
Chapter 549 Talent!

This is already the third day of high-speed sneaking.

Chen Mu's prediction was correct. The other three companies did not make up for the gap left by the Cangjiang Army, but only sent a small number of reconnaissance card repairmen. Chenpan's excellent reconnaissance ability allows Muziying to detect these reconnaissance card repairmen from far away and avoid them. Judging from the actions and demeanor of these card repairmen, they lacked sufficient vigilance. Probably they also felt that there would be no unexpected situations in this place.

There are many small towns in this area. It is not really deep in the jungle, and there are no powerful beasts.

For Muziying, this is undoubtedly a good thing. There are no powerful beasts, which means there is no need to fight, and the possibility of them being exposed is much smaller. Concealment has become the most important thing for Muzi Camp at the moment, and most of the credit goes to Chupan. Chen Mu didn't expect that the jamming weapon he made out of nowhere in the past could have such a great effect.

During their time in the Snow Silkworm Valley, especially after they eliminated the Kawashita Alliance, the surrounding environment was very stable and no one dared to provoke them. The reconnaissance work at that time mainly relied on reconnaissance card repair. Of course, an important reason is that Chen Mu's jamming technology at that time was not as powerful as it is now.

Seeing that the lintel plate was useful, Chen Mu made six more pieces. Moreover, he also modified the communication vehicle, which more than doubled the range of activities of the Celestial Pan.

Marching at high speed for a long time is very hard work. Except for those seventh-level card cultivators in Muzi Camp who were relatively normal, the rest of the card cultivators clearly looked tired. But everyone is gritting their teeth and persisting, knowing very well their current situation.

"Boss, there's a town ahead!" Sang Hanshui's tone couldn't contain his excitement. In the past three days, his nerves had been tense. He has never doubted his boss's ability, but this situation seems to him to have no solution at all. However, although the situation was dire, he was not afraid. In any case, he would have lost his life in the worst case, and he was quite relieved about this.

Not only him, but everyone was skeptical about what the boss said. Instead of escaping far away, he walked in the direction of the enemy. How could he possibly escape?

In the past three days, every card repairman's nerves have been tense, and the entire team has always maintained a fighting formation.

The appearance of a town means that they have rushed behind the underworld coalition. At least, they are safe for now!

The news of the appearance of a town ahead immediately spread among the team, and the team suddenly burst into joy

——The boss really did it!

The mayor of Yuhua Town was leisurely basking in the sun in the yard, humming a tune happily. As the mayor of a small town with a population of less than 300,000, he does not have many political affairs to deal with. However, he is usually diligent and does not dare to slack off. However, this time he gave himself three days off. Not only him, but all the civil servants in the town also got three days off.

Cangjiang's army passed by here some time ago, causing a great stir. Everyone, including him, was trembling with fear and caution. I'm afraid that if someone doesn't serve me well, I'll be torn apart by Master Yan Yu. For the mayor who is accustomed to a slow-paced life, this makes him feel several years older. Because of this, he gave all civil servants three days off to allow them to adjust.

However, suddenly a burst of rapid footsteps broke the tranquility, and he heard his men shouting at the throat: "Mayor, mayor! It's not good, it's not good!" There was deep panic in the voice.

The mayor was a little angry and finally relaxed. Are these guys going to stop? Isn't it a holiday? What happened to this guy again?


"Why are you making such a fuss!" The mayor didn't open his eyes and scolded angrily: "Didn't I give you a holiday? If you don't just stay at home, why are you coming to my place? You people are just looking for trouble and stay at home. , then wouldn’t there be nothing? If you have to cause something to happen, you can’t solve it by yourself, so you have to bother me..."

"No! No! Mayor..." His subordinates hurriedly defended.

"It's not what?" The mayor interrupted him unceremoniously: "You have a criminal record in this matter. Let me tell you, don't look down on me. I'm not stupid! You will cause trouble again next time..."

"Mayor, it's really not us!" His subordinates felt aggrieved and stammered: "There's... someone's coming from outside!"

"Someone is coming? Who is he?" the mayor asked slowly, "He's going to scare you. Tell me, what's the use of you?"

The men quickly replied: "Ka Xiu!"

The mayor continued to open his eyes with his eyes closed, but he said with a sneer: "Kaxiu? Did you have a mental disorder today? These days, there is no more than Kaxiu. Have you never heard of the saying "Kaxiuduo" Like a dog, it just walks on two feet?"

