"Today's dinner was delicious, thank you for the treat!"

"Then we'll leave first and say goodbye."


After dinner, Lin Tan, Xiaolan and the other two people in the yard said goodbye and left.

On the way away, Xiaolan chatted with Yuanzi and said:"Miss Asai is very beautiful, but she doesn't seem to be very good at cooking."

"Hmm, I think so too. Yuanzi nodded and said,"There's more." Ms. Asai doesn’t seem to be very good at makeup. She doesn’t even wear perfume."

"Well, she just put on light makeup, not even lipstick."Xiaolan was a little strange after all, and said:"And...it seems a little difficult to communicate with her."

"I also have this feeling. Yuanzi was convinced. She frowned and said,"It feels like I'm communicating with a boy. It's a bit incredible!""

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, Detective Lin couldn't help but sigh at the keen sixth sense of girls.

Naomi Asai is indeed a girl, her factory configuration is a boy.

It's just that she reset her gender the day after tomorrow and became Women.

According to current science and technology, it is not difficult to change the body from male to female, but it is quite difficult to change a person's way of thinking and behavior from male to female.

Men usually focus more on solving problems. Women are more inclined to share feelings and hope to achieve empathy.

Men are more direct in telling each other what they want, while women are more cautious and tend to persuade rather than command.

Therefore, Xiaolan Yuanzi has two biological genders. It is difficult for women, girls with a female psychological gender, to be on the same channel as a girl with a biological female, psychological male like Asai Narumi.

In order to dispel their doubts, Lin Tan said:"Ms. Asai. She is a medical student. I think she has always focused on studying and has no time to learn how to put on makeup!"

"That's right."Xiaolan also has great respect for the profession of doctor, and said with emotion:"Being a doctor... is very hard."

"Yes, not only do you have to be smart, but you also have to learn a lot of professional knowledge. Just thinking about it gives me a headache."When Sonoko said this, she shook her head repeatedly.

After the topic briefly stopped at Asai Narumi, it branched off to other places.

While chatting, Xiaolan suddenly mentioned:"Ah, that's right. Tomorrow Saitama Prefecture will hold the best night festival in the world!

She looked at Tan Tan and Yuanzi excitedly and said,"Shall we go together?""

"Uh-huh! I want to go too!!"When Yuanzi heard that there was something to play, he immediately became very excited.

"Tomorrow... ok!"Lin Tan heard that Xiaolan had activities, so he put off the idea of going to Osaka for the time being.

He was not in a hurry anyway.

"ah! I can't seem to go."At this time, Sonoko checked the schedule on her phone. Her expression collapsed and she said depressedly:"Tomorrow night, I have to attend a friend's birthday dinner in Kyoto... As the representative of the Suzuki family, I have to go."

"Well, that's a pity."Xiaolan's face was full of pity. She really looked like three people going there together.

"It's okay, let's find a time to get together next time."It's a pity for Detective Lin, otherwise the three of us could play Landlords again.

When they arrived at the station, Detective Lin Xiaolan watched Yuanzi get into her nanny car, and the two set off towards the Maori Detective Agency again.

On the way, Detective Lin said:"How about we invite Shinichi and Dr. Asai to go together tomorrow?"

"Uh-huh! fair enough! The more people there are, the more lively it will be! Of course Xiaolan had no objection.

She was just curious:"But will Shinichi agree?" He would be very repelled by some of these things."

In the past, she often took Shinichi out to play.

The other party was reluctant, so Xiaolan knew that he didn't like to join in the fun.

In response, Lin Tan smiled softly and said,"If he doesn't like it, of course he will. Exclusion. But if it was with Miss Asai, he would probably agree easily."

"……Really?"Xiaolan was deeply suspicious of this.

Detective Lin didn't say anything. He just took out his mobile phone and called Xinyi.

After the call was connected, he said:"Xinyi, I plan to talk to Xiaolan tomorrow. Let’s go to Saitama Prefecture’s No. 1 Night Festival together. Do you want to come with us?"

"The best night festival in the world? What the hell? It sounds boring. If you don’t go, don’t go."Xinyi's rejection came from the other end of the phone.

Xiaolan glanced at Detective Lin proudly, as if to say,"Look, I was right!

Lin Tan smiled and said,"Aren't you coming?" I also plan to ask Ms. Asai to join me... She has moved here and doesn't have many friends. I plan to get acquainted with her."

"…………What you said makes sense! Then I'll go too!"Xinyi changed his position in an instant.

"Okay, let's set off at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon. You can tell Dr. Asai and ask her to rent a car."After Lin Tan finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Xiaolan's expression next to her was not very good either.

She didn't expect that as soon as Shinichi heard that Dr. Asai was going, he immediately changed his position and agreed.

It turned out that Shinichi was not I like it, but I don’t like to go with him!

Xiaolan suddenly felt lucky that she was a smart person and reacted promptly to stop the loss!

Otherwise, the consequences would have been disastrous! When she thought of this, Xiaolan couldn’t help but feel relieved.

He looked at Detective Lin and suddenly stood up on tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek.

"Um? Why did you kiss me suddenly?" Lin Tan asked knowingly.

"nothing~~~"Xiaolan hugged one of Lin Tan's arms and felt more and more that her choice was the right one!!

Looking at Xiaolan who was giggling, Lin Tan put a smile on his lips.

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