"Take a seat. What would you like to drink?"

After Lin Tan asked Xinyi to sit down at the bar, he gave him the menu.

"Is it all wine? Can I have something without alcohol?"Xinyi is a little averse to alcohol, as it will affect his brain function.

He also thinks that after the party is over, he will immediately run to solve the case!

Today is triple points!

Get as much as you can, otherwise it will be wasted.

"Then... let me refresh you with a cup of iced coffee. Detective Lin immediately got Shinichi a cup of iced coffee.

He then got himself a glass of rum, raised his glass and said,"It's rare that there are so many people together, let's have a drink first.""

The other three picked up the wine glasses in response, clinked them and took a small sip.

As the initiator of the party, Detective Lin naturally had to take charge of the party atmosphere. As the host of a large party, he would definitely not be able to hold on. , but a small gathering of four people is still fine

"Time flies so fast, a few months have passed in the blink of an eye."Tan Lin began to recall the past, lifting the atmosphere bit by bit, and said:"When I first transferred to another school, I was still a little uncomfortable with it."

"Fortunately, you took the initiative to talk to me and make friends with me.………Otherwise I don’t even know what to do"

"It's not that serious~~"Yuanzi chuckled and said,"Even without us, Mr. Lin, you can still adapt.""

"With your communication skills, Mr. Lin, you will soon become good friends with other classmates."Xiaolan doesn't think that Lin Tan will be lonely without them.

With his mature and steady character and his ability to take care of others, he can make friends easily!"

"Only those with similar interests can become friends, otherwise they can only be just acquaintances."Tan Lin really likes them from the bottom of his heart.


Faced with the conversation about reminiscing about the past, Shinichi only occasionally interjected a few words, and his mind was not on the party at all.

Because the system's messages are now bombarding him!

【Ding! A murder occurred at Yoneka-cho 4-chome 23!】

【Ding! Murder in Tokyo hotel】

【Ding! Murder in love hotel】

【Ding! Murder in Tokyo Tower Apartment】


A series of tasks appeared, which immediately shocked Shinichi.

There may be more murders in this hour than yesterday!!

No, what day is it today?

How come there are so many murders?

Valentine's Day?

Oh, that's okay.

Shinichi soon understood that 90% of the murders that occurred now were murders caused by emotional disputes!

The bombardment of Valentine's Day seems to be a flint, igniting all the unstable feelings at once.

Some people are caught in bed, some are holding grudges, and some are intolerable.…………

All conflicts between couples and relationships break out on this day.

Murder cases will happen one after another!

After thinking of this, Xindu suddenly felt irritable.

During the Valentine’s Day event, your points will triple!

In just one hour, there were six murders.

If you detect them all by yourself, you will gain eighteen points in one fell swoop!

This is still counting each murder case with the lowest difficulty.

If you encounter some crazy critics and directly kill their whole family, how can the points reward be so high?

Suppose it soars to 3 o'clock. If it triples, it will suddenly reach 9 o'clock.

Work hard today and work hard until 12 o'clock in the morning. Maybe you can get 100 points!

As he thought about it, Shinichi became more and more restless, unable to hear what others were saying.

These tasks were all transferred by Detective Lin to Shinichi. Of course, he noticed the other party's absent-mindedness.

In response, Detective Lin nodded secretly in his heart.

It seems that Shinichi is not terminally ill and can still be saved. He can be taught!

A good detective is one who is not obsessed with women.

After thinking of this, he planned to start setting up a new level.

Otherwise, with the face-loving character of this young man, it would be impossible for him to take the initiative to leave.

Lin Tan gave Xiaolan Yuanzi a look and motioned for them to look at Shinichi.

The two girls turned to look at Shinichi and found that the other person was absent-minded, just staring at the cup of iced coffee in his hands, his soul flying out.

At this time, Detective Lin suddenly clapped and said loudly:"Okay! Okay!! What Xiaolan said is great!!"

Xiaolan Yuanzi immediately cooperated and applauded together.