The subordinates were anxious: "No, no! Card repair! Seventh-level card repair!"

"Oh! A seventh-level card cultivator?" The mayor opened his eyes and said doubtfully, "Are you right? A seventh-level card cultivator has nothing to do when he's full? Why are you doing this in a place like ours where nothing matters?"

His forehead was so anxious that he was sweating. He gestured with his hands and said urgently: "So many! So many seventh-level card cultivators!"

The mayor was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly: "You idiot, you must have been fooled. You said one or two seventh-level card repairmen, I believe it. Hehe, according to your gesture, isn't there ten? Come on?"

His hands nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "More than this!"

"Haha!" the mayor said with a look of disdain: "You are uneducated. Do you think the seventh-level card repairman is a street stall? There are as many card repairmen as dogs. They only walk on two feet. Once you reach the seventh level, you don't have to worry about your bones. You don't have to worry about your bones. !" He drawled the last sentence with an envious look on his face.


The mayor slowly lay down again and waved his hand: "Okay, go aside and slowly understand the essence of this sentence."

His men were in a panic, and before he could speak, there was a sudden darkness above his head.

Forty or fifty card repairmen suddenly appeared above him, staring at him coldly. He shuddered involuntarily, and immediately retracted the words that came to his lips. The looks in these people's eyes were so fierce. One glance at him made him feel like he had taken a cold shower!

Take forty or fifty cold showers in a row...

His face was pale, his legs were trembling, and he just sat softly beside the mayor's wicker chair.

The intensity of perception of a seventh-level card cultivator is vast and full of pressure. When forty or fifty level seven card cultivators release their perceptions at the same time, the pressure they bring can only be described as overwhelming.

The mayor was just about to lie down when suddenly a group of people appeared above his head, carrying a terrifying power. The sky and the earth turned pale, dark clouds pressed down, and the mayor's weak mind was shattered to pieces in an instant. He immediately rolled his eyes, fainted, and fell thumpingly on his wicker chair.

Xiao Bo landed on the ground first, followed closely by the other card repairmen. In the small courtyard, forty or fifty seventh-level card cultivators remained silent and silent. The mayor's men, who insisted on not passing out, finally couldn't bear it anymore, rolled their eyes, and passed out simply.

"I hate trouble!" Xiao Bo muttered, his long silver hair fluttering in the air, and his mask covered with daisies looked extremely evil. Behind him, the prologue wheel was as conspicuous as ever.

It’s not easy to get an opportunity to lead a team! Xiao Bo felt secretly happy.

The other card repairmen kept their mouths shut knowingly.

They had witnessed the strength of the thugs with their own eyes, and no one dared to question the authority of Juhua, who was also one of the two demons of Muying.

Forty or fifty seventh-level card cultivators, all with straight faces, cold eyes, and silent words, created an atmosphere that was immediately depressing and terrifying.

The mayor woke up faintly and almost fainted again.

"Everyone...my lords, I don't know...how can I help you?" the mayor asked stammeringly. He responded quickly and did not ask where the person was from, but directly asked if there was anything he could do for him. He understood that the status of the two sides was too far apart. The other party could crush him to death as easily as crushing an ant to death.

No one dares, and no one would, to have a grudge against forty or fifty seventh-level card cultivators for the sake of the mayor of a remote town.

Xiao Bo admired the other party's knowledge and interest very much. What a talent!

"Not bad, not bad!" Xiao Bo nodded repeatedly and said pleasantly: "We are the bodyguard directly under Lord Canglan, and we are here to perform special tasks. However, due to the emergency, our energy cards have been almost consumed, so we hope to go to your town to replenish supplies. Of course, we will not do anything like robbery. Master Canglan has always taught us to pay attention to the relationship with the local area. To buy, well, we plan to buy a batch of energy cards, and we also ask the mayor to cooperate."

"It should, it should!" The mayor looked astonished. No wonder so many seventh-level card cultivators turned out to be Lord Canglan's direct bodyguards! He has no doubts! On the contrary, he was still reviewing his reaction in his mind for being too slow. Apart from Lord Canglan's direct guard, which other team in this area can have so many seventh-level card cultivators?

This is a perfect opportunity to curry favor! The mayor is secretly thinking, and the leader of the group, whose voice sounds so young, must be deeply favored by Lord Canglan!

