"Shinichi, oh Shinichi, it’s time to test you"

"Have you forgotten that your dream is to become a detective like Sherlock Holmes?"

"Don't let me down!"


Lin Tan, the instigator, held a Valentine's Day event and a smile appeared on his lips.

It just so happened that the other party spent all his savings and exchanged it for a fighting introduction.

He wanted to see if Shinichi could resist the temptation of triple points!

While I was thinking, the doorbell rang.

After Lin Tan put his thoughts back, he went to the entrance and opened the door.

What caught his eye were two beautifully dressed beautiful girls.

Xiaolan wore a red sleeveless one-piece dress. The skirt was very slim and showed off her beautiful figure.

Only one button on the chest of the skirt was undone. It was obvious that she was a conservative girl and didn't like makeup that was too revealing.

Sonoko wore a white suspender belt, a gray pleated skirt and white stockings.

She shows her figure openly and her dressing style is consistent with her personality, she is quite outgoing

"excuse me~~~"Xiaolan Yuanzi and the two said hello.

Looking at the two beautiful girls who were very eye-catching, Lin Tan was in a good mood. He stood aside and said,"Two beauties, come in!"

After entering the entrance and putting on his shoes, he greeted Xiaolan Yuanzi into the living room..

Champagne, aromatherapy, roses and warm yellow lights.

The atmosphere suddenly came out

"yeah~~~Dressed up in a good atmosphere!"Xiaolan Yuanzi was quite pleasantly surprised!

Of course, this was not due to Lin Tan's arrangement, but because Shinichi's previous performance was too crotch-stretching.

In his eyes, Valentine's Day was just a trick to trick children. He was completely dismissive and had no preparation at all. Yes.

Isn't Xiaolan Yuanzi surprised by this comparison?

"I learned it all from the Internet, and I’m worried that you won’t like it."Tan Lin invited the two of them to sit down in the open kitchen.

"how could be? It’s super atmospheric here!"Yuanzi can feel the other party's intentions.

"Hmm~~ It’s like a romantic scene in a movie!"Xiaolan looked around, her face full of expectation.

"Just like it, it means my preparation is valuable."Tan Lin gave each of the two women a menu and said,"Today is such a special day, let's celebrate with a special drink."

After Xiaolan Yuanzi took the menu, she found that there were all kinds of cocktails on it.

This made the two of them happy and excited.

What people love to do most is to do forbidden things.

The two of them also No exception.

Especially the scenes where cocktails appear are often linked to scenes related to"romance","encounter","love" and so on.

This is even more irresistible for adolescent girls like Xiaolan Yuanzi!

"I want to drink this cup of angel kiss, the name is so nice! Don't know how it tastes."Xiaolan fell in love with this cocktail at first sight.

"Then I want this Tequila Lover!!"Yuanzi also picked a cocktail with a nice name.

"OK, just a second."After Lin Tan saw the two placing orders, he started to perform.

He gently picked up a goblet and tapped his fingers on the cup body, making a crisp and sweet sound.

Then, he quickly picked up a bottle With a twist of his finger,

Detective Lin poured the whiskey into the measuring cup, and he picked up a shaker and poured it into the measuring cup. Tequila and several other liquors were poured into it one after another.

Then, he held the shaker tightly with both hands and shook it vigorously.

The shaker seemed to become a magical prop in his hands, rising and falling with his movements. When the wine was fully mixed, Lin Tan opened the shaker, and a gorgeous arc of wine passed through the air and fell into the goblet accurately.

, smooth and natural.

Finally, he picked up a piece of lemon peel and gently rubbed it on the rim of the cup, releasing the fresh aroma of lemon.

This cool action made Xiaolanyuanzi and others applaud and marvel.

"Your agave lover."Tan Lin placed the cocktail in front of Yuanzi.

"Thanks~~~~"Yuanzi was extremely surprised. She really didn't expect that Detective Lin could even mix drinks!

He is already handsome, and he can also do cool bartending moves. He is simply charming.

She can't wait to give away her birth chocolate now!

Detective Lin then started to help Xiaolan make Angel Kiss.

His slender fingers held the silver spoon with skillful gestures and quickly stirred the ice cubes in the glass. Then he picked up the prepared cocoa liqueur and poured it slowly and evenly into the liqueur glass.

When the wine is 2/3 filled, slowly lift it up, then quickly hold up the bar spoon and place it above the mouth of the cup.

The rich and smooth cream flows into the glass along the back of the bar spoon and floats on the surface of the wine like a feather.

Finally, he threaded a bright red cherry on a cocktail needle and placed it on the cup

"This is your angel kiss, Xiaolan."Tan Lin placed the cocktail in front of Xiaolan.

"so amazing~~~~"Xiaolan exclaimed and clapped her hands repeatedly, her inner joy was beyond words.

For the first time, she experienced what romance is and what heartbeat is!

This feeling was something I had never experienced before with Shinichi.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi couldn't wait to pick up their own cocktails and try them.

The taste of Angel's Kiss is sweet and soft, while the taste of Tequila Lover is sour and sweet, mixed with a little bit of wine, and the taste is quite rich.

No matter which kind it is, you can't drink it in Xiaolanyuanzi on weekdays.

"So delicious! Xiaolan looked at Detective Lin with admiration and said,"I didn't expect Lin to be so good at bartending!""

"No, I just practiced a few more times."Tan Lin smiled modestly.

But in fact, he didn't practice much at all.

It was all because of Shinichi's hard work and the skill of [Bartender] that he was able to arrange the bartending program.

What I want to say , we still have to thank Shinichi for his hard work!

Without Shinichi's efforts to solve the case, where would he be today?

"You really prepared carefully!" Yuanzi looked at Lin Tan with eyes that were unabashedly full of love.

Just when Lin Tan was about to say something, the doorbell rang.

"The new one is here, and he didn’t let us go this time!"He said and walked towards the entrance.

When Lin opened the door and saw that it was really Shinichi, he was still very disappointed.

Shinichi, oh Shinichi, you failed to withstand the test!

If you have three times the activity points and don't redeem them, run over here I 'm here for a Valentine's Day party!

It's so disappointing!

How can you become a Sherlock Holmes if you are so greedy for beauty?

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