"Brother Lin, that’s awesome!"

"One person took down three robbers"

"There have been no casualties yet!"

"It has to be you! Handled the case beautifully!"


After Mumu Thirteen felt the scene of the murder, he praised Detective Lin fiercely when he caught him!

On the way here, he was still worried about how to deal with this case.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he got out of the car, the bank robbery case would be handled by Detective Lin!

This made Memu Shisan want to kiss the other person twice on the face.

"They were careless and gave me a chance. Otherwise it would be difficult for me to deal with them."Detective Lin was telling the truth. Originally, he wanted the gang to get the money and leave.

He took the opportunity to stick an invisible locator on the robber leader.

Following the position of the invisible locator, he went to the criminal gang to Caught them all in one fell swoop.

But he didn't expect that the robber leader would dare to let himself out of his sight. Friends who often robbed him knew that he would not miss it!

, during the process of robbing a bank, you must be wary of passers-by who suddenly jump out to help you. Every one of them has bad intentions, especially if they are smart, bold, and not afraid of you. Be extra careful!

You can tell at a glance that this kind of person is not an ordinary person. How can ordinary people have the courage to jump out


"Even if the robber is careless, it is not something ordinary people can handle.…………Anyway, I have to thank you again this time!"Mumu Thirteen will not underestimate Detective Lin just because of this.

He has dealt with bank robberies and understands how difficult these cases are.

Once the case reaches a deadlock, it is normal for it to last for more than ten hours.

Lin Tan smiled and said nothing more, but asked:"Officer Mumu, is there anything else ? If not, I will leave with Xiaolan first."

Just when Megure Thirteen was about to speak, Miwako Sato came over and said,"Please wait a moment, Mr. Lin. Can I ask you a question? Where did you learn to shoot?"

Her expression was full of doubts.

From the witness testimony, Sato Miwako learned that after Lin Tan grabbed the rifle from the robber's hand, he immediately shot.

There was no hesitation for a second.

Not only that, the other party also It accurately knocked the rifles out of the hands of the other two robbers, without injuring them at all!

With this shooting ability, Miwako Sato couldn't do it even if she had enough time to take aim. She didn't even have the confidence to do it, but Lin Tan, a high school student, did it in a short time.

This made Miwako Sato feel quite ridiculous and unbelievable!

"I? Learned in Hawaii. Lin Tan smiled and said:"I have some talent in this area. After learning a few times, I can hit 100% of the time." Do you want to learn? I'll teach you"

"…………"Sato Miwako's intuition told her that the other party was not telling the truth.

But she also understood that she could not continue to ask questions, otherwise she would arouse the other party's resentment.

The other party assisted the police in solving the case and made a great contribution, instead of being interrogated by himself as a criminal!

"When I have time, I will go and ask you for advice."Miwako Sato said a polite word, which put an end to the topic.

"Any thing else? If it’s okay, I’ll leave with Xiaolan first." Detective Lin asked

"never mind. Miwako Sato replied.

Just when Detective Lin was about to leave with Xiaolan, the three robbers happened to be escorted by the police.

The eldest robber looked at Detective Lin fiercely, his eyes full of resentment and said,"You bastard!"! I remember you! When I come out, I won't let you go! Is that your girlfriend next to you? I remember it too!! I will make you regret it!!"

"…………"Lin Tan paused for a moment, then continued to leave with Xiaolan like a normal person.

On the way, he also comforted Xiaolan and said:"This kind of people are strong on the outside but hard on the inside. They are good at using harsh words, but they can't achieve anything.""

"I heard that dogs that bite don’t bark, and dogs that bark don’t bite.………That's probably what it means."Xiaolan obviously didn't take this matter to heart.

She had also seen the murderer, so naturally she wouldn't be frightened by the other person's few words.

"Yes, that's what it means."Lin Tan smiled. Seeing that Xiaolan didn't care, that's good.

However, Xiaolan didn't take it to heart, but he took it to heart.

As the saying goes, if you cut the weeds without removing the roots, the spring breeze will blow. Another old saying goes like this, only a thousand days to be a thief, a thousand days to prevent a thief! Detective Lin could not rely on Xiaolan's safety because he was bragging.

It's better to send the other party on his way!

It's better for everyone.

You don't have to go to jail, and I don't have to worry about it.

It's a win-win situation.

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