
Chapter 577 Ready to go

Li Duhong really knew. Chen Mu just gave him a general description of Jingchuang, and he understood.

He grinned: "Sir, I know where the thing you are talking about is. But the beasts in that place are more powerful, so we rarely go there." After saying that, he asked cautiously: "Sir, where are you going? Haha. , let me go with you."

Chen Mu smiled and said nothing.

He didn't plan to take Li Duhong there. Li Duhong is the leader of the Wanqi clan, and his importance to the Wanqi clan is undoubted. And although Li Duhong's strength is much stronger than before, it is still very dangerous to go to Baiyuan Mansion.

Chen Mu once asked the devil girl Zara about an incident in Baiyuan Mansion. Zara said that Baiyuan Mansion is more dangerous than the Federation, and the living environment there is even worse.

The Wanqi tribe who followed Chen Mu back to Dongshang Acropolis attracted the attention of all parties. Their equipment is too special, especially the long metal gloves that reach to the elbow joints. Anyone with a discerning eye can easily tell that it is a jammed weapon. When Qingqing saw the Wanqi tribe, his expression changed slightly. She memorized various classics of the Star Academy by heart, and this pair of all-metal gloves resembled a legendary jamming weapon - energy gloves.

The method of making energy gloves should be in the notebook in Chen Mu's arms. Chen Mu probably hadn't warmed up the laptop when he got it, so it was impossible to produce the physical object and equip it so quickly. As for the well-trained posture of the Wanqi tribe, it can be seen that it cannot be formed in a short time. There is only one possibility. He has been able to make energy gloves a long time ago.

Qingqing felt a chill in her heart.

No one could have imagined that while everyone was vying for these notebooks, Chen Mu had quietly mastered this technology. She was sure that Chen Mu's skills in jamming weapons had already surpassed Faya's.

The power he secretly accumulated seemed to never reach its bottom.

Thinking of this, Qingqing felt a little sad. When it comes to trump card, Xingyuan has a lot of accumulation, which is only a lot more than the other five companies. However, she did not expect that the seemingly powerful Xingyuan would suddenly become so fragile. No matter which war they fought in, the Star Academy did not gain any actual benefits, but instead suffered repeated setbacks. The greatest benefit lies in the hands of two people, one is Tang Hanpei and the other is Chen Mu.

Tang Hanpei is the proud son of heaven and a genius recognized by the federation. Qing Qing does not feel dissatisfied at being in his hands.

But what about Chen Mu? She was not well-known and came from an extremely humble background, but she also made Xingyuan, including herself, suffer a lot.

Xingyuan is now in a desperate situation. Xingyuan did not block Tang Hanpei's progress, and Tang Hanpei seemed to have once again confirmed his reputation as an invincible genius. He had never had any leadership experience, but he was unstoppable, and the Star Academy was retreating steadily. No one could stop him, not even the famous commanders, who were inexplicably amazed by Tang Hanpei's ability to lead the army.

Kuji Temple, which originally planned to launch a flanking attack on Tang Hanpei, somehow remained unmoved and showed no intention of helping.

Everyone is witnessing the birth of a legend.

Intelligent people from all over the federation flocked to the federal comprehensive universities like a tide. Many people believe that Tang Hanpei will be the most likely to become the real king of the unified federation! From the current point of view, this statement is convincing enough. He is the number one card repairman in the Federation. He controls the huge group of Federal Comprehensive Schools. He has extremely outstanding military talents and outstanding political vision, and is full of personal charm.

Su Heiming is another character who can be compared with him, but in the eyes of most people, he is too cruel.

Tang Hanpei's strength is rapidly expanding, and the situation of Xingyuan is becoming more and more dangerous. One of the most important reasons is Luo Xiju's rebellion.

Qingqing knew that Luo Xiju's behavior could not be regarded as rebellion, it was just Xingyuan's statement to the outside world. Having grown up in the Xingyuan system, she knew Luo Xiju's thoughts very well. Star Academy may seem gentle, but the internal competition is actually very cruel. Luo Xiju has been living a life of semi-house arrest for these years. He was even asked not to leave the Star Court. Although the fat man always showed indifference on his face, he was equally disgusted in his heart.

Unlike Fatty, although she was also disgusted in her heart, she would not choose to leave. After leaving Star Court, she didn't know where she could go.

She should return to Xingyuan now to resist Tang Hanpei's invasion. But she didn't, and she knew it would be useless if she went. The only one who can save Xingyuan now is Luo Xiju. But if you want that cunning fat man to stand up, the head of Xingyuan needs to do too many things. Change of power, internal reforms, purges...

She can only wait, wait for the silent struggle of the Star Academy to end, or wait for the Star Academy to be destroyed!

Or Chen Mu can do it. Although he is not strong enough to resist Tang Hanpei, he has the skills and has a peerless general like Bagnell under his command.

She watched with a complicated expression as Chen Mu led a group of warriors wearing energy gloves into Dongshang Guard City.

"What is that?" Yang Shanfei asked Su in a low voice. He had extraordinary vision, and although he couldn't recognize the energy glove, he knew it was definitely a good thing.

Su's eyes were a little surprised, and he said calmly: "It's a jammed weapon."

"The weapon is stuck? Manager Bai is quite famous." Yang Shanfei muttered a few words and turned to leave.

