"Twelve years ago, Keiji Aso set his house on fire and buried his entire family in the raging fire.………Everyone else on the island said so!"

"But that's not true! Keiji Aso is my father! When I was young, my health was not good and I lived in the hospital! You say, in this case, how could he commit suicide?"

"Later, I was adopted by relatives and changed my surname. When I grew up, I became a doctor and returned to the island to investigate the situation back then."

"Three years ago, I told my former village chief Isamu Kameyama about my identity, and he told me the matter out of guilt."


In the clinic, Asai Narumi told Shinichi all the ins and outs of the matter.

During this process, Detective Lin kept looking at each other.

After making sure that the other party did not reveal that he was a boy before, he nodded with satisfaction.

Asai Chengmi was very confused about this.

She didn't understand why Detective Lin wouldn't reveal that she was a boy.

However, as long as the other party can help her take revenge, bring Kawashima Hideo, Kuroiwa Tatsuji, and Nishimoto Ken to justice and send them to prison, she won't care too much.

"So this is ah!!"After Shinichi heard the ins and outs of the case, he clenched his fists in excitement!

If he destroyed this drug gang, the reward points would have to be at least ten points, right?

He looked at Asai Narumi with excitement and said:"Do not worry! I will definitely find evidence and bring them to justice!"

"Thank you so much! Kudo-kun."Asai Narumi watched Shinichi make the promise, and she expressed her gratitude again.

After Shinichi thought for a moment, he said:"It's still very early, so it's not convenient to move. Dr. Asai, have you been investigating them over the years? Can you share this information with us?"

"No problem at all! Please come with me, you two."Narimi Asai nodded, and she greeted the two of them to go up to the second floor.

"I won’t go, I’ll just use my own method."Detective Lin left the clinic without disturbing the two of them.

In this regard, Shinichi didn't say anything. Everyone has their own investigation methods.


At night, at Black Rock's home.

Detective Lin used the snake charm and sneaked inside.

In addition, there is Qinggong next to me, and it is almost silent when walking.

Arriving at Kuroiwa Tatsuji's study easily.

Detective Lin put on his gloves and checked the study briefly, and soon found the safe under the bookcase.

This is a mechanical safe with high security.

There are only two ways to open it, one is to enter the correct password, and the other is to violently dismantle it.

The violent disassembly method is very troublesome, and the safe must be transported away before it can be used.

Most people use the first method.

Some people have terrible hearing, but they can guess the passwords one by one just by listening to their voices.

Someone used some violent means to drill a hole near the key plate, put a pinhole camera inside, observed the lock cylinder, and cracked the password over and over again.

Detective Lin didn't need to go to such trouble, he just took out a code breaker.

This is the prop that Shinichi got when he went crazy to solve the case on Valentine's Day.

He simply stuck it on the codebreaker and obtained the six-digit password.

After opening the safe, it was filled with cash, gold, jewelry and several packets of powder.

But none of this was attractive to Detective Lin.

As a wall hanging, are you still worried about not having money to spend?

The money given by the system is legal, so you can use it as you like, and you don't have to worry about being invited to tea. Of course, he won't touch the drug dealer's money.

Detective Lin rummaged around and found the account book.

Drug dealers also have ledgers, which sounds funny.

Some people must be wondering, how could someone take the initiative to leave an excuse for themselves?

If you make a small fuss, of course you won’t keep a ledger.

But when the drug dealers' business grows, the amount can easily reach several hundred million yen.

Money moves people's hearts!

If you don't keep a ledger at this time, record the expenditures of various expenses.

If the people below, or even the people around you, become corrupt, they will not be polite to you at all.

You don’t know how to keep accounts anyway, so you don’t know where the money is going, and you don’t know who has taken it from you.

Then reimburse all kinds of expenses vigorously and see if you make money quickly or if they are greedy.

Click, click, click.

After Detective Lin took a photo of the account book, he put it back again.

He thought for a while and took another bag of powder as evidence so that Mumu Shisan and the others could come and arrest him.

Detective Lin closed the safe again, took back the code breaker, and put the books back.

Just when he was about to leave, there were footsteps outside the door.

Detective Lin was not in a hurry to leave. Anyway, he was invisible and they couldn't see him.

He even took out his mobile phone and started recording………Maybe I can capture some useful content and have more evidence, which is not a bad thing after all.


The study door opens.

Kuroiwa Tatsuji and his secretary Hirata Kazaki came in

"Mayor, the time and place for the transaction have been decided. Tomorrow night, two tons, the old place, West End of the Pier!"

"Well, send more people to follow, and remember to take the guy to avoid any accidents!"Kuroiwa Tatsuji said as he sat down on the sofa.

"OK Hirata Kazaki nodded, and then said:"Also, the mayor." We just caught a detective trying to infiltrate………What to do?"

After Detective Lin heard this, his heart moved.


Could it be Kudo Shinichi?

How come he was caught so quickly?


"How else to deal with it? Back mountain processing!!"Kuroiwa Tatsuji frowned and said:"But before you deal with it, you go ask why he checked me!"

"Okay, nothing happens, I'll leave first."After Hirata and Akira bowed, they left.

Of course, Detective Lin followed Hirata and Akira to rescue Shinichi.

How could his hard-working wage earner be killed so easily by them?

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