
Chapter 576 Question

When Weah, Chen Mu, and the Devil Girl appeared on the battlefield, it meant that the turning point of the entire battle had occurred.

Although the Wanqi tribe had a slight advantage before, in terms of mobility, they were not as good as the Wuka flow, so the two sides were mostly in a stalemate. But the appearance of Weah caused the morale of these card-free flows to collapse instantly.

Weah did not kill Banzer immediately, but struck him several times and then threw him to the ground. Banze was stiff, lying on the ground like a corpse, unable to move. After dealing with Ban Ze, Chen Mu and the other three began to massacre Wu Ka Liu.

The [Eternal Night] in Chen Mu's hand is also a sharp weapon. It is soundless, tasteless and lightless, making it impossible to guard against. For both sides in the stalemate, this was enough to be the straw that broke the camel's back. The no-card streamers suddenly fell into absolute darkness, and their flaws were exposed. Then I saw Chen Mu wandering around like a wandering spirit. Wherever he went, enemies fell like wheat.

This time Chen Mu was not wearing a mask, and the Wanqi tribe recognized him at a glance, which boosted their morale.

Compared with Chen Mu's help, Weah and the Devil Girl took action much more directly.

Weah's methods were directly violent and could kill with one strike. When Wu Ka Liu faced him, everyone's expressions changed drastically. Some people even had the courage to fight and were directly bombarded into dregs.

As for the devil woman, she was wandering in the darkness. The black vine was silent and without any warning. She could attack from all angles, and the selected parts must be critical parts such as the throat and heart. The black vines are either entangled or thorny, and are strange and unpredictable. They will disappear as soon as they touch her. She often disappears into the shadows before the body falls.

Seeing Chen Mu and Weah in person, Li Duhong was extremely excited, but now he is much calmer than before. Seeing that they had an advantage on the field, they quickly made adjustments and switched from hunting mode to hunting mode.

Those non-card traffickers who want to escape encounter the protective net formed by countless blue lines and have no choice but to retreat. The Wanqi people, who had a tacit understanding, began to squeeze the encirclement circle continuously.

Such a scene is most conducive to Weah's performance.

Weah was like a lion, rushing into the flock of sheep, causing people to fall on their backs and blood to flow like rivers.

The number of card-free streams is decreasing at an alarming rate, but Weah's movements show no signs of slowing down. Chen Mu discovered something strange about Weah. Just like when he broke through the Snow Ridge Valley that day, Weah exuded a terrifying murderous aura. His eyes were reddish, his face was expressionless, and his hands were mechanically harvesting the enemy's life.

Chen Mu sighed softly, stopped, and waved his hand to stop Li Duhong who was about to go up to help. The devil girl also retreated to Chen Mu's side. Such an environment was not conducive to her fighting.

Although he still didn't know what the grudge was between these cardless people and Weah, Chen Mu could make a rough guess. I'm afraid there is a blood feud between the two parties. Now that he thinks about what Weah said to him before and that he needs his help, he understands a little bit.

The number of people who stream without cards is getting smaller and smaller. Some people have broken down mentally and raised their hands to surrender. But Weah didn't even look at it and continued his massacre.

Chen Mu had never seen such an expression of sadness on Weah's face, but today, looking at Weah who was silently killing, he felt indescribable sadness in his heart.

No matter what, help Weah!

This idea was so clear and strong in Chen Mu's mind at this time.

Li Duhong also noticed something strange about Weah, and his thoughts were simpler. The eyes he looked at these Wukaliu were immediately filled with hatred. In his heart, Weah was his closest relative! He wished he could go forward and kill all these people in person, but when he saw the first wave of hands to stop them, he retreated rationally. However, those card-free streamers who wanted to break out of the encirclement were all given the most "enthusiastic" care.

The battle ended quickly, with corpses everywhere and the smell of blood filling the air.

The red in Weah's eyes gradually faded, and he looked the same as usual.

He walked up to Banze and slapped him a few times, and Banze finally regained his mobility.

Banze's face was ashen, and the calmness and calmness he had before could no longer be seen. He witnessed the entire process of Weah's massacre with his own eyes. He might have had some courage to compete with Weah before, but now he has lost all hope.

"Kill me." Banze looked directly at Weah and said miserably: "I have no regrets about dying at the hands of the best warrior in the region."

"Why are you?" Weah suddenly asked.

"Why?" Banze was startled, then understood. He looked at Weah blankly, and suddenly laughed: "You occupy the three most beautiful mountains. Do you know how many people are jealous? Ha, Lian Wang is so proud. People can't help but covet. You bear the title of the number one warrior, but you don't surrender to the king. No matter who it is, you are the first to be destroyed. And as long as we kill you, we can divide those three mountains. "

Via Moran.

