After returning to the office, Shirley's expression was no longer as calm as before.

After making more than a dozen calls, no one answered the phone.

This made Shirley murmur anxiously:"Answer the phone! Hurry up and answer the phone!""

"Sister...why don't you answer the phone?"

"Could something really happen?"


No one answered the phone, and Miyano Shiho's heart sank, unwilling to think about the worst.

"Maybe my sister lost her cell phone………No way to contact me"

"This kind of thing is also possible"

"Send a message to her Instagram...let her see it and contact me as soon as possible."

Miyano Shiho comforted herself. She hurriedly logged in to Instagram and sent a message to her sister.

But she felt that this was not enough. She used her computer to log in to her email and sent her sister an email.

After sending the email, she forced herself to calm down.

In seconds Like a year, waiting for my sister’s reply


Ding ding ding!

Ding ding ding!

Ding ding ding!

Ding ding ding!


"…………"Mingmei looked at her cell phone that kept ringing. She looked sad and was suffering inside.

My sister kept calling me, but I got no response.

She must be very worried………

When Mingmei thought about her sister learning the news of her death, she would definitely be very sad and cry so hard.

Thinking about it, she couldn't help but shed tears.

Detective Lin next to him couldn't bear it when he saw it.

He felt like he was cheating. What kind of trouble could he not solve?

You can even do something as outrageous as resurrecting someone from the dead, so what is there to worry about?

If you can't cheat and do whatever you want, then isn't this cheating in vain?

After thinking of this, Detective Lin said:"Answer the phone. Just ask your sister to keep it a secret.""

"no."Mingmei shook her head and sobbed:"This matter is too important to make any mistakes."

"Although I believe Shiho will keep it a secret, but... people from the organization are pervasive! If something unexpected happens...then the plan will fail."

"By then, not only us sisters, but also you, Mr. Lin, will be implicated."

"You have done so many things for me, you can’t fall short!!"

With this awareness and determination, Detective Lin couldn't help but sigh at Mingmei's strength and not being carried away by emotions.

It's no wonder that she can stick to herself, keep her bottom line, and remain kind in the winery where criminals build a team. Contaminated.

If it were me, I would have evolved into Gin No. 2 and started killing people.

"Let's have some beer then."Tan Lin didn't mention Mingmei answering the phone.

He went over to get a few bottles of beer and drank with Mingmei.

The bitter beer diluted the bitterness in Mingmei's heart, and she drank the beer in big gulps.

After drinking too much, she started to talk. While talking and drinking, Mingmei got herself drunk.

When Mingmei woke up again, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

"Well………I have a headache, where is this place?"Mingmei looked around blankly, confused for a moment.

But a few minutes later, she quickly remembered everything that happened yesterday.

Sadness came to her heart again, and tears kept falling down again.

After she had almost vented her emotions, , Mingmei gathered her mood and left the room.

When she looked around, she found Lin Tan sitting on the sofa watching TV, but there were also three other people wearing Didan High School uniforms.

"Miss Mingmei, are you awake?"Tan Lin said hello to the other party.

"Um...Lin Jun, who are they?"When Mingmei asked, she suddenly discovered that one of the men was Kudo Shinichi, which made her feel a little surprised.

"They are all my good friends!"Tan Lin briefly introduced Xiaolan, Sonoko and Shinichi to Mingmei.

If nothing else happens, we will meet often.

So he gave up the idea of hiding the beauty in the golden house.

There will be more of this in the future.

He It's impossible to hide them all, right?

Besides, which male protagonist in a harem show would hide his harem openly ?

Of course, how should he show it? There is another way of saying it. If someone said something like"She is my new girlfriend", let alone Xiaolan Yuanzi, everyone would feel resentful.

Just an explanation of their moral kidnapping will do.

"Hello."Although Mingmei doesn't understand what Lin Tan wants to do, she just knows that he won't harm her.

"This is the girl who came to me that day, Miyano Akemi."Tan Lin said to Xiaolan Yuanzi

"Huh? Really...really?"Xiaolan was greatly surprised. It was really hard for her to associate such a great beauty with the girl with thick glasses and two hemp flowers that day.

"This...this change is too big, right?"Yuanzi also wiped his eyes in disbelief.

"that……"Shinichi raised his hand and asked curiously: Can you tell me more carefully? I do not know anything."

Detective Lin didn't mind the trouble, so he talked about the robbery case he encountered when he and Xiaolan went to the bank.

Of course, as for the two storylines of giving Mingmei one billion yen and Mingmei's repayment of kindness, he would certainly not be stupid. Apart from that

, he also mentioned the matter of how to make Mingmei fake her death, but even so, it made the three of them exclaimed!

Tu Qiongdeng saw this and said:"Miss Mingmei is already a dead person in the eyes of the people in the organization. It is not convenient for her to appear outside, so she will stay with me temporarily."

In this regard, neither Xiaolan nor Yuanzi can say anything.

Mingmei is in such a miserable state, can they still drive each other away?

"However, Miss Mingmei is a girl after all, so it is not convenient for her to live with me. Detective Lin changed the topic at this time and said,"So I plan to rent another room for her to live in!""

As soon as these words came out, Xiaolan Yuanzi and the two were immediately happy, and nodded with smiles:"This is a good idea!!"

"Yes, yes!"

"Sister Mingmei, you might be bored staying at home alone, shall I read you some novels?"

"Or maybe just learn some cooking! I can teach you!!"


Xiaolan and Yuanzi became very enthusiastic all of a sudden, and even called her sister, which brought a smile to Lin Tan's lips.

Easy to handle!

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