On the way back, Heiji always felt that the way Kazuye looked at him was wrong. He couldn't help but said:"What's wrong? Kazuye. The look in your eyes... seems like you have something to say.""

"It's okay, you think too much."He Ye shook his head repeatedly and swung his ponytail from side to side.

"…………"Heiji knew what Kazuha must be thinking, but since the other party didn't say anything, he didn't continue to ask.

Anyway, it's not a very important thing. If it were important, she would definitely not be able to hold it back given her personality.

He put on his blindfold and opened the exchange list while taking a rest.

100 points can be said to be more or less.

Heiji thought about it and originally wanted to choose [Visual Enhancement] and [Criminal Psychology Mastery].

But after thinking about it carefully, Heiji realized that he didn't seem to need these things.

The crime situation in Osaka is different from the crime situation in Tokyo.

Tokyoites are accustomed to using their brains to commit crimes and exploit loopholes in the law.

As long as the police are not allowed to obtain the completed evidence chain, or they come up with a murder method unexpected by the police, there is a high probability that they can���Escape from legal sanctions.

But Osaka people have always been accustomed to solving problems with their fists.

To them, clues and evidence are not important. As long as a fire is passed, most of them will be burned away.

If you encounter someone who dares to pursue or investigate you, catch him and give him a beating. After questioning, you can decide whether to bury him or not.

No matter how good your brain is, you might as well increase your force value so that you can have more self-protection.

After thinking about this, Heiji finally chose the two skills [Hearing Enhancement] and [Strong as an Ox].

Hearing enhancement can effectively prevent sneak attacks. In addition, it can also be used in conjunction with swordsmanship to display its power!

Not to mention being as strong as an ox.

With great strength, even if there is no sword in hand, one punch can make the opponent's head buzz.

After redeeming the skills, Heiji immediately felt that the sounds in his ears had changed, gaining a sense of layering and direction.

This surprised him.

In addition, he could feel that his whole body was full of strength.

Heiji wished he could find a kendo gym now and try how many bamboos he could split with one sword.

While Heiji was exchanging enhancements, Kazuha was leaning against the window, looking at the passing scenery.

My heart is filled with an indescribable complex feeling.

In just one night, she felt a little ups and downs.

Originally, she felt a little sorry for Heiji because she had lost her virginity last night.

He couldn't give his first time to the person he liked, which filled Kazuya's heart with guilt.

So much so that after she returned to her room last night, she wet her pillow from crying.

When I woke up in the morning, my eyes were red.

However, this morning, after Heiye heard about the drunken party that Heiji and the three had last night, he felt inexplicably relieved.

There was a feeling of relief.

She felt that it was fair that everyone had lost their first time.

No one feels sorry for anyone.

It's just that... as soon as Ye thought about Heiji and Shinichi's exchange of blows, she felt inexplicably nauseated and felt psychologically uncomfortable.

That place is a stinking place...

How could it be possible...

Just thinking about it, He Ye felt unbearable and physically uncomfortable.

She knew that the two people did not do it on purpose, and she also knew that it was an unconscious behavior after being drunk.

But………To know is to know, and to understand is to understand.

Kazuya is just having a hard time accepting it!!

Who would accept that the person they like had their anus penetrated?

Even if the other party doesn't know it!

In short, He Ye feels that he is very complicated now and his mentality is very bad.

This made her uncontrollably feel sick when she looked at Heiji.

After thinking of this, Heye subconsciously glanced back at Lin Tan. He closed his eyes and was resting, while Xiaolan tilted her head and fell asleep with her head on the other person's shoulder.

This made her feel inexplicably happy, but also felt bitter.

Fortunately, it was not a loss for me to give myself to a handsome and kind-hearted boy for the first time.

The bitter thing is that she lives in Osaka, and the other party lives in Tokyo, so she doesn't even have a chance to compete with Xiaolan!

Thinking of this, Heye sighed silently in his heart.


After returning to Kudo's mansion, it was already noon.

After having a simple sushi lunch, Heiji was ready to go back to Osaka.

"ah? Are you going back now? After hearing this, Xinyi immediately became unhappy and said,"The results of our game haven't been decided yet, so you're leaving now?""

"I still have to rush back to school! If I miss school, my mother will beat me to death!"Heiji shook his head repeatedly. Although he wanted to solve the case, he was more afraid of being beaten by his mother.

"Taking two days off will not delay your studies... Well, you call your mother, and I will tell her to let you stay here for two more days!"Shinichi doesn't want Heiji to leave just like that.

If he wants to leave, he has to decide the outcome!

"This... is okay too! The premise is that you can convince my mother."Heiji didn't want to go back to school. He was bored to death. He knew all the above content, and it was a waste of time to stay with the teacher.

He took out his mobile phone and called Hattori Shizuka. After explaining the situation, he put the mobile phone Gave it to Shinichi.

"Hello, aunt." I am Heiji's friend Kudo Shinichi…………you know me? That's great!"

"Haha, it’s like this. Heiji and I hit it off right away, so I thought about letting him stay here for two more days. What do you think? Can! That's really great!"

"OK, I will visit you next time in Osaka! goodbye!

After hanging up the phone, Shinichi proudly threw the phone to Heiji and said,"Okay!" You can stay here for two more days!"

Heiji naturally cheered at this.

Seeing this, Xiaolan said to Kazuha:"Kazuha, do you want to stay here for two more days? It just so happens that I can take you around Tokyo!"

"This...is fine."He Ye glanced at Tan Tan hesitantly and nodded in agreement.

But this hasty glance still made the delicate Xiaolan discover it.

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