"Haha, you are also a pathetic person. You are the first warrior in vain, but you don't know good and evil, and now you are alone. Haha, where is your tribe? No one survives except you. What about the first warrior? In front of the king , It’s just a bigger stone. Haha, everyone who stands in front of the king will be kicked away!” Banze laughed nervously.

Weah suddenly said: "He is not the king."

Banze's laughter stopped abruptly. After a while, he asked slowly: "What did you say... He is not the king? How could he not be the king?"

"I have seen his face, he is not a king." Weah said.

"Impossible...impossible! This is impossible!" Banze shouted in panic. This news was so shocking! He looked at Weah blankly, and after a moment he suddenly asked: "Is what you said true?"

Weah didn't answer, stood up directly, turned and left.

"Speak clearly! Tell me clearly! He is not the king? How can he not be the king..." Banzer jumped up from the ground and shouted hysterically at Weah's back.

Weah ignored him, walked to Chen Mu and said, "Let's go."

Li Duhong looked at the crazy-looking Banze and hesitated whether to kill him. But when he saw Wea Chen Mu was walking away, he quickly chased after him.

Chen Mu touched Li Duhong's head, feeling fond and filled with emotion. Li Duhong took off his mask and smiled stupidly like a child, without any trace of his former cleverness. The other Wanqi tribe members were all excited and smiling. They had all experienced the disaster that nearly destroyed the Wanqi clan, and they were sincerely grateful and respectful to Chen Mu for leading them to survive.

While talking, Chen Mu asked about their life in [Lower City]. After learning that they had recovered their strength, he couldn't help but feel happy for them. He suddenly caught a glimpse of the gloves on Li Duhong's hand, and he couldn't help but be interested in remembering the scene when he saw them fighting: "Who made these gloves? Alfonso?"

Li Duhong quickly took off the gloves and handed them to Chen Mu. He said as if he was offering a treasure: "Yes, Alfonso studied for a long time before he came up with it. He said these are energy gloves, but we all call them blue silk gloves." .”

"Energy gloves?" Chen Mu was startled. Although he had vaguely guessed it before, he didn't expect that it was really this thing. Alfonso was actually able to make energy gloves, which was somewhat beyond his expectation.

Taking the energy glove, he inspected it carefully. There are obvious differences between the energy gloves produced by Alfonso and the structural diagrams of energy gloves he has seen before, but the general structure is the same. It's just that this pair of energy gloves requires very little perception. It can be applied with just a little perception, and it focuses more on strength. This is quite consistent with the actual situation of the Wanqi tribe. Chen Mu has taught them to exercise their perception before, but it was very basic. In contrast, Weah's physical fitness-related training is very common among the Wanqi tribe.

This pair of energy gloves should actually be called power gloves. They wrap around the user's body and form a unique three-dimensional network. When impacted, the power will be broken down into hundreds of rays and dispersed to impact his entire body. . Similarly, the user can also use these blue threads wrapped around the body to use the muscle power of various parts of the body to pool together at the same time to deliver a fatal blow to the enemy.

In cardless streaming, this is a fairly advanced technique. But with these gloves, the Wanqi people can easily achieve this.

After careful inspection, Chen Mu discovered that there was nothing advanced about the card texture of this pair of gloves, but Alfonso cleverly used the exquisite and meticulous metal craftsmanship unique to the Wanqi tribe to circumvent this weakness. The exquisiteness of the parts inside amazed Chen Mu.

And the square masks they wear on their faces are also a kind of jamming device in [Lower City], called [Square Face], which was restored by Alfonso. But it's also the same, because his knowledge reserve in card weapons is not very rich, so he can only find another way. Through delicate metal craftsmanship and a little knowledge of jamming equipment, he finally completed this mask.

But there are many differences between the [square face] created by Alfonso and the original [square face]. The original [Square Face] targets enemies that are card repairers, so it focuses more on perception fluctuations and energy fluctuations. But the [Square Face] made by Alfonso has stronger performance in physical detection, but limited by his poor knowledge of stuck weapons, its performance in sensing fluctuations and energy fluctuation detection is almost zero.

Relying on these two sharp weapons, the Wanqi tribe rarely encountered opponents in the jungle, and those ferocious beasts became their daily hunting targets.

Alfonso is indeed a genius!

After seeing the two card weapons, Chen Mu couldn't help but sigh.

"Sir, when will you return to [Lower City]? Everyone misses you very much!" Li Duhong asked eagerly.

Chen Mu smiled: "I probably won't be able to go back this time. I'm going to another place to do something."

A look of disappointment suddenly appeared on Lidu Hong's face.

Chen Mu looked at Li Duhong's unhappy expression and couldn't help but laugh. He suddenly remembered what Qing Qing said. If Qing Qing was right, then [Downtown] should be the laboratory established by Rosenberg's students. Qingqing also said that the reason why Rosenberg students built the laboratory there was to study the path window.

That means that Jingchuang should not be far from [Lower City].

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