"I can’t finish it, I can’t finish it at all!"

"After drinking one bottle and another!!"

"There are just too many!"

"This kid Shinichi is at full power, he’s really awesome!!"


In the bedroom, Detective Lin looked at the messages on the system's screen. The dazzling array of rewards made him smile until his mouth widened.

Especially the life potion, he has drank three bottles now, and there are still three bottles left!

There are also skills and props, large and small, which are simply countless.

"What did this kid do? Could it be that he stabbed the criminal gang's lair?"Tan Lin was quite surprised.

But despite being surprised, he was still very happy!

"Fortunately, I don’t hurt you in vain!"Lin Tan said, looking at two of the many skills [Xuan Nu Sutra] and [Su Nu Sutra].

These two are special skills used to bully girls, and their effect on girls is increased by 100%. Fifty.

It clearly tells you that it should be done in order to open up the meridians of the girl's body and help the other party's body to wake up. This will be of great benefit to the war.

Xiaolan Yuanzi is around, so don't hurry up and try it. Lin Tan looked at the two of them and found that they had already fallen asleep.

However, this did not stop him from trying.

If it worked when they were sleeping, it would be even better when they woke up!

Here, Detective Lin reached out to Xiaolan and started testing with her.


The test is over.

Outstanding effect!

Even if Xiaolan Yuanzi is sleeping, these two skills can still be effective, opening up their Rendu and Du's second meridians and awakening their bodies.

It's like stimulating the body's potential and being able to fight again. sharp!

It’s really awesome!

Detective Lin is very satisfied with these two skills.

Xiaolan Yuanzi was even more satisfied. For the first time, they experienced the happiness that other women could not experience in their lives.

It’s a bloody profit!

"From now on, Xiaolan will be my eldest wife, and Yuanzi will be my youngest wife."He said, hugging him from left to right.

"ah? Why am I the little wife! Yuanzi objected to her birthright, saying:"I was born on April 4th, and Xiaolan was born on May 18th. I am older than her!" Logically speaking, it’s only right for me to be the big one."

Tan Lin looked at Yuanzi and said,"I don't divide them according to the date of birth, I divide them according to their size."

"Then I'll go to the hospital tomorrow! It's as big as my head!"Yuanzi snorted to express his dissatisfaction.

"Garden! Don't listen to Lin's nonsense!"Xiaolan said repeatedly:"We don't want to be his wife."

"What happened today... doesn't matter, we were all like this after drinking.

When Yuanzi heard this, he nodded repeatedly and said,"Yes!" It doesn’t count, it doesn’t count!

She pinched Lin Tan's chest and said with a slight complaint:"You can't be so greedy, want both!" You can only choose one between me and Xiaolan!’

"Can you only choose one? Detective Lin did not use his words. He seized on the beauty of the two of them and said,"Then you have to give me time to think about it carefully." You have to be careful when it comes to falling in love!"

"If you choose one at random, you might end up breaking up and not even being friends!!"

"Right."Xiaolan thought there was nothing wrong with what she said, but she still felt something was strange.

"Then you should hurry up."Yuanzi urged.

"Um? Are you urging me?"Tan Lin glanced at Yuanzi, then took out his hand and said,"It seems that your character, Yuanzi, is too anxious. I think we————"

Yuanzi was startled, and quickly hugged Tan Lin's arm, arguing:"I...I didn't urge you!! You heard wrong!"

"oh? Is that so? Detective Lin looked at Xiaolan and confirmed,"Did I hear wrongly?""

Yuanzi quickly looked at Xiaolan and gave her a look of help.

"Um... Lin, you heard it wrong. Xiaolan covered her mouth and chuckled:"Yuanzi didn't mean that.""

"oh!! I heard it wrong. Lin Tan then nodded clearly and said,"Then Yuanzi, please don't say such words in the future that can easily misunderstand me.""

"I will never say these misleading words again."Yuanzi repeatedly patted her chest to assure her.

"Well, I believe you."Tan Lin said with satisfaction.

This man really needs to be tough enough!

If you don't give them some clues, they won't know how powerful you are.

Of course, Tan Tan also knows it.

If Shinichi hadn't continued After giving myself so many rewards and contributing health potions and two skills, I'm afraid I can't be so stubborn, so I have to thank Shinichi, a good brother.


【Ding! Valentine's Day event ends】

【Triple points bonus cancelled】

【Current points: 78 points]

As soon as twelve o'clock in the morning came, Xinyi received a sound from the system, and the triple point reward was gone.

Although he was tired, he was so happy!

The points he earned in one day are more than what he earned in the previous two weeks.

"I was so lucky. I didn't expect that when I was investigating a murder case in the hotel, I accidentally discovered the stronghold of two criminal gangs."

"Fortunately, I was cautious enough and discovered their clues!"

"Otherwise, the points would not have skyrocketed so much!"

"There are still 22 points left to collect 100 points.………Save up first and exchange the most precious things first."


Shinichi did not redeem the [Physical Strengthening Pills], but was thinking about the more precious [Energy].

He feels that if it is expensive, it will definitely have better results.

Anyway, 22 points and a few more days of saving are enough.

After returning home, Shinichi fell asleep without even taking a shower.

When I woke up it was already the next morning.

After washing briefly, he started to eat breakfast.

The voice of the system came to my ears again, there was another mission.

However, Shinichi was unmoved.

He solved the case with a vengeance yesterday, and then today he was sluggish, with no interest or energy at all.

Shinichi felt that he was probably tired.

I have been frantically solving cases during this period. I am overworked and need to rest.

"Forget it, just give yourself a day off today!"He decided not to solve the case today.

Anyway, these 22 points can't be earned in a day or two.

After breakfast, Shinichi planned to ask Xiaolan out for a walk. After all, he didn't even have one on Valentine's Day. Stay with the other person.

He called Xiao Lan and said after getting through:"Lan~~~are you available today? Do you want to go for a walk?"

"Sorry, Shinichi. I'm having a good rest at home today……"Xiaolan on the other end of the phone refused.

Her legs were sore and weak now, and it was difficult to walk. She just wanted to lie in bed and rest.

Besides, if you go out to play with Shinichi, you will definitely be abandoned by him in the middle of the game, and you will come back dejected.

What's more, she is different now from before. She doesn't want to go out alone with Shinichi or get too close to avoid being misunderstood by Detective Lin!!

"That's it, then you should have a good rest."Xinyi was a little disappointed, but he didn't say anything.

After hanging up the phone, he called Detective Lin instead.

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