An hour later, Mumu Shisan arrived at Yueying Island with his troops.

This surprised Shinichi:"Police department, how did you get here so quickly?"

The credit is all in his mouth, can you not be happy?…………After complaining in his mind, Detective Lin said,"Didn't Officer Memu hear that you were almost buried? So he brought people here in a hurry."

"Yeah yeah! Brother Kudo, are you okay?"Megure Thirteen looked at the bandaged Shinichi and asked with concern.

"Nothing serious. It's just that I have several broken ribs and a few fractures, which makes it difficult to walk in a short period of doesn't affect my ability to solve the case!"Xinben wanted to smile confidently, but he accidentally pulled the wound, and he grimaced in pain.

"You'd better have a good rest."Memu Thirteen repeatedly warned.

He is not the kind of person who is only satisfied with utilitarianism. He cares about Xinyi from the bottom of his heart!

Xinyi waved his hands repeatedly and insisted that he was fine.

What he wants to see most now is that Lin Find out what evidence we got!

"Police Department, the evidence is here."Detective Lin handed the big bag of fans to Megure Thirteen, along with photos of the ledger and a video of the conversation between the two people.

This immediately confused Shinichi and Megure Thirteen.

Shinichi couldn't help but said:"I can understand that you got fans and took photos. But what happened to the video?"

"From this angle... why does it feel like you were standing next to them while recording?

Looking at the confused expressions of the two people, Detective Lin said calmly:"I bribed the people around him to take the photo!" Police Department, can this video be used?"

"Of course it works!"Mumu Shisan nodded repeatedly and said:"Arrest him on suspicion of murder!!"

"After capturing him, search his study. Detective Lin said:"The password of the safe is 325877, and the fans and account books are all in it.""

"I see! Just wait for my good news!"Megure Thirteen stopped talking nonsense and turned around to leave.

After obtaining such detailed information, if Kuroiwa Tatsuji cannot be brought to justice, then his years as a criminal police officer will be in vain.

"Hope they're okay."Xinyi said with some worry:"Those people have guns in their hands."

"Don't worry, I told Officer Megure and he brought the armed forces. It definitely has an advantage in terms of equipment."Detective Lin told the other party not to worry.

Half an hour later, gunfire suddenly rang out from the Black Rock Mansion.

The police and the criminal gang began to exchange fire.

But the exchange only lasted for more than ten minutes and ended.

"The next process was very boring, so I went back to my room to sleep."Tan Lin was not interested in watching what happened next, so he went back to his room and lay down to sleep.

He could sleep, but Shinichi couldn't.

But there was no way, he couldn't get through alone, so he could only lie in bed helpless and furious.

And At this time, the system sound sounded again

【Ding! The case was solved】

【Detective game is over】

【You lost the detective competition with Detective Lin】

【You lost 22 points】

【Current points: 56 points! 】

This news makes Xinyi even worse!

He said with a painful look on his face:"I lost 22 points all of a sudden! It's so uncomfortable!"

Shinichi felt very unlucky.

After I came to Yueying Island, I didn't accomplish anything, I was beaten up, and I almost lost my life here!

In the end, he lost the game and lost another 22 points!

"well………"Shinichi let out a long sigh, feeling quite uncomfortable in his heart.

After being depressed for a while, he quickly readjusted his mentality and reviewed his actions.

In the end, Shinichi learned from the pain and began to reflect:"It seems... the continuous investigation of cases in Tokyo during this period has made me a little drifting!"

"The cases I have solved are just the simplest murder cases."

"The murderer was only a few related people, and the crime scene was not big. Generally speaking, there was no danger. It was a test of observation and reasoning skills."

"But this case is different. There are many people involved, the enemies are fierce, and the criminal evidence is well protected."

"This not only tests observation and pushing abilities, but also stealth and self-protection abilities, which are all very needed!"


After some reflection, Shinichi deeply realized that he was just a rookie.

He is still an arrogant rookie after solving some simple murder cases!

If Lin Tan hadn't saved him this time, he might have been buried long ago.

After thinking about this, Shinichi secretly decided that in the future, he would work hard and be more determined to solve more murder cases, gain more points, and redeem more skills to improve his shortcomings!


The next morning.

After Shinichi woke up, he endured the pain and got out of bed.

He limped through the scrub.

Otherwise...I'll exchange it for the body-building pills now.

But...if the body suddenly gets better, they will definitely be surprised!

There is no way to explain this.

After struggling, Shinichi finally decided not to use it for the time being and wait until some time later.

After finishing washing, he slowly walked down the stairs to have breakfast on the first floor.

"Good morning."Xinyi greeted Tanari Asai who was having breakfast.

"Good morning. Seeing this, Narumi Asai got up and went over to help Shinichi sit down, and also brought him breakfast.

Shinichi thanked him repeatedly.

At this time, Detective Lin said:"Doctor Asai, you have avenged your father. What's next?" What are your plans?"

"This...I don't know either."Narimi Asai sat down again and said confusedly:"It should be back to Tokyo! I have no reason to stay here anymore"

"Should you go to a big hospital to be a doctor or go to a small clinic?"Detective Lin continued to ask

"I'm not sure about this yet."Narimi Asai shook his head. After

Lin Tan saw that the preparation was almost complete, he said:"After you go to Tokyo, you have to find a place to live again. Might as well be like this. How about staying with Shinichi temporarily?"

"Anyway, he lives alone, in a large villa with some guest rooms."

"Besides, Shinichi is not an honest person. He probably won't stay at home to recover. After you move in, you can also take care of him."

"ah? Live in my house?"Xinyi was shocked when he heard what Lin Tan said.

However, he was not dissatisfied at all. Instead, his eyes looked at Lin Tan with gratitude!!

Brother, you still understand me!

You know I won't be honest. I 'm here to take care of you!

It's great to meet you!

"Kudo was also injured because he helped me... I should have the obligation to take care of him. Asai Narumi said, looked at Shinichi and asked:"Kudo-kun, can I stay at your house for a while?" Don't worry, I will pay the rent on time"

"Ah...this...of course there is no problem. But there is no need for rent."Of course Shinichi will not refuse.

He is injured and does need someone to take care of him.

Moreover, Dr. Asai has just completed his revenge, and he really needs to find a quiet place to think about what to do next!

In public and private matters, he He couldn't refuse.

When Detective Lin saw this, a smile appeared on his lips...

No, the plan should have been successful!

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