Su stared at this group of people from a distance for a long time before leaving.

The arrival of Li Duhong forced Chen Mu to postpone his trip.

The Power Gauntlet inspired him. This kind of card is undoubtedly a very mature work and has great practical value. But it also has very special requirements for users, requiring a certain amount of perception, but focusing more on physical strength, which is somewhat similar to a combination of card-free flow and card repair. And it is also flexible and can be focused in any direction. For example, Liduhong and the others focus more on physical strength.

What makes Chen Mu so interested in energy gloves is that there is another thing, which is card planting. According to Weah, the implanted card can greatly increase the physical strength of the implanted person in a short period of time, which is somewhat similar to a weakened version of Biaoqing, but the side effects are also not that strong. Implanting cards will cause the user's perception to stagnate, which is why Caesar thinks that card implanting is a short-sighted behavior.

This middle-of-the-road approach does not have broader prospects for development.

But what does that matter?

Not everyone in this world is Tang Hanpei. The card repairmen under Chen Mu, especially the Snow Silkworm card repair group, were limited by their reputation at the time, and the average perception of the card repairmen they recruited was not high. Although he uses decks of cards to make up for their lack of firepower. This also creates a problem, their firepower is indeed strong, but they are also quite fragile.

This trip to Baiyuan Mansion is dangerous, and it is impossible for Chen Mu to go alone. Bagnell and Xi Ping were making final preparations, and everyone unanimously decided that Muziying and the Snow Silkworm Kaxiu Group would enter Baiyuan Mansion together. Of course, there are a lot of reasons, such as the Federation is no longer suitable for human survival.

Chen Mu was not pretentious. It was impossible to accomplish the goal of this trip with his own strength alone. He was very moved. This trip was full of dangers and it took great courage to make this decision. But in reality, he quickly focused on how to improve the combat effectiveness of the Muzi Camp and the Snow Silkworm Kaxiu Group, which would directly affect their life and death.

With his current reputation, he can recruit card repairmen again, and the personal qualities of the newly recruited card repairmen will definitely far exceed those of the Snow Silkworm card repairing group. But Chen Mu was unwilling to do this. On the one hand, it was out of emotion. The Snow Silkworm Kaxiu Group had been following him for a long time, and he did not want to disband them. On the other hand, it will take a long time for newly recruited card cultivators to develop combat effectiveness.

The card planting technology and energy gloves gave Chen Mu considerable inspiration.

Weah said that this card planting technology is not difficult and is a very common technology in the Mohadi domain. The key lies in the fit between the implanted card and the user's body. The better the fit, the greater the performance.

However, making this kind of card requires a lot of beasts. This strange request made Chen Mu stunned for a moment. Although animal blood is often used in the card making process, it is obviously not the same thing as what Weah said.

However, since Weah said it is possible, it must not be a problem. As for where to hunt beasts that meet Weah's requirements, the devil woman Zara gave suggestions. She said that wild beasts were rampant in Baiyuan Mansion.

Now there's another problem left, the making of energy gloves. Snowworm Card Repair Group The Card Repair Group has thousands of card repairmen. If they are all equipped, it means that thousands of sets of energy gloves are needed. Chen Mu didn't think he could complete such a large project.

Moreover, he needs to make some adjustments to the energy gloves made by Li Duhong and the others. The Snow Silkworm card repair group's card repair perception is much stronger than Li Duhong's, which also means that they can have greater operating accuracy.

As for making its core object, the card, this was actually the simplest task for Chen Mu. He may now be the only card maker in the Federation with the ability to produce cards on a large scale. He is able to produce a large number of cards in a very short period of time. Their huge team is also rich in all kinds of materials.

Moreover, Chen Mu's team also has a group of experts in the field of jamming weapons. They can also help him quickly complete the team's costume changes.

Chen Mu temporarily stayed in Dongshang Weicheng, and every day he would either discuss the issue of energy gloves with Alfonso through [Qianli], or discuss how to mass-produce them with the group of jamming experts.

Li Duhong, on the other hand, stayed with Weah every day and trained honestly with Xiao Bumo. The other Wanqi tribe did not receive such good treatment, but they were not idle either, acting as instructors for the Snow Silkworm Kaxiu Group. After Bagnell learned of Chen Mu's plan, he asked the Snow Silkworm Card Repair Group to become familiar with this fighting method.

The members of the Snow Silkworm Card Repair Group were very curious about this novel fighting method.

Su Liu Cherou started preparing various medicines, and she was full of expectations for the upcoming trip. As a medical card repairman, she has a natural enthusiasm for the medicinal properties of various novel species. The medical card cultivators with her were also excited.

The experienced Xi Ping also seemed to be rejuvenated, preparing all kinds of necessary supplies without touching the ground.

Chen Mu was surprised and puzzled for a long time because of the lack of fear and expectation towards Baiyuan Mansion and his entourage.

Later, he learned that since Baiyuan Mansion and the Federation have established diplomatic relations for so many years, there are extremely strict restrictions on going to Baiyuan Mansion, and only a handful of people have been there. A trail window that is not controlled by federal jurisdiction is like a waterway that can be smuggled. How fascinating!

This is an era of adventure that is truly fanatical, although Chen Mu cannot understand this emotion.

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