he can only condense six arms."

Tang Hanpei nodded: "[Eight-Armed Heavenly Dragon], the six-star card of Kuji Temple, I have heard of its reputation for a long time. It is said that the maker made it based on the gods in religious classics and myths, and condensed the energy to form the guardian Heavenly Dragon. Heavenly Dragon The eight arms have different functions, and they have the same effect as the energy combat partner of our federal comprehensive university."

"What kind of card your Excellency uses is unknown to outsiders. I wonder if I can let Siam know it?" Siam said seriously.

Tang Hanpei smiled casually: "Then it depends on whether you can force me to use it."

"Siam is showing off." Siam didn't talk nonsense. With him as the center, a wave of energy rippled like water waves. This energy fluctuation is not strong, as if there is no fireworks, but the entire Dongrui City can clearly feel it.

A seven-meter-high phantom appeared in front of Siam. The phantom gradually materialized, and the pure energy transformed into different colors.

A barefoot giant with angry eyes stood in front of Siam, his eyes were full of power, and his two completely different temperaments, fierce and peaceful, were perfectly blended together, making people have the urge to worship him. Each of the six arms holds a different weapon, and the other two arms are just faint shadows. One hand holds a vase, the other a bell, the other a sword, the other a bead, the other a spear, and the other a small shield.

"The eight-armed celestial dragon is really powerful and unparalleled." Tang Hanpei praised.

The giant's sword-holding hand swiped lightly, and with a hiss, a wave blade formed from the tip of the sword. The giant was seven meters tall, and the wave blade formed by this slight stroke was two meters wide, and it screamed towards Tang Hanpei!

Tang Hanpei smiled slightly, flipped his right hand, and three red diamond-shaped energy shuttles as big as bamboo leaves came out.

Compared with the mammoth giant wave blade, these three energy shuttles are as insignificant as fireflies fighting a fire. However, the giant light slash was like fragile porcelain. It was lightly bumped by these three energy shuttles, and with a pinging sound, they all turned into broken light all over the sky!

"No, I can only use 70% of the power of this [Four-Jiaoed Water chestnut]. If Qiao Yuan had used this move just now, you would have been injured." Tang Hanpei said with nostalgia: "It's just a five-star card that can be used to this extent. There is only Qiaoyuan in the world."

"[Four-angle water chestnut]! Qiaoyuan!" Siam looked cold: "My lord, don't be anxious."

Before he finished speaking, the hand holding the sword continued to move, and waves of blades were like huge waves, tearing the air and rushing towards Tang Hanpei!

Tang Hanpei smiled and said nothing. Several red energy shuttles struck at these huge lights, ping ping ping ping! There were continuous crisp cracking sounds, and the crackling light was as thick as mist. They were stirring endlessly, blurring the night sky.

The giant suddenly raised the vase in his other hand, with the mouth of the vase facing Tang Hanpei.

Tang Hanpei suddenly felt his body stagnate and was slightly surprised: "Energy interference? This is rare." However, he shook slightly and broke free.

The light in the vase grew brighter, and the air in front of Tang Hanpei's eyes was severely distorted. He could even see the chaotic ripples in the wave air. At the same time, the energy in his instrument was violently agitated and could explode at any time!

"Interesting." Tang Hanpei smiled with interest, but his eyes widened and his perception suddenly soared. Almost at the same time, click, a crack appeared on the vase. Click, click, click! The cracks continued to increase, and in the blink of an eye, the bottle was covered with spider web-like cracks.

Bang, the vase completely shattered!

Siam snorted, and the flush on his handsome face flashed away.

[Evil King Pupil], a seven-star card owned by Su Hanhao, the chief instructor of Desert Camp, can form nine black pupils. These nine black pupils are composed entirely of energy, and each eye can emit rays of different properties, which is unpredictable.

The nine black pupils were fully opened, and there was an inexplicable cold air that immediately made people's hearts tremble.

Looking at the completely sealed energy ball, Su Hanhao snorted and suddenly shot out a black ray from one eye!

Silently, this black ray penetrated the energy circle prison!

However, what he didn't expect was that the hole would grow back in the blink of an eye.

"Old man Mei, is this all you have?" Su Hanhao teased nonchalantly. After saying that, his eyes suddenly condensed, and nine eyes suddenly gathered in front of him, forming a nine-square array.


A giant beam of light with a diameter of more than five meters shot out from this square of eye pupils! The thick energy ring was as fragile as paper in front of this beam of light, and the light beam penetrated the energy wall effortlessly!

Su Hanhao smiled proudly and flew towards the light hole with nine eyes.

A soft moan, like a voice coming from the depths of the polar regions, carrying the chill of ancient times, reached his ears, and his expression finally changed!

"Aurora Breath!"

It turns out that the colorful lights floating in the night sky like gauze are like being tightly grasped by an invisible giant and squeezed together to form a colorful air ball!

Bai Yue's ice-like face was devoid of any blood, as white as paper, and a wisp of blood snaked down the corner of her mouth, making it even more shocking! Her eyes were fixed on the energy ring prison that had shrunk to the size of a house.

The air mass flew in from the big hole blasted by Su Hanhao, and the destructive energy hit the air mass as if it was hitting the air.

As soon as it flew into the energy hell ring, the air mass exploded silently!

The extremely cold air raged in the closed energy ring prison, and the temperature inside dropped to minus 80 degrees in an instant! Su Hanhao's eyebrows were covered with a layer of ice crystals, and his whole body froze.

Meggie did not dare to hold anything back at this time. He straightened his right arm and pointed directly at the energy hell ring. He took a deep breath, the muscles of his right arm tensed, his eyes widened with anger, he suddenly grabbed his right palm and yelled: "Fall!"

Puff puff! His right arm shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints all burst out with a cloud of blood mist.

The energy ring prison suddenly shrank and collapsed toward the center, but the thick energy wall was like plasticine, softly collapsing toward the center, as if there was a black hole there, swallowing everything!

Suddenly, rays of different colors shot out from the soft ball of plasticine. Bai Yue's face changed slightly, but Meji just looked at it coldly.


These beams of light seemed to light a fuse and exploded!

Dazzling light, an orange-red explosion of light illuminated the night sky of Dongrui City! The sound and air of the explosion swept across the entire city, and those walls with strong protective capabilities were easily crushed into pieces! A huge mushroom cloud rose slowly, like a hell on earth.

"If this revenge is not avenged, my surname will not be Su!" A voice containing hatred deep into the bones curled away!

Meji and Baiyue were both shocked! They didn't expect such a terrifying explosion. The two of them attacked with all their strength, even at the cost of self-injury, but they still failed to kill Su Hanhao! At this time, the two of them could only barely keep their bodies steady, without any strength to pursue them.

Seeing that, Su Hanhao could only let him run away.

Suddenly, without warning, monstrous murderous aura filled every inch of the air! Everyone involuntarily had the illusion that everything in their field of vision was dyed red with blood, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

A human figure slashed out diagonally, dragging a bloody crescent moon that was longer than a human!

"Xize! You..."

The sound suddenly stopped!

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