
"No... Xiaolan, are you not sick?"

"Then why do you suddenly want me to live at his house?"

"Didn't we agree to stay at your house?"


After coming out of the supermarket, He Ye was shocked when he was told that he had to live at Tan Lin's house.

She only felt that the CPU in her brain was about to burn out.

She couldn't understand why Xiaolan changed her mind so suddenly

"I'm really sorry, Heye. Xiaolan clasped her hands together and said with an embarrassed face:"My room is really too small. I feel a little sorry for letting you squeeze in here.""

"it's okay! I’m not picky about where I live!"He Ye said quickly:"As long as there is a place for me to sleep... it's okay to sleep in the living room!"

"You are a guest, how can I let you sleep in the living room? You can stay at Lin's house now, and I will go find you early tomorrow morning."After Xiaolan finished speaking, she waved goodbye without waiting for Heye to reply:"Then we'll see you tomorrow.~~~"

After saying that, she ran away quickly

"Hello! Xiaolan, wait a moment!"He Ye wanted to catch up.

But Lin Tan grabbed her hand and said,"He Ye, you just stay with me for two nights.………What, do you think I will eat you?"

"This this………"Heye looked back at Lin Tan. She suppressed her pounding heartbeat and said with a smile:"No... no, how could you eat people? I'm just worried... it will make you inconvenient."

"It's just a two-night stay. There's nothing inconvenient. Let's go."Tan Lin said and pulled He Ye away.

"Okay...okay."He Ye replied with a blushing face.

Being held by someone like this and walking on the street, she seemed to feel that the passers-by around her were focusing their attention on her.

This made He Ye quite uncomfortable, and she quickly said:" Well... Mr. Lin, can you... let go of my hand? I can go by myself"

"You're shy about holding hands, but you still say you're from Osaka?"Lin Tan turned around and glanced at He Ye with a playful look.

"of course not. Upon hearing this, He Ye retorted:"I just think this may have a bad impact on you!" After all, I just came here for a trip and would go back in two days. I didn’t care about other people’s opinions at all!"

"Don't worry, this won't have any bad impact on me."Tan Lin chuckled. He felt that female high school students were easy to deceive. They could get it done with just a little stimulation.

He said:"The place where I live is right in front. I'll be there soon."

"Um……"Heye replied, somewhat absentmindedly.

She kept telling herself to be calm, to be composed, to act like"I have seen the world", and not to be underestimated and lose the face of Osaka people!

Ten minutes later.

Lin Tan took He Ye back to his residence.

After changing his shoes and entering the living room, he looked at Kazuye who was looking around curiously in the room and said,"Are you going to go back to the room or take a shower?"

"I? I'll go back to my room and take a rest first."He Ye hurriedly replied

"The room is here."Tan Lin said and opened the guest room.

After He Ye entered the guest room with her schoolbag on her back, she heard a bang and the door was closed.

She looked back and found that Tan Tan had actually closed the door.

"You...what are you doing?"He Ye's heart tightened, and she vaguely felt what would happen next.

This made her heart beat faster, her mouth went dry, and she took two steps back unconsciously.

Lin Tan blocked He Ye against the wall and said :"Let you know what the real me is like"

"I'm here to shatter the illusions in your mind so that you don't take chances!"

"Let you give up soon."

After saying that, he kissed her very simply.

Kazuye's mouth was gagged for a moment. She wanted to struggle to resist, but she felt as if her strength was being sucked away.

There was nothing she could do. Resistance, whole body weak and weak


Six hours later, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

He Ye lay on the bed and stared blankly at the light bulbs on the ceiling, as if he was seeing heaven.

Her mind was empty at the moment and she didn't think about anything.

But my body and mind are indeed filled with an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

This sense of satisfaction was the first time she had felt it since she was a child.

Unconsciously, I recalled what had just happened, and the thought"It would be great if this happened every day in the future" suddenly came to my mind.

Heye suddenly realized something, and she was startled by her own idea.

I don’t understand how I could have such ridiculous ideas

"You are pretty awesome. Lin Tan saw that He Ye hadn't fainted yet, so he couldn't help but praise him and said,"Xiaolan's first time was not as good as yours. She fainted directly and woke up after two or three hours.""

"Ah...is...is that so?"He Ye came back to her senses. She was a little nervous. She didn't know what kind of mood she should use to face Detective Lin.

This was the first time she had experienced this kind of thing.

"Take it easy."Tan Lin could see that He Ye was very nervous, so he put Fang Lou into his arms and said,"After waiting for two days, there is a high probability that we will not have a chance to see each other again."

"Don’t think too much, just cherish these two days together.……"

As soon as these words came out, the emotions surging in He Ye's heart were blocked.

I didn't know what to say for a moment, so I just nodded and said softly.

Yes, it's useless to think about it so much.

After two days, she will be in Osaka.

Suddenly, He Ye had some enlightenment.

I figured out why Xiaolan let me come over and live by myself.

Probably, I just don’t want myself to have any regrets.

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