"Mom, then I will stay in Tokyo for two more days! Yes, with Heiji"

"There is also my new friend Xiaolan, who said she would like to visit several places in Tokyo with me!"

"I will go back with Heiji then... I have already sent a text message to my father and explained the situation to him."

"That's it, bye~~~love you~~"


Kazuya easily gained her mother's consent.

After she hung up the call, she gestured to Xiaolan and said with a smile:"Okay! Mom has agreed, I can stay in Tokyo for two more days!""

"Very good! I will definitely take you and Ye to have a good time here in Tokyo these two days!"Xiaolan was also very happy. After all, it is not easy to meet a friend with similar interests!

Seeing this, Shinichi said:"I have many guest rooms here. Go in with Ye and Heiji and choose one!

In response, Xiaolan said:"That's not necessary, He Ye can stay at my place!""

"I'd better stay at Xiaolan's house so that I can chat with her at night."He Ye doesn't want to live with them. She can't have fun together and feels awkward in her heart.

Let's wait for two days and slowly accept this.

"also."Heiji doesn't care.

He also knows that Kazuha prefers shopping, food and beautiful scenery to reasoning.

"Heiji, just work with them to solve the case! I'll call you when I get back to Osaka!"After Kazuye waved to Heiji, he took Xiaolan and left.

"OK! See you in two days!"Heiji was very happy.

It was not easy to find a well-matched opponent.

Of course he wanted to concentrate on competing with the opponent and didn't want to be distracted by Kazuha!

"Then I'll take my leave, so go ahead and do your best!" Detective Lin waved goodbye, looking forward to their reasoning contest.

He didn't know how many cases they could solve in the past two days and how many rewards they would give themselves.

Just thinking about it, the corners of Detective Lin's mouth couldn't help but rise.


Rice Krispies Supermarket.

Detective Lin accompanied Xiaolan and Ye here to go shopping and buy some daily necessities.

However, while He Ye was shopping, Xiaolan pulled Lin Tan aside quietly.

She said seriously:"Lin, I think... why not let He Ye stay at your house? After all, you have a guest room."

"ah?"Tan Lin looked at Xiaolan in surprise.

He even doubted whether the other party had the ability to read minds.

Otherwise, how would he know what he was thinking?

Such a considerate girlfriend could not be found in this world even with a lantern. Come on!

However, Detective Lin also knew that Xiaolan couldn't read minds, so he asked:"Why? Give me a reason."

In response, Xiaolan glanced at He Ye from a distance and whispered:"I noticed that since this morning, He Ye has been secretly looking at you."

"so what?"Detective Lin continued to ask.

He was a little curious about what Xiaolan was thinking.

After all, Sakura Girl's thinking has always been unique and different from those in other countries.

"I think...He Ye must not be able to get over that matter in his heart."Xiaolan expressed her thoughts and said:"As a girl, I probably understand how she feels."

"I think... you should have a good talk."

In response, Lin Tan did not nod in agreement. Who knows if she is fishing?

He said righteously:"Xiaolan, I don't think He Ye and I have anything to talk about."

"The two of us have not known each other for a long time, and we have not understood each other very well."

"She and I were just accidents, and you are my true love!!"

"whee!"This made Xiaolan very happy. She said with a smile:"I know this too~~ That's why I let you get along with He Ye with confidence!"

"………Aren't you worried that something will happen to me again?"Tan Lin was a little surprised. He was so surprised that he didn't even know how to describe his mood!

If I had to describe it this way,…………That’s so cool!

My dream girlfriend!

What man doesn't want such a considerate girlfriend?

Xiaolan's emotions were also a bit complicated, and she said:"Of course...I'm still worried about this. But...he and Ye will have to go back to Osaka sooner or later."

"I don’t want her to go back to Osaka with a knot in her heart"

"Otherwise, she will definitely be very sad!"

"…………"Lin Tan was shocked.

He didn't expect that Xiaolan couldn't help but have big breasts, and she even had such a broad mind!

He even offered Xiaolan to be his eldest wife, so he really made the right choice.

If you marry Xiaolan as your wife, you really don’t have to worry about the harem catching fire!

Detective Lin did not answer hastily, but asked again:"Aren't you worried that I will fall in love with her?"

In response, Xiaolan smiled playfully and said:"I am a little worried, but... I still worry about myself Very confident!"

Regarding this, Detective Lin already roughly understood Xiaolan's thoughts.

Now that Xiaolan has pushed Heye in front of her, it would be rude to continue to refuse.

Besides, Xiaolan believed in herself so much.

Then I should give Xiaolan enough trust and obey her arrangements!

Doesn't it mean that He Ye sleeps with me...oh, no, in the same room?

Of course he can do such a simple thing.

Lin Tan nodded and said:"Okay, then do as you say!"

"I will show my worst side and let Heye see me clearly. I am not as good as she imagined."

"When Kazuya's fantasy about me was shattered, her heart knot opened."

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