Gin and Vodka left.

Chianti and Cohen also retreated.

At this time, Detective Lin slowly took out a towel, covered Mingmei's body, and then began to wait quietly.

This is no ordinary wrap, but the time wrap in Doraemon's hand.

The time wrapper has two sides, front and back. Cover it with the front side, and the passage of time will speed up for the covered object.

If it is covered with the reverse side, the passage of time of the covered object will be reversed.

This thing is incredible. It can turn old electrical appliances into new ones, make bald heads grow hair, turn crocodile leather bags back into living crocodiles, and restore dinosaur egg fossils!

It is simply a piece of cake to use it to resurrect a person.

A cheating life is really unpretentious and boring!

After seeing that the patterned clock on the time bandana had reversed for ten minutes, Lin Tan just wanted to take the time bandana away, but after thinking about it, he felt that it still lacked some sense of ritual.

So, he said:"Resurrection! My love!"

After saying this, Detective Lin took away the time wrapper.

Mingmei, who originally had a hole in her head, has now recovered as before. The bullet holes on her body have disappeared, and even the pool of blood on the ground is gone.

"amazing."Lin Tan sighed with emotion. This was the first time he used it, and he felt it was very magical.

Suddenly, a bold idea appeared in his mind.

If he finished his work, he would use this time to cover himself with a towel.

Let himself go back.

By the time the battle begins, wouldn't the fighting power be back to its peak? Why should I drink the life potion ? Besides, the life potion is such a precious thing to use to save Shinichi and Heiji.

A bottle of 100 points is definitely not expensive!

This thing is out there, and someone is willing to pay one billion dollars!

One billion dollars is almost more than 150 billion yen.

It takes more than 15,000 points to exchange for a bottle!

Now I only sell a bottle for 100 points, which is a huge price!

Just when Lin Tan was thinking about it, Mingmei woke up.

When she opened her eyes, her first reaction when she saw Detective Lin was to sit up and ask angrily:"Why do you want to kill me? After hearing this, Lin Tan smiled and said,"Do you want to listen to what you are talking about?" I kill you?


"Didn't you shoot me?"Mingmei's eyes were filled with the anger of being betrayed.

Just when she was about to say something else, she suddenly noticed something was wrong.

"Huh? How can I... still talk? Am I dead?"Mingmei began to check herself in surprise.

She touched her forehead and found that it was smooth and flat with no wounds at all.

This made her look a little shocked, and her eyes when she looked at Detective Lin were full of surprise:"This... this what's going on? I shot me."

"Is there a possibility that I acted for them?"Of course Detective Lin will not reveal that he has time to wear a scarf.

"Is this...this...?"Mingmei was a little confused, but she still believed Detective Lin's words.

She is not dead, that is the most powerful evidence.

"If you don't die, Gin will not let you go... I'm afraid you will have to change your name in the future."Tan Lin stretched out his hand towards her

"Thanks……"Mingmei held Lin Tan's hand and pulled it hard to stand up.

She bowed gratefully and said,"If it weren't for you, I'd probably really die."

"Thank you later."Tan Lin got into the driver's seat. He took off his school uniform and said,"Get in the car... I hope my luck is not so bad and I don't meet the traffic police on the road."

"Um."Mingmei just wanted to get into the co-pilot, but then she thought it was inappropriate.

If she was accidentally discovered by the organization, wouldn't her pretense be in vain?

So she got into the back seat.

This scene made Detective Lin Seeing this, I couldn't help but secretly nod, thinking that Mingmei was smarter.

At least she was much smarter than that idiot Vodka.

Vodka was very efficient. After three hours, he quickly got the information about Detective Lin.

He handed it to Ginjiu.

Ginjiu took a look and found that it was just as he thought.

Apart from knowing that the other party was an ordinary high school student,

Vodka said excitedly:"Brother, this guy is just a man." An ordinary high school student! Should we call someone to arrest him?"

"…………Have you ever seen an ordinary high school student draw a gun so quickly? Is the shooting so accurate? Also know where our snipers are?"Gin calmly asked three soul questions.

Vodka suddenly realized:"So, the student is just his disguise? Cunning guy! What should we do, brother?

A sneer appeared on Gin's lips, and he said:"Don't worry about it, give the information to Shirley... No, don't give it to her yet." I have to torture her little by little, that's the fun! I went to tell her the sad news in person!"

After that, he walked to the secret laboratory happily, followed by Vodka.

After arriving at the secret laboratory, Gin quickly found Shirley who was working.

Vodka knocked on the door of the laboratory and spoke Said:"Shirley, come out! We have something to notify you!!"

"…………"Shirley looked back at Gin and Vodka, with undisguised disgust in her eyes.

After exchanging a few words with other R&D personnel, she took off her experimental gloves and walked out, saying coldly:"What's the matter?"

"Before I tell you, you have to be mentally prepared!"Gin looked at Shirley's cold and arrogant expression, with gloating all over her face.

"………"Shirley's heart sank, and she vaguely felt that something bad had happened, otherwise Gin would not have come all the way.

She suppressed the irritability and uneasiness in her heart and asked,"Tell me! What happened?""

"Miyano Akemi………died."After Gin finished speaking, he immediately saw that Shirley's expression became unbearable. She suddenly changed from cold to panic!

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Shirley suppressed her anger and said through gritted teeth.

Gin didn't say anything, just sneered, admiring the other person's expression.

Vodka laughed and emphasized:"Didn't my elder brother make it very clear? That woman Miyano Akemi is dead!! Someone shot him to death!"

"This...this is impossible!!"Shirley is unwilling to accept this reality.

"Whether you accept it or not, this is reality. Gin gloated,"But don't worry, for the sake of my colleagues, I will help you find the murderer!""

"I don’t believe it, you must be lying to me!"After Shirley dropped this sentence, she hurried towards the office.

"Haha...nice expression!"Gin was very satisfied and felt that his mood suddenly became much more beautiful.

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