"How about it? Have you changed it back?"

After Xiaolan came back from visiting the garden, she quickly stepped forward and asked

"I took it back...but it was eaten twice by that guy Shinichi. It's not clean anymore. Yuanzi said with an annoyed look on his face.

"I'll see if there's any chance of remediation."Xiaolan took the chocolate from Yuanzi's hand and looked at it. She smiled and said:"It's not a big problem, the word"life" is still there!"

"Just pinch off the other parts."

"The packaging is still intact!"

As she said that, she used her deft hands to carefully break off the part of the chocolate that Shinichi had eaten.

After repackaging it, Xiaolan returned the chocolate to Sonoko and said,"That's enough. Chocolate is just a carrier. , the main thing is to convey your feelings!"

"Xiaolan, you are right!"After being said by her best friend, Yuanzi's mood improved a lot.

After returning to the bar, Yuanzi took the initiative to give away the chocolates and said:"Mr. Lin~~~This is your chocolate!"

"And mine."Xiaolan also gave away her chocolates.

Tan Lin accepted two chocolates and said,"Thank you, can I open them and take a look?"

"sure."Xiaolan Yuanzi nodded nervously.

This was the first time in their lives that they had confessed to a boy, and their little hearts were beating uncontrollably!!

Lin Tan opened the package, and the two chocolates were both Benming chocolates.

He The corners of his mouth raised slightly and he said:"So I'm so popular"

"Lin Jun, if you had to choose one of us two, who would you choose as your girlfriend? Yuanzi asked expectantly.

"………"Xiaolan blushed a little. She couldn't say these words as calmly as Yuanzi.

"Well...you two are both excellent, and I can't make a choice right now."Of course Detective Lin would not give the answer now.

If you choose one, wouldn't the other one be gone?

As the old saying goes, when children make choices, adults want them all!

He immediately said:"Why don't we play truth or dare? How about taking a risk and getting to know each other better?"

"Great!!"After Yuanzi took a sip of wine, she nodded in agreement. She said happily:"I have wanted to play this for a long time! But I have never been able to find the right person to play with! Three people are just right now!"

"No problem for me either!"Xiaolan was also a little eager to try.

After Lin Tan saw that both of them agreed, he took out the playing cards and put them on the table. He said,"Everyone draws a playing card. The player with the lowest points chooses truth or dare. The biggest question, okay?"

The rules are simple, even Xiaolan Yuanzi understands them.

"Then let’s draw cards!"Lin Tan said, and he randomly picked a card.

Xiaolan Yuanzi also took one.

After the three of them turned over the playing cards at the same time, Lin Tan got 10, which had the highest point, and Xiaolan got the It is 4, the smallest number of points

"This...I...I choose the adventure."Xiaolan said nervously.

When Yuanzi heard this, he said enthusiastically:"Let Xiaolan take off her skirt!"

"Garden!!!"Xiaolan said with her face flushed, signaling her to stop quickly and stop causing trouble!

"It’s just the beginning, start simple………Xiaolan, please unbutton those two buttons on your chest."Detective Lin didn't embarrass Xiaolan too much, and the atmosphere was getting warmer little by little. What if Xiaolan became impatient and stopped playing?

This big adventure is not difficult at all. Xiaolan is naturally He unbuttoned the buttons.

At this time, Yuanzi next to him exclaimed:"Wow!! It's really breathtaking."

Xiaolan was fine at first, but when Yuanzi said this, her face turned even redder.

Lin Tan felt that Yuanzi's description was very accurate, and it was indeed amazing.

Xiaolan took a sip of the cocktail and became nervous during the session, then said:" Let's... hurry up and do the second round."

After she put the playing cards aside, she grabbed another one from the deck.

After the three of them grabbed the cards, they turned over the cards at the same time.

This time, Xiaolan had the highest points and Yuanzi had the lowest.

"big Adventure!! Yuanzi said without thinking.

Xiaolan said with a bit of revenge:"Then take off your skirt!""

"OK!"When Yuanzi heard this, he quickly took off his pleated skirt.

"Are you really taking off your clothes?"Xiaolan was shocked.

Lin Tan was also quite surprised. He didn't expect the other party to be so bold.

However, when he saw Yuanzi's wine glass, it was almost bottomed out, and he immediately reacted………It wasn't that Sonoko was bold, but that she drank too much.

Although the Tequila Lover cocktail is sweet, it is just a disguise.

It is made with spirits as the base liquor, and the diluted alcohol content is around 20!

This is much stronger than beer!

Xiaolan quickly picked up the pleated skirt and said:"I just scared you... Sonoko, put on the skirt quickly! This doesn't count.""

"How can you regret it? Don't worry... From this angle, Lin can't see him either."Yuanzi said and glanced at Lin Tan, her eyes full of joy.

At this moment, Lin Tan realized it!

It's one thing that Yuanzi drank too much, but she also wanted to show off.

You know, the Japanese server and the country The server is different.

The Japanese server is several versions ahead of the national server. The competition between Sakura girls is quite fierce.

It is normal for them to fight for a boy they like, like Sasuke and Sword in Naruto. Kirito in God's Domain and Shirou Emiya in FSN are all sexually attracted to other female characters.

Of course, if you want girls to engage in sexual competition for you, you have to be a high-ranking human like Sasuke, Kirito, or Shirou Emiya. A quality man.

Lin Tan suddenly thought of Brother Cheng, who seemed to be indecisive but was actually very smart!

If he had made his choice early, how could he have so many things to do next when it came to handling girls ? is worthy of belief.

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