After thinking about it, he quickly said: "I wonder how many do you need?"

"Of course, the more, the better." Xiao Bo picked his nails slowly, without raising his head.

It is indeed a secret mission. The mayor gritted his teeth and said flatteringly: "Sir, although this town has some inventory, it is not much. However, there is a small local chamber of commerce that has a lot of inventory. Sir, look... "

Lord Juhua was a little hesitant: "But, we are on a secret mission, and our whereabouts must be kept secret..."

"Don't worry, sir. This matter will be handled by a villain. All you need to do is use the name of the town government to urgently call all the energy cards to it, so that your whereabouts, sir, will not be revealed!" the mayor said flatteringly.

"Not bad, not bad! I really didn't misjudge you. You are a talent! Once this matter is done, it will naturally benefit you." Xiao Bo pretended to hesitate: "It's just that the price..."

"How can I let you spend money! Although this town is not rich, some energy cards are just a little bit of my heart. Sir, please don't refuse!" the mayor said very politely.

Xiao Bo looked at the mayor with admiration, but said: "This is not possible. Lord Canglan has always taught us that we need to be clear-minded and self-disciplined!"

Bathed in the admiring eyes of the "adults", the mayor felt comfortable all over, and his mind was surprisingly quick: "It's just the villain who is not thinking carefully. These energy cards have been stored for a long time. According to the market price, they are worth ten euros." !”

Xiao Bo clapped his hands and praised: "If all the officials in Beiwangzhou were as capable as you, then Beiwangzhou would have dominated Tiandongli District long ago! It is really unfair for talents like you to stay in this remote town. After this mission, I will definitely recommend you to Mr. Xu, who is in charge of official evaluation."

The mayor was overjoyed and thanked him on the spot: "My kindness will be unforgettable for you!" As for Mr. Xu, he must be a powerful figure such as the Minister of Personnel. The mayor was extremely happy.

"By the way, we still need some supplies. Thank you for your trouble, Lord Mayor." Xiao Bo said unceremoniously.

The mayor took the supply list and was shocked. It looked like there were so many supplies for the large army. It seems that the mission of the Guards this time is indeed no small matter!

But at this moment, Xiao Bo looked at the mayor with a half-smile: "A talent like you must know our confidentiality regulations in Beiwangzhou." He pretended to sigh: "Recently, our intelligence system has been penetrated This is very serious. You must keep a close eye on those around you, no matter if you reveal our whereabouts to anyone..."

Xiao Bo's right hand gently stroked his neck, but his eyes were still so kind and gentle.

The mayor's back was soaked in an instant. He swallowed hard and nodded hurriedly: "I understand! I understand! I've been in the sun all day today, but I feel really comfortable!" There were big beads of sweat. It was spread all over his face, and he didn't look at all comfortable.

"What a talent!" Xiao Bo praised again.

When Xiao Bo left the city, he brought a whole motorcade with him, which shocked the whole camp!

This town is so rich! This is the first thought in everyone's mind. It's incredible that such a small town can buy so many supplies and energy cards. When the card cultivators of Muzi Camp learned that such a large amount of supplies only cost ten euros, everyone was collectively petrified.

Soon, news of Xiao Bo's despicable methods spread throughout the Muzi Camp, and everyone's eyes suddenly changed substantially when they looked at Xiao Bo.

The thugs are terrifying, and the stunning and terrifying explosion makes my heart palpitate every time I think about it. But in comparison, people are more willing to face the thugs' explosive bombs than Lord Daisy!

Cruel, cunning, despicable...

These words are not enough to describe Mr. Juhua. Think about it, even this small town has been squeezed out of so many supplies by Mr. Juhua! Even scraping the ground three feet away is not enough to describe it. If you offend a thug, it's just a physical pain. If you offend Juhua, I'm afraid you'll be sold out someday and you'll still be counting the money for him stupidly!

Even Chen Mu was stunned. Xiao Bo was so sinister and imaginative!

He immediately decided to make full use of Xiao Bo's strengths in the future.

The Muzi Battalion's speed increased sharply after receiving supplies. They now need to get out of Beiwangzhou as quickly as possible before the underworld coalition discovers it.

Chen Mu knew very well that what they needed to fight for now was speed! Any moment at this time is precious and directly related to their life and death!

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