【Ding! You successfully solved a murder case and received 1 point】

【Valentine's Day event is underway!】

【You get triple points bonus】

【You earn 3 points, for a total of 15 points! 】

Xinyi looked at the system message, and his points skyrocketed from 0 points to 15 points.

This made him smile happily, revealing a row of white teeth, and he was so happy:"These points come so fast! It's already 15 points in no time."

"With 35 points left, I can exchange it for a bodybuilding pill!!"

"This is just the past morning, there will be afternoon and evening, try hard to get 50 points, no problem!"

After thinking about this, Shinichi took out the Meiji chocolate and took a bite to add some sugar.

However, when he took it out and looked at it, he found that it was all gone.

Only the chocolate given by Xiaolan was left.

Shinichi felt anxious , opened the package.

Looking at the chocolate carefully, he was quite disappointed, but Xinyi quickly adjusted his mood, and he also knew that he had ignored Xiaolan during this period.

Xiaolan didn’t give herself Benming chocolate before, but it’s normal not to give it to her now!

"Well~~~The chocolate made by Xiaolan is delicious and slightly sweet!"After Xinyi took a bite, he couldn't help but think: What are the three of them talking about now?

Before he could think about it, Mumu Shisan came over and handed over a lunch box:"Thank you for your hard work, Xinyi one! Let's eat something to fill our stomach first."

"Thank you, Memu Police Department!"Xinyi put away the chocolate and took the lunch box politely.

"I should be the one to say thank you!"Mumu Shisan patted him on the shoulder and said,"If you hadn't come to help, the case wouldn't have been solved so quickly."

"I have reported your situation to my superiors. Matsumoto Police intends to hire you as the criminal consultant of our Metropolitan Police Department!!"

"What? Really?"After Shinichi heard the news, he looked at Megure Thirteen in surprise, with joy filling his face!!

"of course it's true! Do I need to lie to you?"Mumu Shisan said with a smile.

"The police department! Thank you so much!"Xinyi was so excited that he wanted to jump on the spot three times!

The Metropolitan Police Department recognized his ability!

Moreover, he also had the opportunity to participate in more important criminal cases!

"It is we who thank you for helping our police solve so many cases."Megure Thirteen said sincerely.

There are very few detectives in the world who volunteer to help like Shinichi.

Most of them have to pay!

"Okay, you eat first. I'll go to the murder scene to wrap things up."After Mumu Shisan finished speaking, he turned around and entered the murder scene.

Xinyi took advantage of the break to eat and quickly called Xiaolan, intending to share the good news with her.

However, Xiaolan's call was not connected.

He I called Detective Lin instead, and the answer came right away.

"Forest!! Let me tell you good news! I might be hired as a criminal consultant!"Xinyi said very excitedly

"real?"After Detective Lin received the news, he was also very happy.

Xinyi became a criminal consultant and will be able to receive more big cases in the future.

Then his reward will be even better!

He congratulated:"Congratulations, Shinichi! You're one step closer to Sherlock Holmes"

"hey-hey~~~I still have a long way to go!"Although Shinichi is happy, he also knows that he is far inferior to Holmes now.

"You are still young and still have room to grow! I believe you can become the Sherlock Holmes of the new era." Detective Lin said

"Ha ha! I think so too!"Xinyi said proudly. He believed that with the help of the system, he would continue to improve his reasoning ability and eventually catch up with his idol Sherlock Holmes!

After announcing the good news, he asked curiously:"How is your party now? Already?"

"It was quite lively, both of them got drunk and started to let themselves go gradually, not so ladylike anymore!"Tan Lin said, taking a look at Yuanzi who was laughing after getting a big card, and Xiaolan who was dejected after getting a small card.

"Don't let them drink too much, it's not good for their health."Xinyi warned.

"Don't worry about this, it's their first time drinking, so I don't dare let them drink too much, just give it a try. In addition, I also prepared hangover soup."As Lin Tan said, he noticed that Yuanzi pointed at his pants.

After Xiaolan came over, he unequivocally took off his pants.

"That's good."Xinyi believed that Detective Lin's ability to do things was much more stable than his own!

Detective Lin looked at his pants and asked,"Are you coming over for dinner tonight?"

"this……"Just as Shinichi finished speaking, he received another murder report from the system.

He said:"I may not have time to go there, the three of you can eat. Don't wait for me!""

"OK."Lin Tan nodded. Since Xinyi won't come back, it will be easier.

"Okay, no more. We have to solve another case."Xinyi hurriedly hung up the phone and hurriedly ate.

After hanging up, Detective Lin looked at Xiaolan Yuanzi and the two of them. They were obviously drunk.

"You guys drank too much, go back to your room and sleep."He said, picking up the two beautiful girls one by one, and took them back to the bedroom, making a mistake that all men in the world would make.

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