boom! boom!! boom!!!


Fireworks soar into the sky and explode, emitting brilliant spots of light that dazzle people and make them marvel involuntarily.

"So beautiful!"Xiaolan blinked her beautiful eyes and marveled again and again.

"yes. He Ye also stared at the fireworks and said,"No matter how many times I watch it, I will never get tired of it!""

"If it can keep playing, maybe I can see the dawn."Xiaolan expressed her love for fireworks without hesitation.

"Haha, I feel like I will be like this too."He Ye covered her mouth and chuckled. Just when she was about to say something, she suddenly noticed something was wrong.

She found that in the distance, a child was watching the fireworks happily, and suddenly a man in a mask covered his face with a cloth. He blocked the child's mouth, stunned him, and took him away.

This scene shocked He Ye!

She didn't expect anyone to be so bold and dare to abduct him in the presence of so many people. Walk the kids?

"catch him!! Catch him, the one wearing the mask is a human trafficker!!"He Ye shouted, trying to mobilize the power of the masses to catch the traffickers.

However, fireworks exploded in the sky at this time. The huge explosion directly drowned out He Ye's voice, No one could hear her at all.

He Ye understood why the mask man dared to take action at this time.

"Xiaolan!! Forest! problem occurs!"He Ye tugged on their clothes anxiously. She raised her finger and pointed at the man and said,"That man took that child away in a daze."

"ah? what are you saying?"The sound of the fireworks was too loud. Even if Xiaolan was so close, she couldn't hear what He Ye said.

And Lin Tan had the ability of [Spoken Language Expert] and read out He Ye's words at once.

He followed He Ye 's words Looking over with his fingers, he soon saw a man wearing a mask walking outside with a child in his arms. After seeing this, Detective Lin held Xiaolan in one hand and pulled He Ye up with the other, and quickly walked away from the crowd. Squeeze out.

However, there were too many people watching the fireworks, and they were so dense that even Detective Lin couldn't help Xiaolan Yuanzi and the others get out of the way.

After a lot of effort, the three of them finally got out of the crowd.

"Where are people? Where have people gone?"He Ye looked around anxiously, trying to find the man with the mask.

On the way out, Xiaolan also understood what was going on. She said anxiously:"No, there are too many people, I can't see it at all."

Just when the two of them were anxious, Lin Tan narrowed his eyes and had already locked onto the man with the mask. He took Xiaolan and Ye's hands and said,"Follow me, I saw him."

He Ye didn't see it, but in this situation, we can only believe Lin Tan.

After walking around from the crowd, Lin Tan took He Ye Xiaolan and followed the masked man in a hurry. Unknowingly, we arrived at a remote part of this small town. As we got further and further away from the celebration, the lights around us were getting fewer and fewer, and the shouts of the shops and the laughter of tourists were gradually disappearing.

Filled with darkness and silence, even the sound of their walking was so clear.

The sudden change in the environment made Xiao Lan and He Ye feel a little scared and uneasy, but fortunately, this feeling quickly disappeared. After all, one is a karate practitioner and the other is aikido. People who practice martial arts are more courageous than ordinary people.

For Xiaolan, as long as there are no monsters, she will not be afraid.

While people were thinking wildly, Lin Tan stopped and hid in a corner with the two of them.

Xiao Lan and He Ye were breathing hard, but before they started asking, Lin Tan said,"Did you see that building in front of you? The man entered the three-story house, but there was someone guarding the door.

He looked back at Xiaolan and Heye and asked,"Do you want to continue?""

"How about we call the police first?"Xiaolan wanted to call the police for safety reasons.

Just when Lin Tan was about to speak, He Ye next to him said:"It's useless, we are not shocked now. It's just one-sided words, the police won't come!

She stared at the big house and said,"Let's go inside and look for evidence!""

"Is this... is this too impulsive?"Xiaolan felt that this was a bit dangerous, and she said,"How about... let Shinichi and the others come over?"

"Need not! He Ye refused directly. She looked at Xiaolan with burning eyes and said angrily:"Xiaolan, can't we do nothing without them?""

"You have karate, I have aikido, and you have Lin………"

Lin Tan took the initiative to add:"I know Jeet Kune Do"

"Lin can also do Jeet Kune Do! We are fully capable of protecting ourselves! He Ye clenched his fists and said,"The three of us can definitely solve this matter by working together!""

"If it really can't be solved, it's not too late to call them over!!"

As soon as Xiaolan looked at Kazuya's expression, she knew that she must have been stimulated by Heiji. She didn't want to be a useless person and wanted to express herself.

She glanced at Lin Tan and let him make up his mind.

Lin Tan smiled and said,"I I think He Ye is right, you can't always rely on others... have more confidence in yourself!

Seeing that her proposal was agreed to, He Ye was delighted, and she couldn't wait to say:"Then the three of us will go in and have a look!" We are all high school students, and we are also wearing kimonos. We look harmless, so they should not be defensive!

Lin Tan nodded and said,"Okay, that's it.""

Xiaolan saw that Detective Lin had agreed, so she had no objection.

Besides, she didn't mean it from the bottom of her heart, but she was actually very eager to try it!

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