
Chapter 547 Luck and Victory [Second update]

Sang Hanshui's experience was extremely bumpy. In order to find outstanding cards, he became an expert on ancient cards. He has always been behind the scenes and controls many small and medium-sized groups. He is a ruthless character. But despite all his efforts, he still couldn't find a card that suited him until Chen Mu made [Explosive Bomb] for him.

However, although the power of [Explosive Bomb] was strong, due to material limitations at the time, it was not very outstanding compared with the cards produced later. Chen Mu now has no shortage of rare materials, and is fully capable of making more advanced cards.

However, the strange thing is that Chen Mu wanted to make a new card for him some time ago, but was rejected.

The reason why Sang Hanshui refused was certainly not polite, but he always remembered what Chen Mu said that day. Instead of constantly looking for better cards, it's better to explore the capabilities of the cards you already have. Maybe in Chen Mu's eyes, [Explosive Bomb] is not considered outstanding, but in Sang Hanshui's eyes, this card is already the best card he has ever seen.

Ever since Chen Mu said those words, he began to reflect on his previous life. At the beginning, his ambition suddenly became much weaker, and when he got the [Explosive Bomb], his ambition almost disappeared. After that, in addition to completing the training tasks assigned to him by Chen Mu, he spent his time pondering the [Explosive Bomb] in his hand.

And during the fierce battle at Taishu's house that night, the series of tactics he created, such as [Explosive Bomb. Graupel] and [Explosive Bomb. Three Snake Chokes], even Faya's top Kaxiu Fangshi was amazed. It was also after that night that his interest seemed to completely shift to studying card skills. The boss's proposal is of course full of temptation. How could he not know about the boss's card-making ability? Even the [Wheel] in Xiao Bo's hand is better than his own [Explosive Bomb].

However, he still refused. He didn't want to replace the cards again, even with better ones. Changing cards meant that he had to create new card skills, which he didn't want. Although [Explosive Bomb] is not very strong, it is extremely suitable for him. Sang Hanshui, who has lost his former ambition, now only has one thought: to see how far he can go with this card!

Looking at the light slash whizzing towards him, a sneer appeared behind the warrior's mask.

His right hand shook slightly, and five red light bullets flew towards the light slash.

The speed of these five red explosive bombs is not too fast, forming a straight line. It seems that this is no different from the most ordinary attack.

However, just when the card repairmen were a little disappointed, the explosive bomb at the end suddenly exploded!


However, before anyone could react, there was another loud noise!


The penultimate one!


The third to last bomb exploded almost at the same time!

The fourth to last one also exploded!

Everyone was stunned, what is this? This explosive bomb is not close to the enemy yet, what is the use of this explosion? These four explosions were like firecrackers, boom, boom, boom, and in mid-air, four groups of light flashed in a straight line!

Of the five explosive bombs, only the front one did not explode. Could it be...

Among the crowd, those Kaxiu whose minds were spinning faster opened their eyes wide and stared blankly at the sky.

The impact caused by the continuous explosion of the four explosive bombs at the rear is superimposed, and the driving force generated is so powerful that it is unparalleled! And this driving force acts firmly on the frontmost bomb, which is also the only one that has not exploded yet!

It was as if a heavy hammer hit the first bomb hard.

A stunning, blazing straight red light remained on everyone's irises!

The unparalleled driving force caused the explosive bomb at the front to accelerate to a terrifying speed! It was impossible to catch it with the naked eye. The captain of the Cangjiang Army was also a man who had experienced hundreds of battles. Although he was not frightened, he sensed a movement and the three light slashes closest to him quickly moved in front of him, forming three light shields.

This beam of light, like a startling rainbow, hit the light shield heavily!


The violent explosion and incandescent flames instantly swallowed up this seventh-level card cultivator from the Cangjiang Army.

No one can describe this hit!

From the chain explosion of the four explosive bombs at the back, the explosive bomb at the front accelerated to the point where it was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and then hit the opponent's light shield like a meteor, causing a huge explosion! This kind of visual effect has unparalleled impact.

[Explosive bombs. Continuous stamping explosion]!

The huge battlefield was silent, and everyone was stunned by Sang Hanshui's blow. Not only them, but also the seventh-level card cultivators around Chen Mu were all stunned. Have they ever seen such a violent attack?

The explosion of flames in the sky has not dissipated, and the blazing flame is like a blooming flower. The power of the accelerated bomb is jaw-dropping.

Xiao Bo was floating in the air, looking at the cracked shadow of the beam in the distance that had not disappeared, and said to himself: "Oh my, the triangular eyes are quite fierce!" On the mask covered with chrysanthemums, those eyes were like stars. Generally shiny and full of fighting spirit.

Sang Hanshui's attack also completely shattered the fighting spirit of the remaining Kaxiu of the Cangjiang Army.

