Killing God Island

Chapter 1301: Tian Jie Wan Qi Pian 268 Muscular woman and Jimus hit a 50-50.

According to common sense, the brothers and sisters have killed each other two very powerful masters hidden in the Quartet Alliance. They should not need to warm up, but because of the strength of Jimus, they are indeed more powerful than the two they have just solved. To make a lot of relationships.

As a result, Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin brothers and sisters passed a few tricks with him briefly. Although the two brothers and sisters did not beat him, he chose to join forces, but this buddy was really unlucky, just caught up with the two brothers and sisters. All their opponents were killed.

Moreover, Zhuo Yanxuan prefers to stay with his sister, just because they have drawn a distance from each other when they are fighting, so the pair of brothers and sisters have just resolved their opponents and are preparing to walk in the direction of each other. In the process, I happened to encounter this guy who was hurting Xu Tian of the team of Chen Tian. The strength of the person who was able to injure Xu Shun was naturally not weak, and of course Zhuo Yanxuan also knew that the strength of Xu Tian of the team of Chen Tian was not bad. But he was injured by this person, so Zhuo Yanxuan became curious about this person, and directly attacked Jimus.

What Zhuo Yanxuan did not expect is that this guy is really capable, and he can really fight against himself positively, but the two are just short after two strokes, it is exactly this time that Zhuo Yanxuan's sister Zhuo Wenxin When she didn't say anything, she attacked Jimus directly from behind, and Zhuo Yanxuan certainly didn't make another attempt to observe the strength of this man in the process of fighting with his sister.

As a person of such strength as Zhuo Yanxuan, of course, he can see a lot of ways. Zhuo Wenxin is a person with a very strong fighting ability. Although she has strong strength, she will not use it easily, and although she is fighting Jimus, There is no down wind, but Zhuo Yanxuan can see that this kid has two children. The absolute strength is not simple, so although he knows that his sister is very strong, he is a person who is always cautious, and he does not want his sister to be in any danger. He is taller than himself, but he will still help her in the past.

This has nothing to do with Zhuo Wenxin's own strength. All brothers may have a heart that protects their sister forever. Although Zhuo Wenxin wants to go alone with this seemingly capable person, he seems to be worried about his coming. Help, Zhuo Wenxin is still very moved, and the brothers and sisters are not only amazing in their combat strength, but also seamlessly coordinated, plus the strength of the two is there, so that the original can be alone with Zhuo’s brother and sister Jimu Sri Lanka, you can't make any changes.

Moreover, it is not so simple to make anything out of it. To be precise, the cooperation between siblings and sisters is too perfect, so that he can only defend against Zhuo’s brothers and sisters and can’t free his hands to fight back. Every attack is extremely powerful. If he does not defend, it will definitely cause him to be fatally injured. Even if it is defended, he will be hit by another person, but it will be better than the fatal injury. It is absolutely impossible to be protected from internal injuries by hitting the body. Of course, the internal injuries are still very resistant to this kind of person, and the repair ability can also keep up. Otherwise, being hit by the brother and sister is like sentenced to his death sentence.

However, the brothers and sisters have been fighting and training with each other since they were young, and each one knows what the other means in one eye. Therefore, the two brothers and sisters attacked him only as ordinary brothers and sisters. They did not really seriously attack him, so he can only force it. Preventing fatal injuries, although preventing fatal injuries, he will be hit by another person from behind every time he prevents fatal injuries, so one third of his physical strength is used to repair his internal injuries.

And the brothers and sisters seem to be playing him deliberately. Obviously, the brothers and sisters can jointly prevent him from being able to prevent him, but the brothers and sisters are so interested in treating him as a two-person training pile. After giving him a punch and kick, Zhuo Yanxuan directly grabbed his sister's right hand and lifted up her sister directly. At the same time, Jimmus was very unwilling to roar, and he was approaching at a very fast rate. Brother and sister Zhuo rushed over.

At this time, Zhuo Yanxuan happened to lift his sister and kicked him directly on the chest. The huge force instantly flew Jimus out, and at this time, Jimmus was hit by the landing point. It happened to be the position of the four men in the women's team, so he appeared to be attacked by Yangliu just after landing, but unfortunately Yangliu's strength is strong, but it is much worse than Jimus, but because of the chest was just Zhuo Wen Xin’s severe chest pain kicked, causing Jimus to be unable to exert his full strength in these two minutes. After all, the severe chest pain made him unable to hit his strength for a while.

