After coming out of the kimono shop, Lin and Tan all rented a set of kimonos and wore them.

Xiaolan and Heye started the praise mode

"Kazuya, your kimono suits you very well.~~~The temperament is different!"

"Xiaolan, yours looks great too! Feel like a princess"

"Where is there~~~You are still good-looking and super cute"

"Hehe, it’s okay! You're not as cute as Xiaolan!"


Seeing that the two of them had no intention of stopping bragging each other in business, Detective Lin had to interrupt:"Okay, okay, Princess Kansai, Princess Kanto, if you continue to flatter each other like this, it will be too late to grab the good ones. We’re here to watch the fireworks."

Xiaolan and Ye were both elated to receive such a compliment from Detective Lin!

"Well, let's go find them now! Hope it's not too late."Xiao Lan said, holding He Ye's arm.

"Let me call Heiji and see where they are."Kazuye took out her mobile phone and wanted to call Heiji.

But as soon as she took out her mobile phone, she heard Detective Lin say:"No need to call, I know where he is?""

"oh? you know?"He Ye wondered.

Lin Tan didn't speak, pointed to the distance and said,"I bet they must be over there!!"

Xiaolan and Ye looked along his fingers and saw a crowd of people over there, gathering together for some unknown reason.

In response, the two female high school students nodded and agreed very much with Tan Tan's words.

Sure enough.

When Detective Lin and the others walked over and inquired about it, they found out that a murder had occurred inside.

When they went inside, they found that Shinichi and the others were already at the scene of the murder.

Xiaolan complained:"I feel like wherever there are murders, there will be them."

"Yes, yes... they came over after smelling it."Kazuye also answered, then walked up and asked:"Heiji, what happened?"

After Heiji saw the three detectives Lin coming over, he said hello first and then said;"We just heard gunshots near the hotel, so we came over to check the situation."

""Ms. Asai is now conducting a preliminary examination of the body!"

As he spoke, he looked at Asai Narimi with surprise in his eyes. He did not expect that the other party was an excellent doctor.

At this time, Asai Narimi's preliminary observation had also ended, and she said:"The preliminary judgment of the time of death is around 8 o'clock in the evening."

"The murder weapon was a pistol, judging from the location of the wound"

"From the position of the deceased, the murderer should have shot in the closet at the door."

"From the direction of the bullet's entry, it can be determined that the murderer's height is approximately 1.77 meters."


Listening to Asai Narumi reported a series of clues, Shinichi couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth. He glanced at Heiji and raised his eyebrows, as if to show off,"Have you seen my partner? I asked you if you are fierce. ?"

"…………"Heiji said nothing, but his face was full of displeasure.

He glanced at He Ye and couldn't help but said:"Don't you say something?"

"ah? What should I say?"He Ye replied in a daze.

"Hahaha!! Shinichi laughed proudly and said,"Heiji, please don't embarrass me and Ye!" He's just a child"

"well!"Heiji sighed dejectedly.

He realized that he had indeed lost in choosing a partner. He was really unwilling to accept it!!

I also wanted a doctor to be my partner, forming a classic detective + doctor combination!!!

And Ye At this time, she realized what was going on.

Heiji compared herself with Miss Asai.

This made her feel uncomfortable.

I am only 16 years old!

Is this a comparison?

Thinking of this, she felt inexplicably aggrieved.

Fortunately, Detective Lin stood up and turned his attention to herself.

He said,"Isn't this a coincidence? If you encounter a murder case here, why don't you two use this murder case to compete and decide the winner?"

"OK!"Xinyi nodded and agreed without any fear at all.

"That's no problem for me either."Heiji is also confident in his reasoning ability!

Seeing that both of them agreed, Detective Lin immediately sent them a system message

【Ding! You started a detective game with Hattori Heiji, and you can place bets on this game. 】

Xinyi saw that the system message appeared again, and he did not hesitate to-IN

Of course, his current total points are only 17 points.

【Ding! You started a detective game with Kudo Shinichi. You can place bets on this game.】

【Detected this is your first mission】

【The system provides you with 100 points, and if you win, there is no need to repay the principal. But if you lose, you need to repay the bet points. ]

Heiji took a look and saw that the system had given him a loan.

What else is there to say?

He filled it up without even thinking about it!

Bet 100 points and get a stud!

If you win, you will be a young model in the club, if you lose, you will work in the sea.

It's not that Heiji is reckless, but that he is confident in his reasoning ability!

Lin Tan watched the duel between the two begin, and his goal was achieved.

Once two people fight, it doesn't matter who wins or loses. Anyway, you deserve it.

But...he glanced at Heiji and marveled in his heart.

I didn't expect you to be a hidden gambler.

How audacious!

He actually managed to score a hundred points in one go.

Are you really not afraid of losing?

If you lose, you will start a disaster and start paying off the loan directly.

"Just take your time here and compete, and we'll go to the fireworks display first."Detective Lin is not interested in watching any more here.

He knows what this murder case is like better than anyone else here.

If he wants to, he can easily defraud the two of them a lot of points!

However, Detective Lin feels that he still I'm a bit human and can't do things that only capitalists can do.

"Are you leaving now?"Xiaolan also didn't expect that Detective Lin didn't stay, which made her very happy.

"Fireworks are more beautiful than murder, right? Besides... leaving this place to the two of them, there is absolutely no problem." Lin Tan said in a positive tone.

"Right."Xiaolan still believes in Xinyi's reasoning ability. They can't help if they stay. They might as well watch the fireworks!

She pulled Heye next to her and asked:"Heye, are you staying? Or come with us to watch the fireworks?"

"Of course I want to watch the fireworks with you!"Kazuha doesn't want to stay. She is already disliked by Heiji, so why should she stay?"

"Then let's go watch the fireworks!"Xiaolan said, took Kazuya's hand and left.

When Kazuye left, he still looked at Heiji reluctantly, hoping that the other party would stay with him.

However, now Heiji has devoted himself wholeheartedly to While solving the case, he didn't notice Kazuya's longing eyes.

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