
Chapter 548 A bold plan

Frosty Moon and Cold Continent.

"Sir, no trace of Nishizawa has been found yet." A card repairman bowed and reported.

Jia Yingxia snorted coldly: "This old guy is very calm. He can even turn a blind eye to challenges by others by name. Hum, Cang Lan's appetite is really big, even I can't understand it. The underworld. Where are the four teams? Also, have you found out the origin of Muzi Camp?"

"It's not clear yet. It's strange that there is no valuable information from the insider this time." Card Xiu hesitated and said, "I suspect that the insider has been discovered by Cang Lan."

Jia Yingxia put his hand on his forehead and sighed softly: "The situation is getting more and more complicated. These guys from the underworld are not willing to be lonely. We have to speed up. How long will it take for Ah Yue to arrive?"

"Miss Yue will arrive in about three days."

"There are powerful enemies outside, and internal troubles are endless." Jia Yingxia was a little lost in thought. After a while, he whispered to himself.

Compared with some time ago, the current situation of the Snow Silkworm Card Repair Group is as comfortable as heaven. As the most dazzling stars during this period, they will receive the warmest reception from all parties wherever they go. Their current camp was provided free of charge by a chamber of commerce.

Bagnell almost touched his chin to pieces, with a sad look on his face: "Where has the boss gone? There is still no news at all."

This is everyone's biggest headache recently, they can't get in touch with their boss. Although Chen Mu couldn't contact him when he was at his uncle's house, he could at least know he was there. But now, the boss seems to have suddenly disappeared with his team.

Xi Ping muttered: "Let's head towards Qianhu City first. Isn't the boss going to Qianhu City?"

Jiang Liang interrupted: "Don't the Luo family of Qianhu City have a cooperative relationship with us? Can we search through them?"

"No!" Bagnell and Xi Ping objected in unison.

Bagnell explained: "Our relationship with our boss is very dangerous if it is revealed now! The Luo family is not worthy of our trust."

"Not bad!" Xi Ping agreed: "The boss's current identity and situation are very delicate. We must be careful."

The two looked at each other, and Bagnell mused: "Then we will head towards Qianhu City and make a big fanfare along the way, so that the boss can get our news. If we haven't seen the boss by Qianhu City, we will station there. Come down and wait until the boss!”

After speaking, he looked at everyone.

Xi Ping nodded and said Kuoda: "I agree."

Jiang Liang straightened his waist: "I agree."

Su Liu Cherou also nodded: "I agree."

Ru Qiu raised her hand and said crisply: "I agree!"

In the temporary camp of Muzi Camp, the excitement of victory was still on everyone's faces, except of course the first team who was a little unhappy.

Chen Mu looked at the report in his hand and couldn't help but smile bitterly. The final casualty statistics were calculated. The number of dead Kaxiu was 112, while the number of injured Kaxiu was 191.

This battle is not perfect. The biggest credit for this battle should go to Weah.

When counting the number of enemies Weah killed last night, everyone was frightened.

More than five hundred people!

These five hundred people are not civilians, but Baizhan Kaxiu whose average level is above level six, and there is even Yan Yu who is ranked tenth in the [Black Star Ranking].

Everyone in Muzi Camp, whether they were ordinary card cultivators or seventh-level card cultivators, looked at Weah as if they were looking at a prehistoric ferocious beast! The wooden mask on Weah's face exuded a bone-chilling chill and murderous intent in everyone's eyes! And those indifferent eyes don't even need to stare at you, they just glance over your body, and you can hear your heart beating suddenly and suddenly.

For a card repairman, having a lifetime record of reaching 500 people is enough to make him proud. But if you kill five hundred people in one night...

Originally, Kaxiu did not dare to get within five meters of Weah, but now within fifteen meters of Weah, all birds and animals are extinct, and humans are extinct! Of course, this has to exclude Xiao Bumo and Chen Mu.

Also, the cute little monkey mask on the face of little Bumo who was following Weah seemed to exude a ferocious and fierce look.

However, along with the horror, there is also deep pride! How can any other team possess such a terrifying master? Among those famous card cultivators in the federation, who can kill five hundred hundred battle card cultivators with average strength above level six in one night?

