In the middle of the night, inside the detention center


"Just struggle, you're going to die anyway, if you don't struggle, you'll have no chance.………How dare you threaten me. It’s simply a matter of life and death!"

Detective Lin covered the robber's mouth and forced him to swallow the poison.

After struggling wildly for several minutes, the robber soon lost his strength, his body twitched and his breathing stopped.

Detective Lin checked After checking the other person's heartbeat and making sure it had disappeared, he let go of his hand.

"Very good. Then all three robbers committed suicide by taking poison.………I won’t have to worry about their revenge in the future."Tan Lin nodded with satisfaction.

He turned around and came to the wall, took out the escape tunnel pen, and drew a hole on the wall of the room.

Then, he got into the hole and climbed out.

"Why a hole? Does painting the door have no effect?

Detective Lin complained as he crawled:"Who said the tunnel must be a hole?""

"Sigh... I can't help it. Doraemon has the final say on this prop."

"Just make a hole! Anyway, I am invisible now, no one can see me."

While talking to himself, he climbed out of the room, wiped away the traces, and the tunnel disappeared. After

Lin Tan returned home, he slept until dawn.

He stretched and felt refreshed He said:"Sure enough, revenge cannot be overnight! My revenge was avenged, and I could sleep comfortably."

With full energy, he ended the day's study course.

After school, Lin Tan took Xiaolan Yuanzi and planned to have afternoon tea first.

After eating and drinking, he would do some immoral things.

However, , just after leaving the school gate, someone stopped Detective Lin.

This was a girl wearing thick glasses and two hemp flowers. She thanked:"Well... um, hello... I was here yesterday. That girl who was held hostage in the bank, thank you for saving me"

"You're welcome, it's just a piece of cake."Tan Lin didn't expect that the other party would be waiting for him at the school gate.

"that………Can I buy you a cup of coffee? Then... I still have some things I want to talk to you about alone."Speaking, the hemp girl looked at Xiaolan and Yuanzi with a look of apology on her face.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi didn't care about this. They both felt that this girl would not care about their status. What kind of threat does it pose?

Yuanzi said boldly:"Lin, just go and have a good chat with her! Xiaolan and I went shopping~~~"

"When you're done, come back to us~~Bye!"Xiaolan was overjoyed. She couldn't wait to wave goodbye and pulled Yuanzi away as if she was running away.

"Okay... I'll let you have a day off."Tan Lin said, looked at the cannabis flower girl, and said:"Let's go, let's find a place to sit down."


Cafe near the school.

Lin Tan picked up the coffee and took a sip. He looked at the Mahua girl opposite who was hesitant to speak, as if it was difficult to speak.

He was not in a hurry, but took a closer look at his system interface.

After preventing the bank robbery yesterday, my reputation increased by 20, and the reward was the escape tunnel pen used last night.

In addition to destroying the bank party and rescuing the kidnapped hostages.

His reputation has reached 200 points.

However, he was told by the system that he could not meet the conditions for recruiting the third detective.

It must be 500 points.

This made Detective Lin a little surprised. It jumped from 100 points to 500 points. What is the pattern?

He couldn't understand it, so he stopped thinking about it.

Anyway, it’s just about solving a few more murder cases.

The most indispensable thing in the world of Conan is murder.

Just as Lin Tan was thinking about it, the mahua girl opposite said:"Well... what I'm going to say later may surprise you, so please be mentally prepared."

"Well, you tell me."Tan Lin said and took a sip of coffee, thinking: I even have the system, what else can surprise me?

The twist girl said slowly:"Actually,………Those robbers...are my accomplices"

"puff……"Detective Lin turned his head and sprayed out the coffee.

He took a tissue and quickly wiped his mouth, looking at the other party in disbelief:"Are they your accomplices?"

Detective Lin couldn't understand why the other party would reveal his identity to him?

Picture what?

Do you want to look handsome?

Or is it better to work hard on your own? this matter………He still has never seen it

"um, yes."The twist girl said with a complicated expression:"According to the original plan, I was mixed in with the crowd as an internal response."

"When they couldn't open the inner door of the bank, they would grab me and threaten me."

"In order to survive, I would take out the security card and ask them to open the inner door."

"How do you have a security card?" Detective Lin asked

"Because I am a bank employee, I took leave in the morning and have just come back now."The twist girl explained

"Banking career? After hearing this, Detective Lin suddenly remembered something and asked,"I don't know your name yet.""

"My name is Hirota Masami, but………This is my pseudonym. My real name is Miyano Akemi."The twist girl said.

As soon as he heard the name, Lin Tan reacted instantly.

It turned out to be Miyano Akemi.

Got it.

Lin Tan didn't recognize Miyano Akemi. She didn't appear many times in anime. She is long. They are not as recognizable as Xiaolan Yuanzi and the others, not to mention that they often change their clothes.

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