"Well? Why are you so quiet today? They didn't even speak... strange"

"Heiji, your expression seems wrong."

"ah? Have it? What's wrong?"

"I feel like you're quite happy"

"Yeah? You must have seen it wrong"


The next morning, when we gathered together for breakfast.

Kazuha realized something was wrong, so Shinichi and Asai Narumi just stopped talking.

But the talkative Heiji suddenly became quiet, which made her think there was something wrong.

Heiji felt a little guilty and didn't dare to look at Kazuha.

Because, the other party was right, he was indeed very happy.

He still vaguely remembered what happened last night.

I and Ms. Asai Narimi…………Hey hey hey.

Just thinking about it like this, the corners of Heiji's mouth couldn't stop curling up, and he was indescribably happy!!

He didn't even expect that something like this would happen. It was simply a blood profit.

If Shinichi knew that I accidentally slapped his beautiful female assistant, he would definitely vomit three liters of blood and fight for his life!

Never let He Ye know about this matter. If she knew, she would definitely kill me.

After thinking about it, Heiji moved his buttocks and adjusted his sitting posture.

I just don’t know why, but there is a dull pain here.

Heiji thought that maybe his sphincter was overused last night.

Soreness caused by excessive exercise is normal!

Kazuha noticed something unusual about Heiji, but if the other party didn't tell him, there was nothing he could do about it.

She had no choice but to look at Detective Lin and ask,"Lin, what did you do last night?"

As soon as the question came out, Detective Lin immediately felt three strong gazes.

He shook his head and said,"I went to bed earlier than them and didn't know anything."

After hearing this answer, Shinichi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He quickly took a sip of soup to control his joyful mood.

I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it!

This is how things turned out.

Drinking can actually trigger things. No wonder so many people like drinking. I understand.

I made a decision!

After returning to Kudo's mansion, I will immediately confess my love to Miss Asai!

As a responsible person, I cannot ruin Miss Asai’s innocence.

I will take responsibility!

Thinking of this, the corners of Xinyi's mouth stopped rising. He felt that a better life was waving to him again.…………Hiss!!

It's strange, why is there some cracking pain in my butt?

Yes, I must have eaten too much chili last night.

It seems that I have to control it a little bit in the future.

"………"Xiaolan glanced at Shinichi twice.

She immediately judged that there was something wrong in the other person's heart.

However, she did not ask Detective Lin on the spot.

But after breakfast, when everyone was walking in the town, they grabbed each other and asked:"Lin, what happened last night? You must know, right?""

"Well...I'd rather I didn't know. Lin Tan sighed and said

"Um? You know that? Xiaolan's eyes lit up and she couldn't help gossiping:"What happened between them...?" Why are the three of them so weird when they wake up early in the morning?"

"When I got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night last night, I saw them... 1-1." Detective Lin lowered his voice and said

"1-1? What is 1-1?"Xiao Lan asked with pure curiosity.

"1-1 is……"Lin Tan leaned close to Xiaolan's ear and spoke to her in detail.

I don’t know if I don’t say this, but when I said it, Xiaolan was shocked, her face turned red, and she stepped back in a panic:"This...this kind of thing...is too...………Madam...is perverted. How could they do such a perverted thing!!"

After talking about it, she slapped her forehead repeatedly and quickly made herself forget what she just heard.

Don't let these messy things pollute her head!!

At this time, Kazuha, who was pestering Heiji, was worried about his life and death. Unwilling to say anything, she could only walk away angrily.

After she discovered that Detective Lin and Xiaolan were whispering again, she hurried over to inquire about the situation:"What's wrong? Xiaolan, why do you slap yourself on the forehead?"

"That... that's because………Lin, please tell He Ye."Xiao Lan felt that she had heard these terrible things, and He Ye should also listen to them and understand her current mood.

"Are you sure you want to know, what happened to them last night? Lin Tan advised kindly:"I suggest you don't listen and keep your brain pure.""

"No, I want to listen! Tell me quickly!"He Ye asked expectantly.

"You will regret hearing this."Tan Lin said with a serious expression.

"I regret it and I want to listen too! Lin, tell me quickly!" Heye urged again and again.

"Okay, put your ear over." Lin Tan waved his hand, and after He Ye put his ear closer, he told He Ye about the chaotic fight between the three of them last night.

"ah!!! I won't listen anymore, I won't listen anymore! my ears my ears………Not clean anymore!!"He Ye blushed and wailed.

She quickly covered her ears and kept shaking her head, as if she wanted to throw away what she just heard.

However, the more she wanted to forget, the more her brain started to forget. I remember this content more clearly.

Lin Tan looked at Xiaolan and Ye, one of them slapped his forehead hard, and the other shook his head wildly.

He shook his head and said,"I told you not to be so curious, but you just didn't listen... Is it ready? Not even clean anymore."

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