Chen Mu doesn't care about this. He has too many things to consider. In his opinion, this battle is extremely necessary. Tactical regulations are indispensable. Being able to keep them in mind and use them perfectly in training does not mean that you are a qualified warrior. Only after experiencing the baptism of war can these card cultivators become true warriors.

This battle was very tough, and their opponents were far tougher than they imagined. However, in the end, they still won the victory. Being able to defeat the Cangjiang Army, the first underworld army, also made the entire Muzi Camp full of confidence. He remembered Bagnell saying that a team's sense of honor is based on constant victory.

He could clearly feel the changes in his card cultivators.

Each brigade is now organizing to discuss the gains and losses in this battle. Chen Mu did not interfere, but only asked each brigade to submit a final discussion report. Of course, as a matter of convention, there will be rewards for the brigade that reports the best.

As soon as Chen Mu threw this sweet date, all the teams screamed! Since the last team change incident, everyone has been full of desire for Chen Mu's reward. Everything the boss does is definitely good!

"It was found out. It was the order from Cang Lan of Beiwangzhou. We also found out the spy who was ambushing the team." Sang Hanshui's triangular eyes flashed with a hint of evil: "This time it's not just the Cangjiang Army who came, but also the Cangjiang Army. There are Cewei Camp, Jinzhai Tribe and Blue Steel Regiment! Yu Jiaran, the leader of Cewei Camp, ranked fourth in the [Black Line Star List]; Chang Shi of Jinzhai Village, seventh in the [Black Line Star List]; and the leader of the Blue Steel Regiment Meng Chen ranks eighth on the [Black Line Star List]!"

There was a neat gasp of air in the room!

Chen Mu was also shocked. He didn't expect that the enemy was so powerful. Even Shuangyue Hanzhou, the overlord of Tiandongli District, is not willing to touch such a luxurious lineup.

This shocking news caused everyone to fall into silence.

The power comparison between the two sides is really huge!

Being able to defeat the Cangjiang Army had too many elements of luck. If it weren't for the sudden freezing rain and lightning, Weah would never have been able to cause such losses to the opponent, and Yan Yu would not have died. Facing the unimpaired Cangjiang Army, the probability of Mu Ziying's defeat was far greater than the probability of victory.

Unlike the Cangjiang Army, which advanced lightly and rashly, the other three teams were much more prepared. Moreover, the three teams were advancing together. Once one of them was entangled, the other two immediately completed the encirclement, and the Muzi Camp fell into an irreversible situation.

This news had a huge impact on Chen Mu! He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

At this time, panic cannot solve any problem, but will make you more passive. He closed his eyes and tried hard to adjust his breathing. He needed to calm down!

Half a minute later, he opened his eyes again, and there was only a deep chill in his eyes.

He had long known that if these things about him were known to others, trouble would definitely ensue. But he didn't expect that the other party would come so quickly and use such powerful power as soon as he arrived!

"Where are they now?" Chen Mu's voice was calm.

Hearing the calm voice, other panicked hearts suddenly calmed down. It seems that no matter what time, the boss has a solution.

Their confidence in Chen Mu did not come out of thin air, but was based on a series of impressive achievements.

Everyone in the Federal Comprehensive University's pursuit group thought that Chen Mu was dead before, but there was no one alive in the pursuit group. The Cangjiang Army, the number one army of the underworld, and Yan Yu, who was tenth on the [Black Line Star Ranking], could not escape the end of total annihilation.

These two seemingly miraculous battles with no chance of winning have allowed Chen Mu to establish incomparable prestige in the minds of everyone.

Sang Hanshui said quickly: "The four teams set off at the same time, but the Cangjiang Army rushed forward lightly, so the other three teams should be about two days behind the Cangjiang Army."

Chen Mu opened the map magic card, and the map can automatically make the detected map into a one-star magic card. The clear three-dimensional map in front of him gave Chen Mu an intuitive feeling.

"Are the three teams united or separated?" Chen Mu asked.

"Separate." Sang Hanshui's interrogation work was done very well. He quickly said: "Originally, four of their troops were rushing towards us in four directions. It is said that Cang Lan and Yan Yu made a bet, and Yan Yu was Charge lightly and hope to capture us within fifteen days.”

