
Chapter 530 The idea takes shape

"Asking for support! Asking for support! Our unit was violently attacked by the enemy!" A man wearing an officer's uniform yelled at Duyi in a hissing voice, with deep pleading in his voice!

However, this is the wilderness and the communication card cannot be used at all. Everything he did was in vain.

"The enemy's attack is too fierce! Boss, retreat quickly!" his adjutant said anxiously.

The commander turned off the measuring instrument dejectedly and said blankly: "Evacuate, where to retreat?"

When the adjutant saw the leader acting like this, he knew that nothing he said would work at this time. He stepped forward, knocked the leader unconscious with one palm, and then flew out of the shuttle car with the leader on his back. Outside, the Guards had already gathered together, but less than half of them were left. The adjutant didn't care so much at this time and said urgently: "Everyone, attack northwest!"

He found that the attack firepower in the northwest was much weaker.

These Kaxiu, who were suddenly ambushed, mustered up their courage, and everyone followed the adjutant and rushed northwest.

In the transport shuttle control room, everything on the front line can be clearly seen on the light screen.

Seeing these people falling into a pool of blood one by one, Su Liuche and Ruqiu still showed unbearable expressions, even though they were enemies. However, they were not foolish enough to ask Bagnell to stop the killing. This is war, and it is related to the survival of all of them. In many cases, either you die or I die. Reality is always so cruel, and they deeply understand this.

Ru Qiu suddenly noticed that these card repairmen seemed to be trying to escape, and couldn't help pointing at the light screen and shouting: "Uncle, they are running away!"

"Hey, they can't run away." Bagnell chuckled.

Although Xiao Ruqiu didn't understand why, when she heard Bagnell's laughter, she knew that he must be prepared.

Sure enough, just when she thought these card repairmen had escaped from the encirclement, an overwhelming attack suddenly appeared without warning.

"Hey, it turns out there's an ambush here. Uncle, this is too much trouble. You might as well eliminate them all in the encirclement just now." Xiao Ruqiu said.

"This is due to the consideration of casualties. If these people find themselves cornered and resist desperately, we will easily suffer casualties. Now that there are many new recruits in this team, it is okay to fight with the wind, but when there are more casualties, the new recruits will easily panic. In this way, we It’s not cost-effective,” Bagnell explained.

Jiang Liang's eyes flashed and he kept Bagnell's words in mind.

"Oh, uncle is so awesome." Ru Qiu suddenly thought of a question: "Uncle, have you taught others how to fight before? Didn't anyone ask you to be a teacher? Don't you have any students?"

"Ha, no." Bagnell suddenly remembered something. He was a little stunned. After a while, he shook his head: "If there is, there should be half."

"Half?" Ru Qiu looked puzzled.

"It happened a long, long time ago. I don't know whose hands that thing fell into. Maybe they had thrown it into the trash a long time ago." Bagnell said with some memories and self-deprecation.

He suddenly smiled and said: "Speaking of which, it's really time for me to accept a student. I'm getting old. Little Jiang, how about being my student?"

Jiang Liang's expression suddenly became excited. He stood up and saluted: "Teacher!"

"Ha, you guys are just too old-fashioned. The boss is much better at this point, but it's a pity that the boss is not here, otherwise you two would be good as brothers." Bagnell smiled.

"Uncle is so greedy! You still want your boss to be your student!" Ru Qiu said with contempt. Chen Mu is half of her teacher. Although he does not have the name of a teacher, he is actually a teacher. If Chen Mu becomes Bagnell's student, wouldn't she be called Master Bagnell?

Su Liu Cherou couldn't help but smile when she saw Ru Qiu's cute appearance.

Bagnell also smiled: "The boss is the most genius person I have ever seen. The boss's genius is not as sharp as other people's. Little Ginger is also a genius, but you and the boss have different styles. Little Ginger is rigorous by nature and works hard. Be strict and never make mistakes. In the future, you will definitely be a general with an upright style. No matter who it is, it will be a headache for you to face a commander like you. Because you will not make mistakes! And once your opponent makes a mistake, you will Cannibalize, expand the advantage, and finally form a victory. But the boss is different. There are not so many rules in the boss's mind. You can see it from the time when the boss made a surprise attack on the pursuit group. He dares to take risks and knows how to adapt to changes. If we talk about Little Ginger If he is upright, the boss is strange. But what is rare is that the boss is so strange that he is still upright in his heart! I think it is most incredible, no one taught him, how could he do it?"

Xi Ping drank tea slowly: "What did he have that was taught by others? Weah probably taught him. But what about card making? And card repair skills? The boss is a pervert."

"Weah is also a pervert." Bagnell continued.

Ho ho ho! After a few roars, the fat dog stared at Bagnell unkindly, ready to pounce.