Shinichi, who didn't know why, saw that everyone was applauding, and they all applauded too. He smiled at Xiaolan, nodded, and gave a thumbs up.

This scene made Xiaolan Yuanzi unable to hold it in any longer and burst out laughing.

"Um?"Xinyi looked at them in confusion, wondering why the two of them laughed suddenly.

He looked at Detective Lin with confused eyes and asked what was going on.

Detective Lin was very satisfied with Xinyi's performance, and he said:"Xinyi 1. We can keep your person, but we cannot keep your heart. I think you should go out and solve the case."

"yes! Judging from your absent-minded appearance, instead of wasting time here, you might as well go out and benefit society."Sonoko understands that this kind of gathering is very uncomfortable and uncomfortable for Shinichi.

"We feel sorry for forcing you to stay."Xiaolan also understands that Shinichi who is obsessed with reasoning and solving crimes is the real Shinichi!

Forcing him to stay like this will only make everyone unhappy.

"me……"Shinichi was still thinking of making a few excuses, but he didn't know what to say.

He and Xiaolan Yuanzi grew up together, and they both know a lot about comparisons.

There's no point in quibbling!

Detective Lin took out the key from the drawer and handed it to Shinichi, saying:"The bicycle that turned left when I went out is mine, you go on the bicycle!"

"…………"Shinichi struggled inwardly, but finally reached out and took the key and said,"Thank you for your understanding! After I solve the case, I will definitely treat everyone to a big dinner!"

After he stood up and bowed to the three of them, he just said He wanted to turn around and go out, but was stopped by Yuanzi:"Wait!!"

"Um? What else?"Xinyi looked at Sonoko curiously.

Sonoko took out a chocolate from his bag, handed it over and said,"I guess you won't come back today, so I'll give you the chocolate first."

"Oh oh~~~Thank you!"Xinyi happily accepted the chocolate.

He knew it was friendship chocolate without opening it.

Basically, Sonoko would give it to him every year.

"And...this is mine."Xiaolan also took out the chocolate and gave it to Xinyi

"Thanks, Xiaolan! Then I'll leave first."After Shinichi accepted the chocolate, he took it back and left.

When he took the elevator downstairs, he couldn't wait to open the chocolate.

He saw the word"Benming" written on it.

"yeah!!"Xinichi looked up excitedly.

He clenched his fists in excitement, patting his chest and howling like a gorilla!

"I knew it!"Xinyi blushed and clenched his fists, unable to express his joy.

He took that bite of Honmei chocolate and it was so sweet to his heart!!

"I have decided to go to Xiaolan to confess my love tonight!!"Xinyi hummed a pleasant tune and left the apartment.

He quickly found Lin Tan's bicycle and unlocked it with the key.

At this time, Xinyi suddenly heard someone running out of the apartment calling his name.

He turned around and looked, I found out that it was Yuanzi who ran out.

"What's wrong? garden."Xinyi looked at the other party in surprise.

After Sonoko ran over, he said:"I gave you the wrong chocolate. Give me my birth chocolate quickly.……………ah!!! Why did you just eat it?!"

She said when she saw that Shinichi had torn open the package, she suddenly let out a scream.

"ah? this is yours?"Xinyi was stunned, and then he couldn't help but vomited, and said:"I just said, why is it so sweet?………"

Sonoko quickly grabbed the half-eaten chocolate and said angrily:"Isn't this nonsense? When did I ever give you homemade chocolate?!"

As she said that, she gave another piece of chocolate to Shinichi.

Shinichi took it and saw it, Meiji chocolate!

Bought from 7-ELEVEN.

The price hasn’t even come off yet!

500 yen!

He said uncomfortably:"Wow, we have been friends for more than ten years! You just give me this? Isn't the friendship between us worth it for you to make a piece for me by the way?""

"Do you still have the nerve to say, have you given me gifts in return over the years?" Sonoko glared at Shinichi with dissatisfaction.

"Forehead………………I remembered that I still had very important things to do, so I left first. Farewell!"Xinyi felt guilty, quickly put on his helmet and ran away on his bicycle.

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