"Xiaolan, it's getting late. Go wash up quickly and then set off"

"Okay~~I'm going to wash it now"

"Do you want me to help you?"

"don't want! I can do it myself!"


On Saturday afternoon, Detective Lin urged Xiaolan to take a bath.

Seeing Xiaolan crawling off the bed with her big butt raised, he couldn't help but slap her in the face.

Detective Lin felt that Xiao Ai was right, Xiao Lan was the type to have a safe delivery.

With such a gourd-shaped figure, she is really greedy.

If you can't make the most of it, it's really a waste.

I originally agreed to go for a walk in the park in the morning, experience the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, and live a retired life in advance.

But young people are too angry.

You don't like me, I don't like you, and then we both start fighting.

Then the plan for a walk in the park was cancelled.


In the afternoon, Detective Lin pulled a suitcase and took Xiaolan to Kudo's mansion.

When he knocked on Shinichi's door, he found an annoyed look on his face.

Detective Lin asked strangely:"What's wrong? There was an accident?"

"There is an uninvited guest at home!"Xinyi replied rather unhappily.

"Has a client come to your door? Detective Lin asked while changing his shoes.

"No, there is a Heitan from Osaka who wants to compete with me or something!"Xinyi scratched his head and said speechlessly:"I said I didn't have time, but he insisted on competing with me. He also said that he rarely came to Tokyo just to compete with me!"

"I was convinced, I didn’t ask him to come over, he came over on his own!"


Listening to Shinichi's complaints, Lin Tan's heart skipped a beat and he immediately realized that Hattori Heiji was here.

Isn't this a coincidence?

He also planned to go to Osaka to find the other party, but he didn't expect that the other party came here on his own!

Great, they are all delivered to your door.

After entering the living room, Detective Lin took one look at the dark-skinned boy sitting on the sofa and immediately determined that the boy was Hattori Heiji!

However, his eyes were attracted by another girl next to him.

Distant mountains and leaves.

Unexpectedly, she also came here. Good review!

"How about it? Kudo! When can the competition start?"Heiji urged impatiently.

"I told you I'm not free anymore!"Xinyi said impatiently:"I promised my friend to go play together, you can come over next time!"

"You can play at any time, but not in competitions! Heiji's eyes were burning with fire:"You have done a lot of big things recently!"! I want to learn how awesome you are!"

Xinyi had a headache. Why can't this guy understand people's words? Did he speak clearly?

When he wanted to say something else, Detective Lin next to him spoke first and said,"In that case, you guys should come together too. Bar"

"If you encounter any case, you can start the game!"

"If you don't encounter a case, just get to know each other and make friends."

"This is a good idea! Heiji's eyes lit up, he looked at Tan Lin and said with a smile,"You look much smarter than Kudo!" My name is Hattori Heiji, and I am a student at Osaka Kaigata High School."

"Hello, my name is Tan Lin, and I am a classmate of Shinichi."Tan Lin took the initiative and extended his right hand.

After Heiji shook hands, he introduced the Osaka girl next to him:"This is Kazuha, Toyama Kazuha, who grew up with me!"

"You...hello."He Ye was shocked by Tan Tan's handsomeness, and unconsciously became cautious and ladylike.

"Hello. Lin Tan nodded, looked at Xiaolan and introduced:"This is Mao Lilan. I am a classmate of Shinichi.""

"first meet."Xiaolan said hello obediently.

"Hello."Heiji and Kazuha replied politely.

"It seems that this is the only way. Shinichi sighed and said,"Then I'll call Ms. Asai and ask her to rent a larger car."

Heiji interjected:"Rent a business car, with a bigger seat, so you can sleep in it... I didn't even take a nap, and I'm so sleepy now.""

"…………You're really not welcome."Xinyi glanced at Heiji speechlessly, feeling that the other person was too familiar and had no sense of boundaries at all.

However, he still did what the other party said.

The considerate Xiaolan saw Kazuya sitting there , couldn't get in the conversation, and seemed a little pitiful.

So, she took the initiative to chat with the other party. While they were chatting, Lin Tan didn't speak.

He had already shared the system with Heiji.

He was thinking about what he should put in Heiji's exchange list. There were only so many skills and props to provide to Shinichi, but if he had to split them in half and squeeze out more for Heiji, it would be a little more difficult. It's not enough.

Lin Tan thought about it and finally decided to share the exchange list with everyone.

There are only so many items, and they will be gone after they are redeemed. You can grab them yourself if there is competition!

Pressure, slowly accumulating points.

However, Heiji was late to share the system.

Lin Tan planned to make some compensation for him and create a novice reward to close the gap between the opponent and Shinichi as much as possible. In terms of reasoning, Heiji is not as good as Shinichi.

If he doesn't help him, the gap will only get farther and farther.

If Shinichi always wins, then Heiji will have no game experience. If you win, he will win. Only in this way can a good competitive relationship be formed!

In this way, in order to defeat each other, they will work hard to solve crimes and earn points, and use the points to exchange for various skills and props!

When the time comes, won't the rewards come in a hurry?

Thinking of this, Detective Lin had a smile on his face!

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