"Say it or not! Say it or not!"

"You haven’t said it yet, right? This brat has such a tough mouth!"

"beat! Keep hitting me!!"


In the back mountain, several big men were punching and kicking Shinichi, and they were punching hard.

Shinichi was held up and unable to move, and was beaten repeatedly. He vomited blood and looked in pain.

After fighting for several rounds, these big men stopped.

Hirata Kazaki walked up to Shinichi, pushed up his glasses and said coldly:"Are you going to tell me?"

Shinichi raised his head with difficulty and said with difficulty:"Say... what did you say? What did you... want me to say?!! Ask!"

"ah? Didn't you ask? Hirata and Ming turned to look at the other big men:"You guys have been fighting for so long?" Haven't you ever asked?"

"Um...I didn't ask."A big man shook his head. He turned to look at the other big man and asked,"Did you ask?"

"I thought you asked...so I didn't ask"

"I came last, I thought you all asked"


Looking at how many big men were being taken, you ask me, I ask you, Hirata and Ming only felt a pain in their balls.

Why are there all these brainless things under my hands?

But he also understands.

If these people had brains, they would be difficult to control.

Hirata and Akira had no choice but to turn to look at Shinichi and asked:"Who asked you to investigate us?"

"Speak up and we can give you a good time!!"

"Otherwise, I will make your life worse than death!"

Facing the threat, Shinichi grinned despite the pain and said slowly:"It's... Justice, let me investigate you!"

"…………"Hirata and Akira looked at Shinichi in shock.

He never imagined that in the 21st century, there would still be these people shouting for justice!

He shook his head and said:"Look, I can't find anything useful from this guy's mouth."………Get rid of him!"

Shinichi watched Hirata and Ming leave, and other big men came up.

From their fierce eyes and ferocious smiles, he knew that he was going to die here tonight.

Damn it, he died like this. It's too bad. What a bargain!

If I had known better, I wouldn't have wasted it...

If you had given me some time to grow up... I wouldn't have had to worry about these little minions! Just as Shinichi was about to meet his own death, something unexpected happened.

Bang bang bang!

The light bulb in the car was destroyed, and the surroundings suddenly fell into darkness.

"what happened?"

"Everyone, please hold still and don't shoot randomly!"

"If you hurt one of your own, you'll be in trouble!"

"Go back to the car and get a flashlight!!"


Just when everyone started to take action.

Suddenly there was a sound of hitting, and someone fell to the ground with a thud.

This startled the others, who subconsciously stopped and became alert.

They pricked up their ears, trying to catch the enemy in the darkness.

However, the next second there was another thump in the darkness.


Another person fell to the bottom.

This silent attack made other people present feel inexplicable chills and terror, creeping into their hearts.


Another person fell.

At this time, Hirata Kazuaki heard the sound, turned his head and pulled the trigger. boom!!

The flashing light from the muzzle briefly illuminated the front.

I saw a big man, looking at Hirata Kazaki with a dead look, then fell to the ground with a thud, his eyes widened as if asking,"Why did you shoot?"

"…………"Hirata Kazaki looked extremely embarrassed, and he shouted hurriedly:"Everyone, don't scatter, and come closer to me!"

The other big men hurriedly got together without caring about accidental killing.

This time, they felt a little safer.

However, this time, it was very quiet and there was no movement at all.

There was only the sound of breathing in the darkness, but they still did not dare to act rashly.

I am afraid that if I make a move, I will be the next person to suffer.

However, they don't know.

Detective Lin had already gone into the dark and took Shinichi away.


Lin Tan took Shinichi back to the Asai Clinic to seek treatment from him.

When Narumi Asai saw Shinichi's face covered in blood, her beauty turned pale, and she quickly let them in.

After taking the first aid kit, she led the two of them to the guest room on the second floor and asked,"Kudo-kun...how could he be injured like this?"

Detective Lin put Shinichi on the bed and said," His stealth skills were poor and he was caught and beaten."

"Fortunately, I discovered it in a hurry, otherwise he would have been almost thrown into the back hill and buried!"

"…………"Shinichi immediately felt embarrassed.

This embarrassment even covered up the physical and mental pain.

He looked at Tan Lin complainingly and said:"Lin!! Don't tell all these truths... at least you have to save some face for me!"

Tan Tan laughed and said:"You are already hurt like this, how can I give it to you? Save face?"

"I asked you to practice your fighting skills last time, but you didn't listen! It's okay now, I was beaten into a pig's head!"

Xinyi said helplessly:"I've practiced...but I can't handle it when someone has a gun in his hand! I'm not Jackie Chan, what else can I do besides surrender?"

"That means you’re not proficient enough!"Tan Lin retorted. He stopped pressing the other party and said,"Dr. Asai, please treat Shinichi."

"OK"Narimi Asai nodded. She took out the scissors and cut off Shinichi's blood-stained clothes.

Detective Lin took out his cell phone and said,"I'll go outside and call the police. Call me if anything happens!"

"Call the police? Have you found any evidence of their crime?"Xinyi was surprised.

"certainly!"Detective Lin looked at the shocked expression on Xinyi's face, left the room with satisfaction, and started calling the police to clean the floor!

In the room, Xinyi felt complicated and uncomfortable.

He didn't expect that one day, he would actually He lost to his peers in solving crimes!

However, at this time, a ray of fragrance penetrated the tip of Shinichi's nose, which made him unable to concentrate on thinking.

The little virgin watched Asai Narumi treat himself seriously. He felt distraught, especially when the other party's cold hands touched his chest, which made Shinichi jump wildly.

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