The next morning.

He Ye spent a whole night waking up from a coma, and finally made it to dawn after waking up from a coma repeatedly.

When she was planning to have a good sleep and have a good dream, she heard Lin Tan next to her say:"Heye, wake up, don't sleep. It's getting late. You need to clean up quickly, Xiaolan I'm almost coming to find you"

"sleep? I didn't sleep last night"He Ye glanced at each other with tired and charming eyes, and said exhaustedly:"I'm...sleepy and tired now. I may not be able to play with Xiaolan."

"Xiaolan has already asked for leave from the school. If you don't go at this time, wouldn't that be letting others go?"Tan Lin brought a cup of coffee to He Ye and said,"Come on, a good day starts with drinking coffee."

"Do you think drinking coffee will help me look like this now? He Ye muttered, but his body still took it honestly.

After watching her drink it, Lin Tan asked with a smile:"How was it?" Do you feel better?"

"Just took a sip of coffee, what can I get?…………"Before He Ye finished speaking, he was startled.

She felt her whole body shaking like this, and her fatigue and exhaustion disappeared in an instant!

My energy was instantly rejuvenated, and my whole person was full of energy and energy!

"Hey hey hey~~~~"Heye made a sound of surprise. She looked at the coffee in her hand in disbelief, her eyes widened and she said:"What...what's going on? I only took a small sip, how could this happen?""

"Because I added something special to it."Tan Lin chuckled.

"Something special?"He Ye was curious and drank up the coffee!

She could feel that her body and mind had been cleansed, and she felt an indescribable sense of joy all over her body!

It was as if there was a steady stream of energy bursting out of her body, She liked this feeling quite a bit

"It’s a milk cap! I put a lot of milk cap in my coffee."Tan Lin said with a playful expression.

"Milk cover?"He Ye was a little confused and muttered:"I have drunk a lot of milk tea, but does the milk cap inside have such an effect? I don’t study well, don’t lie to me"

"That is no ordinary milk cover, it is the result of our sleepless nights. Lin Tan said pointedly.

"Um? Have it?"He Ye's innocent expression showed great confusion. She didn't understand this sentence.

In response, Detective Lin very thoughtfully leaned into her ear and gave her a round of science.

Then, He Ye's expression It gradually turned into shock, then disbelief, and finally panic!

Then, she let out a scream, threw the cup on the bed, and ran into the bathroom without even bothering to put on her clothes.

After Tan saw it, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Do you believe it?

It was so easy to fool a girl who didn't know anything. Of course he didn't put milk cap in the coffee....And the milk cap doesn't have that magical effect.

He added life potion to the coffee.

In just one night yesterday, Shinichi and Heiji solved ten murders and contributed two to him. A bottle of life potion.

If nothing happens, he will basically have the freedom of life potion. So he doesn’t feel worried at all when using it now.

"He Ye, do you really believe it?"Tan Lin came to the bathroom and looked at He Ye who was frantically flushing his mouth. He said with a smile:"I lied to you.………That thing has no such effect!"

"Ahem...really...really? Did you really not add that thing?"He Ye looked at Detective Lin with a wet face and said in surprise.

"All those things are in your stomach, how could I have them? Detective Lin said with a smile:"Hurry up and wash up and change clothes."…………I'll get you breakfast."

After watching the other party leave, He Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay if it's not, it's okay if it's not.

Forty minutes later, Xiaolan came to look for He Ye

"Okay, you two go play. I'm going to school, see you tonight."Lin Tan waved goodbye to Xiaolan and Ye and went to school.

"See you tonight!!" Xiaolan and Ye waved goodbye together.

After the other party left, Xiaolan took He Ye to go shopping in Ginza.

On the way, she frequently asked:"Are you tired? Do you want to find a place to sit and rest?"

"Not tired or not, let’s continue shopping!"Kazuye walked around Ginza with great interest. Large luxury shopping malls like this are rarely seen in Osaka!

The two places have different consumption concepts, different consumption levels, and naturally different levels of luxury.

This Huahua The world suddenly fascinated He Ye's eyes

"Um……"Xiaolan looked at Heye's energetic appearance, with no signs of fatigue at all.

This made her secretly happy.

Based on her understanding of Detective Lin, if something happened between the other party and He Ye last night, he would go all out and torment He Ye so much that he would not let him go until he drained her of all her strength.

But now He Ye is so energetic and full of energy that after walking around for three or four hours, he is not tired at all.

In Xiaolan's opinion, Detective Lin must have been very honest last night. He did nothing and spent the night with Ye Anran!

Otherwise, He Ye would not be so energetic.

Thinking of this, Xiaolan felt indescribable joy in her heart and felt Tan Tan's preference!

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