As the initiator, Sang Hanshui stared at his right hand blankly, with some disbelief in his eyes, and murmured inaudibly: "Hey, why is it so powerful?"

As soon as he said those words, he remembered that he had already broken through level seven. However, his words made all the card repairmen who had gathered around him roll their eyes.

This was not actually the reason why Sang Hanshui was able to kill the enemy with one strike. The opponent was also a level seven card repairman, so the gap between the two sides was not that big. It's just that after three hours of hard fighting, the opponent is at the end of his strength, and the previous strength is just a show of force.

However, Sang Hanshui's attack also completely established his image in the hearts of the members of Muzi Camp.

The Cangjiang Army Kaxiu who broke through did not choose a direction, but scattered and fled. For Muziying, this is both good and bad. The advantage is that if the enemy disperses its strength, then the Muzi Camp only needs to be defeated one by one, and the pressure will be much less. The disadvantage is that this makes it difficult to completely annihilate the enemy.

People kept getting hit and falling from mid-air. In this case, the chance of survival is not high. Without airflow cards and energy shields, falling from a height of ten meters is enough to be fatal.

However, this did not slow down the speed of the others. On the contrary, the Cangjiang Army Kaxiu was stimulated, and all of them burst out with amazing fighting power. The Muzi camp card cultivators who have been waiting there for a long time will naturally not let go of these remaining Cangjiang Army card cultivators.

Until now, the two sides have been fighting to the death. Although the Cangjiang Army is close to being completely wiped out, the Muzi Camp has also suffered a lot of casualties.

The battle situation has changed from the previous large-scale battles to local small-scale sporadic battles. In addition to courage, fighting also requires good luck. Raphael looked helpless, their team was a typical bad luck type. Just now, Sang Hanshui saw that these people wanted to escape and ordered him to go back to the enemy's rear and ambush, but he didn't expect that after waiting for so long, no one ran towards them. Finally, someone was about to come, but they were intercepted halfway by several Muzi camp card cultivators.

In contrast, Xiao Bumo's luck is good.

He met the only remaining captain of the Cangjiang Army.

Xiao Bumo hid in the tree, his eyes fixed on the card repairman who was flying in his direction. Like the previous large-scale battles, cardless flow has no use. For large-scale battles, the sky is always the most suitable battlefield. Only the sky has enough space for Ka Xiu to make various evasions.

The childishness of before is no longer visible in him. He is like a seasoned hunter in the jungle, calm and patient.

He was free to move around and was not ordered by Sang Hanshui. He chose the ambush location himself. After waiting here for three hours, there was no trace of impatience on his face.

Chen Mu didn't know what Xiao Bumo's strength was now, but no one could ignore the obvious changes that had taken place in Xiao Bumo.

The other party is flying this way!

This is a veteran, constantly using the jungle to cover him, with a look of deep vigilance on his face. He did not open the energy shield, which obviously violated Ka Xiu's rules, but Xiao Bumo took it even more seriously. Ka Xiu is always used to putting up the energy shield at all times, so that they can feel safe. Only those card repairmen with rich combat experience understand that when escaping, concealment is the most important.

Xiao Bumo held his breath and carefully calculated the distance between the two sides.

Even in the jungle, this card repairman was still making evasive moves, extremely alert.

The distance between the two parties gradually narrowed, until it was twenty meters away. Xiao Bumo still didn't move, his eyes were half-closed, motionless. The opponent has entered his attack range, and twenty meters is the effective attack distance of his air skills.

He is waiting, waiting for the best time to take action. The other party is extremely vigilant and will run away at the slightest sign of trouble. If it were in the jungle, the opponent would naturally not be able to escape from his grasp. But if the other party flies into the sky, then he can only be beyond his reach. Although this Kaxiu could not escape, he attracted the attention of Muziying Kaxiu, but Xiao Bumo hoped that he could deal with the enemy.

This card repairman suddenly jumped up and seemed to fly into the sky.

Hidden behind the leaves, Xiao Bumo's half-closed eyelids suddenly trembled, but his body was as motionless as a rock.

When the opponent was about to break through the canopy, he suddenly leaned down, and the expression on his face finally relaxed a little.

It looks like there's no one around here!

If someone was ambushing him, the other party would definitely choose to attack after his attack just now. This gave him a little peace of mind. If he flew a little further forward, he could break through the opponent's encirclement. He didn't believe that the other party would pursue him for his own sake.

This nightmare battle is finally over!

He continued to fly forward, and just as he was about to exhale, a black shadow suddenly rushed towards him from the leaves beside him.


The two sides passed each other, and with a click, he fell from mid-air.

His neck was twisted abnormally, and his eyes suddenly opened wide, staring blankly at the sky.

A sensitive figure disappeared into the jungle.

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