Bagnell was dripping with cold sweat. Su Liu Cherou gently comforted the fat dog, and the fat dog lay down again in frustration. Among these people, only Su Liu Cherou could get close to Fat Dog. She once pulled out a bone spur in Fat Dog's tongue.

"Report, the enemy has been wiped out! Nineteen of our troops were injured and one person died." The person reporting was Lu Xiaoru. Her heroic appearance and the aura of a battle-hardened warrior were fascinating.

"There will be casualties in this way." Bagnell shook his head and muttered: "Recruits are recruits!"

He looked at Jiang Liang: "By the way, the last news said, where is the boss?"

Jiang Liang said: "The boss left Dongrui City with the newly recruited Kaxiu and entered the jungle, whereabouts are unknown."

Their [Qianlika] was destroyed and they were unable to contact Chen Muwea. Fortunately, they knew Chen Mu's disguised identity, and Chen Mu's series of actions during this period were also eye-catching. They were able to get some of the boss's movements from the news.

"What does the boss want to do?" Bagnell was lost in thought. The boss recruited Ka Xiu on a large scale, and then suddenly disappeared from Dongrui City and went into the jungle. Even Bagnell couldn't guess his next whereabouts. Support him? impossible! The boss's location is too far away from them.


His eyes fell on the map again, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Rest for three hours, and the whole team will return to Lijiang City."

It was pitch dark in the jungle shuttle. Only the desk lamp in front of Chen Mu was on. There were many parts placed in front of him. Although he didn't learn much about the exquisite metal processing techniques of the Wanqi tribe, he was still very proficient in making metal parts that met his requirements.

His idea was not complicated, he planned a "mold". Card ink is injected into the "mold". When the perceptions are input, the perceptions are specially arranged according to the texture requirements. The moment the "mold" comes into contact with the blank card, the jam ink injected along the texture, the similarly injected perceptions, and the blank The three cards are connected to create a card!

In this way, all the card maker needs to do is inject perception!

The idea is not complicated, but the difficulty of making it is not low.

Among them, the most difficult part is to control the perception in this way and distribute it according to the requirements of texture.

What ultimately worked was the financing structure, an uncomplicated financing structure. What inspired Chen Mu was the simple water world, a card that was already a bit far away for him. The simple water world is unusually sensitive to the intensity of perception. Only when the intensity of perception rises to a certain intensity can certain conditions in the water world be triggered.

Chen Mu then thought of using this characteristic to give the perception a scalar value. When the perception reaches the required value, the part where the perception is injected will automatically move to other parts of the texture. When the entire texture reaches the calibration value, the machine will automatically cut off the injection of perception and complete the production of the card.

The final experimental machine took up almost half of the space in the jungle shuttle.

A square light and shadow popped up in front of Chen Mu. This was the projection of the core part of the mold and the central system of the entire machine. He needs to complete the texture here, and he also needs to completely label the sensory values ​​of each part of the texture.

He took out a black and inconspicuous iron rod, and suddenly a very small light shone from the tip of the iron rod. If you look carefully, you will find that the size of this light is exactly the same as the tip of his [Weak Water] pen. same.

Holding the iron rod in his hand and using the light as the tip of his pen, Chen Mu traced the pattern of the card on the square projection.

As the tip of his pen turned, a thin bright line appeared on the projection. He painted with great care, without any pause in the process. What he is currently drawing is the pattern of a three-star energy card, which is naturally familiar to him. He soon finished it, and after checking it carefully, he put down the iron rod with satisfaction.

What he needs to do now is the second step of work, which is to complete the numerical calibration of each part of the texture.

He placed the pattern in front of him and picked up another iron rod. The light spot at the front of this iron rod was bright red. He lightly clicked twice on the texture he had just completed, and the texture suddenly enlarged in front of his eyes. The texture, which was only half the size of a baby's hand, suddenly became as big as a small table. Every detail of the texture was in front of him. are clearly visible.

Chen Mu no longer hesitated, picked up the iron rod with red light dots, and began to draw it along the top of the pattern. The iron rod in his hand undulated from time to time, and a winding and undulating red line appeared among the patterns. superior. Any part where the red line has been drawn will immediately appear in a red light curtain, connecting the red line with the texture.

By the time he finished painting, the originally flat texture had become three-dimensional and convex, and the surface was undulating, like a winding miniature ancient city wall. The position of these red lines represents the intensity of perception required for each of them.

After checking it carefully again, he finally confirmed that the marking of the value was correct.

After doing all this, he began to prepare the ink for the Samsung Energy Card. He moves very quickly, and he makes quite a few Samsung cards.

He carefully poured the newly prepared card ink into the machine.

After doing all this, he took a deep breath!

Whether it succeeds or not depends on this moment!

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