"Brother, what should we do now?"

"…………Go up and see if anyone is dead?"

"OK…………Brother, the person is completely dead. He is not breathing and his pulse has disappeared."

"Give her two more shots"

"ok bro"


Vodka said as he subconsciously touched his gun. Only then did he remember that his pistol had been shot away.

He looked at Detective Lin, stretched out his hand and said,"Brother, lend me your gun.""

"…………"Detective Lin was silent

"…………"Gin also fell silent.

Even from a distance, he felt embarrassed.

His toes were awkwardly pressed against the ground, wishing he could get out of a three-bedroom apartment.

He knew that Vodka's IQ was not very good, but he never thought that he could pull off such a cool operation.

It’s really embarrassing to be thrown into grandma’s house.

This made Gin, the eldest brother, feel his face getting hot!

Detective Lin looked at Vodka in silence. He could see the innocent and stupid eyes under his sunglasses.

He thought he was such a dick.

No matter what happens, he can stay calm and remain calm even when the mountain collapses.

But the fact that Vodka actually asked him to borrow a gun made him a little nervous.

No wonder Gin is the only one working in the winery. It’s not that the others don’t work, but that their brain capacity doesn’t support the things they think too much about.

"take it."Detective Lin gave the pistol to Vodka, otherwise the scene would be awkward and there would be no way to continue.

Vodka politely said"thank you" after taking the pistol.

He fired several shots at Mingmei and fired all the bullets. After the light was gone, he turned back to Gin with satisfaction and said:"Brother, it's OK! Hehe, she can't die now"

"…………Um."What can Gin do?

He can only nod his head and say okay. Come back quickly and don't continue to embarrass yourself.

"Back to you."After Vodka returned the pistol to Detective Lin, he returned to stand beside Gin, not feeling anything wrong with what just happened.

"I have already killed the person, so I should be able to join you, right?"Detective Lin said while changing bullets.

"Why join us?"Gin was asking on the surface, but in fact he was stalling for time.

Because Chianti and Cohen asked him to stall for time, and they were adjusting their sniper positions.

"Life is a bit boring and I want to find some excitement... Is this an acceptable reason?"As Detective Lin spoke, he felt the danger gradually approaching him.

"Can………As long as there are no problems with the background check, you will be one of our future ones."Ginjiu said calmly.

"And a background check? Detective Lin smiled, took two steps to the side and said,"You think you are the police?" Still doing this"

"Of course, if you are just a peripheral member, you don't have to go to this scene."Gin said patiently.

At this time, Chianti's frantic voice came from his earphones:"That bastard, why are you moving around? I can't see you here, Cohen. Where are you over there?"

"I can't lock it here either.………Just change the position."Cohen's voice came from the earphones.

"Will peripheral members become consumables like her? Lin Tan glanced at Mingmei on the bottom, walked a few steps in the other direction, shook his head and said,"Forget it, just pretend I didn't say it!""

The other party's movement immediately made Gin understand that the other party knew the actions of Chianti and Cohen!

Seeing this, he stopped wasting time and said:"Let's go, vodka."

Gin turned and walked towards the black Porsche 356A.

But at this time, he heard the male high school student say:"Gin, how should I contact you in the future?

Gin got into the car and said,"Use Miyano Akemi's mobile phone. It has my contact information on it!"

Vodka quickly got into the driver's seat and drove away, saying,"Brother, do you want to send someone to investigate him?""

"Investigate it, but don’t act rashly………Come back too."Gin said the last sentence to Chianti and Cohen.

Although he didn't understand the identity of the male high school student, the strength he showed was enough to scare him. The other party came out in school uniform. Such an obvious clue was completely Don't care about the investigation.

Gin is sure that Vodka's investigation will find nothing, except the identity of an ordinary male high school student.

"Don't add unnecessary trouble to me, do you understand?"Gin warned again about the vodka.

The other party's purpose is unknown, his background is unknown, and his strength is strong.

The organization is already suffering from internal and external troubles, and he doesn't want the organization to establish such a strong enemy.

"I understand, brother."Vodka saw what Gin said, so he knew what to do.

"In addition... Let's investigate again how Miyano Akemi met him."After Gin said this, he paused, and then showed a cruel smile on his face:"Of course, don't forget to tell Shirley about Miyano Akemi's murder."

"Presumably, she would be quite sad if she found out about this.

Vodka smirked and said,"I know, brother!" Do you want to give Shirley that guy's photo? Let her remember the face of this enemy?"

"Um."Gin nodded in disbelief.

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