"Do you know the route of the Cangjiang Army?" Chen Mu continued to ask.

"Well, they passed through Yuhua Town, Qixing City, and Zaolie Canyon."

"Where are the other three teams?"

"I don't know about that." Sang Hanshui shook his head.

Chen Mu also knew that information like this was definitely not known by ordinary card cultivators. Unfortunately, all the captains of the opponent had died in the battle.

With a strange light shining in his calm eyes, Chen Mu spoke slowly.

"Now, our advantage is that the other party doesn't know that the Cangjiang Army has been eliminated by us. This is something we can take advantage of! Another advantage we have is that we have the most accurate maps and disks in this area."

Everyone listened quietly to Chen Mu's analysis. His voice was not loud, but very powerful.

"Four teams are targeting us from all directions. There is no doubt about the ability of the opponent's leader, so the distance between the teams must be kept appropriate and there will be no gaps for us to break through. Originally, the Cangjiang Army's lightly-armed advance was not considered a flaw. Because the other party never expected that we could wipe out all the Cangjiang Army. But now that the Cangjiang Army has been wiped out, there is a flaw in this network. There will be a gap between the three teams!"

Chen Mu said coldly: "So, we only need to follow the Cangjiang Army's original route and go in the opposite direction to break through the encirclement!"

Everyone was frightened. Chen Mu's plan was too bold!

Xiao Bo hesitated for a moment and said, "Can we enter the jungle? Anyway, with the disk and communication card, we can get rid of them in the jungle." Although the others did not speak, they were obviously quite moved by Xiao Bo's opinion.

Chen Mu shook his head: "There are no large-scale jungles in this area, there are towns everywhere. This is not good for us. If I guessed correctly, they must have set up a net there! If their power is really so strong, This area must be within their sphere of influence. They have no reason not to deploy forces in front of us to stop us. Only in their rear will their precautions be neglected. Because no one will believe that we can rush through four teams. come out."

"Then let's..." Sang Hanshui said.

Chen Mu looked solemn: "Order: All team members, immediately start cleaning up the battlefield. All bodies must be buried. But certain traces of the battle must be left. In addition, traces of our escape to the southeast must be arranged."

"Yes!" Sang Hanshui and Xiao Bo responded solemnly.

"We have to move quickly. We are very tight on time. We only have five hours." Chen Mu ordered in an orderly manner. The people on the side suddenly had the illusion that the Manager Bai in front of them seemed to be no longer the Manager Bai who was famous for his personal combat prowess, but a commander who was strategizing!

His tone was firm and he seemed confident!

Sang Hanshui and Xiao Bo immediately organized all team members to start cleaning up. Except for the seriously injured, everyone worked hard. Even the seventh-level card cultivators around Chen Mu stepped forward to help.

Everyone knows that now is a critical moment for the survival of Muziying.

After defeating such a prestigious team as the Cangjiang Army, the members of Muziying were full of energy. No one intends to give up just like this, even if the enemy is much stronger than them. Having just created a miracle, their morale reached its peak.

Chen Mu was the only one left in the room. He stared closely at the three-dimensional map, constantly calculating and analyzing in his mind.

Is my judgment correct? In fact, he didn't have much confidence in his heart, and his confident appearance just now was just a pretense. He knew that only in that way could he bring confidence to others and calm them down. At this time, panicking yourself is the real end!

Without systematic education, he didn't even know whether his calculations were correct or not. Moreover, there are too many uncertain factors, each of which may directly affect their situation.

The tremendous pressure made him feel tired and exhausted physically and mentally. He had the urge to lie down on the bed and not think about anything or worry about anything.

Standing up, he took off his mask and rinsed his face with cold water.

The biting chill suddenly made him sober. Looking at the pale boy reflected in the water, he smiled helplessly.

After wiping away the water and putting on his mask again, he sat back in front of the map.

There was a drop of water hanging on his eyelashes, which made his eyes look colder and sharper!

Whether this plan is correct or not is no longer something he can draw from just calculations. The results will only be known after it is implemented. He no longer questioned his judgment, but began to immerse himself in the situation. He needed to prepare as many backup plans as possible.

Since you can't hide, let's come!

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