In less than half an hour, Lin Tan had already put away his luggage, changed his clothes and was waiting at the door.

A few minutes later, Shinichi, Heiji and Asai Narumi also came out one after another.

"Sigh, I know they girls don't get it done that quickly."Xinyi said with a slight complaint.

"is not that right? Every time I go out, I have to wait for them for a long time... I'm tired of it."Heiji also complained.

"The most important thing is that I have been wearing makeup for so long and I don’t know where to put it on."

"Yes, I would rather they stop painting. Anyway, the makeup will come off on the road."


The two were complaining and suddenly noticed Asai Narumi next to them.

Shinichi was shocked, and realized that he had said the wrong thing, and said repeatedly:"Ah... I didn't mean Miss Asai, you"

"Yes, yes. Miss Asai, you are different from them, you don’t have so many things!"Heiji also said quickly

"fine."Narimi Asai smiled and said nothing.

Upon seeing this, Detective Lin said,"You guys go shopping first, and I will take them to you later."

"This is a good idea! Shinichi's eyes lit up and he didn't want to wait any longer.

Heiji turned to look at Shinichi and said,"Kudo, I saw a shooting game on the way here. How about we go and compete?" Who loses and who pays?"

"Okay, who's afraid of whom?" Shinichi chuckled and happily accepted Heiji's challenge. He learned shooting in Hawaii!

He then said to Asai Narumi:"Miss Asai, you can come with us too!"

"this……"Asai Narumi was slightly hesitant, but she actually wanted to follow.

She was still interested in men's toys, but not very interested in girls going shopping to buy clothes.

However, she felt that it would not be good to just leave Detective Lin waiting here alone.

Detective Lin said directly:"You go with them, I will stay alone and wait for them."

"Then I’ll trouble you, Mr. Lin."Seeing this, Asai Narumi no longer hesitated, and he and Shinichi Heiji went out happily.

On the other side, in Xiaolan's guest room

"What a disaster! Just put on makeup and you’ll miss the time!!"

After finishing her makeup, Xiaolan looked at her phone and saw that it was already ten minutes past the agreed time.

She didn't bother to clean up the table, quickly grabbed a small bag and her phone and went out.

Coincidentally, as soon as she left the house, she Met with He Ye

"ah……"The two looked at each other, but they didn't expect that everyone would be late at the same time. Then he smiled knowingly.

Seeing someone keeping company with them made them less worried.

After Xiaolan and Ye walked to the door, they only saw Lin Tan and let out a long sigh of relief.

"I thought we were late and the others hadn't come out yet."He Ye patted his chest and said

"You are indeed late. As for the others, they have already left."Tan Lin said.

"left already?"After hearing this, Kazuye was a little unhappy.

Heiji left him behind in a place he was unfamiliar with. He was really heartless!!

"They said they were shooting. I'll take you to them."Tan Lin said and left the hotel with Xiaolan and Ye.

After walking for a while, they soon found Shinichi and the others in the shooting area.

Kazuye walked up to Heiji angrily and said:" Why didn't you wait for me?"

"Wait, you're late. So we came out first. After Heiji explained, he asked:"Do you want to play shooting together?" Very interesting!"

"…………What's the point?"Kazuye couldn't understand this and used a cork gun to shoot down the prize. Is it fun?

"It would be interesting to win………Wow!"As soon as Heiji finished speaking, he saw Shinichi's ejaculation.

He immediately walked over and laughed loudly, saying:"Kudo, you lose! Give me money!"

"Tch, I'm just not familiar with this gun! When I become more proficient, I won’t lose."Xin was tough, but he still gave the money.

"Haha, excuse! Then how do you explain that Miss Asai is better than you?"Heiji sneered.

"I just have better luck."Narimi Asai smiled. In fact, in order to take revenge, he had been practicing shooting for a while.

"Stop rambling, I’ll practice some more and then I’ll give you a competition!"Xinyi feels that he is embarrassed and must get his place back."


Seeing the three of them having fun, Lin Tan turned to Xiaolan and said:"Ignore them, let's play our own game, let's go"

"Um."Xiao Lan nodded. She was just about to leave, but she saw He Ye standing alone, completely unable to blend in with them.

This made her heart soften and said,"How about... call He Ye? It's so boring for her to be here alone"

"OK." Lin Tan nodded, but he was really happy that Xiaolan took the initiative, which would save him a lot of trouble!

Seeing this, Xiaolan walked to He Ye and asked:"He Ye, leave them alone, let's go Check out the celebration!"

He Ye saw that Heiji was very involved in playing and ignored him, so he nodded and agreed.

"let's go~~"Xiaolan was very happy. She held He Ye in one hand and Lin Tan in the other, shopping in various stalls at the celebration.

I ate some fried noodles first, then some octopus balls and taiyaki. I felt a little unsatisfied, and then I ate some grilled squid.

After eating and drinking, we went to pick out a beautiful kimono.

During the whole process, He and Ye had a lot of fun and joy!

However, she was more concerned about Detective Lin.

The other party could be patient and accompany Xiaolan to eat, drink and have fun, and there was no hint of impatience in the whole process.

And the other party took good care of the two of them.

This reminded Kazuha of Heiji. He always thought these things were boring, boring, and just a lie to children.

She couldn't help but sigh in her heart, wishing Heiji could be half as patient as Detective Lin. That would be great.

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