Accurately speaking, Zhuo Wenxin just kicked away his strength, causing Jimus, who was very powerful, to have a sudden chest pain, and the whole body's strength could not be brought out at all, so he was constantly attacked by Willow. Retreating, but Yang Liu didn't hurt him half a sweat at all. Although he couldn't use his full strength for a while, it was still very easy to block Yang Liu's attack. It’s just that it can’t use its power for a while, but it can only defend but does not attack her, but the master can feel it even if he doesn’t attack the muscular woman and Shirley, this person is not Yang Liuneng The level of dealing with it was just a few times because he couldn’t charge for a while because he was injured. It was not the battle situation that he saw right now. If Shirley and the muscular woman are top-notch, you might see that Yangliu has always been against this person. The state of the strong attack looks like a big chance of winning. In fact, although Yang Liu will not necessarily be killed by this guy, this guy only needs to wait a few seconds for the entire battle to change completely.

What's more, Shirley was afraid that this man would hit the willow. For example, the head or the heart would kill her with a single blow, and she would not be given any chance, so she immediately asked Gu Da to help her, and Gu Da also realized that this person's strength was indeed not waiting. Generation, so even if Shirley did not say that Kudat was planning to intervene in the battle between them, Yangliu had not yet realized that the opponent's strength was many times stronger than her, and he was still attacking him.

Jimus fights with Yangliu and the brothers and sisters of Zhuo family is completely different. When he fights with brothers and sisters of Zhuo family, he will feel strong pressure, and his spirit will be tense at all times. It seems that if he is not careful, he will kill the hands of these brothers and sisters. It seems that Yangliu has been defending all the time, but it is quite easy. Not only can he easily see the number of Yangliu’s battles, but not only did he not cause any injuries to his defense, but also slowly recovered his injury, although not yet By two minutes, the chest injury kicked by Zhuo Wenxin had almost recovered.

After the sternum and viscera around the chest recovered, the **** Jimus was also ready to fight back against the willow, because it was no longer necessary to continue to tolerate it, but just when Jimmus was about to prepare to fight back, the muscular woman also followed Zhi joined the battle between the two, and immediately after she joined, asked Yangliu to let the person deal with her, and she had just heard that this should be Shirley's order.

But Yang Liu couldn't think of a reason why I clearly had the advantage, but I had to let Guda intervene in the fight to help me? And don't let me continue to shoot? Is this person stronger than me? how can that be possible? Yang Liu had just denied in his heart that this man is stronger than himself.

As a result, a powerful energy shock was formed around the two people’s instantaneous battle, so that the willows within 10 meters of the two people were instantly struck by the power of the two people, and the impact of the two forces’ impact Li instantly spit the flying willow in the air, spitting blood in the air. Many internal organs shattered and even the bones were split or broken, causing the willow to be blown away by a distance of seven or eight meters.

The willow that fell in the air was a bit heavy, and it was too sudden, and the original body force was consumed a little too much, resulting in superficial wounds. Although the wounds that repaired the body and bones were not repaired in an instant, the body caused pain throughout the body. Unable to maintain balance in the air, the whole person was allowed to land freely and fell to the ground for a long time without standing up.

This time Yangliu finally understood why Shirley let the muscular women come to help me. The battle between the two men is really powerful. Although the muscular women are strong but at most they can be brought up to the level of quasi-God like Chen Tian’s physical awakening, but The use of this power cannot last as long as Chen Tian, ​​but the strength is indeed slightly above Chen Tian, ​​and the strength of Jimus is naturally not weak. Or how could it be possible for the joint attack of the brothers and sisters who lived in Zhuo Family?

So this time, the muscular woman is considered to be the opponent, but the strength of the muscular woman is still above Jimus. Of course, this also borrowed the reason why the brothers and sisters of Zhuo had just injured him. After all, Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin just joined together. Let Jimus consume a lot of physical energy, more is the foot kicked by Zhuo Wenxin on Jimus' chest. Although the surface seems to have been repaired, in fact, the internal organs are still more or less different from the previous ones just after the repair, plus After his strength was broken up, the strength after this condensation was also much weaker than before.

So in the minute when the two attacked each other quickly, you used all kinds of moves to fight against each other, but it seemed that they could not have much impact on the other. In addition to the physical energy consumed by each other, it was only to Some injuries were added to the two sides, and the two of them obviously did not have too obvious heights, which proves that the two have scored 50 or 50 on the whole.

But after one minute and three minutes after the two players quickly played against each other, the gap between the two began to become more and more obvious. Although the three minutes between the two players might not be able to fight each other for the ordinary people, But for the two men's battle, it is a high-frequency battle mode. The two men's moves against each other are at least 3,000 times, and the various forces exerted on each other are no less than a thousand times.

In this way, the physical strength of both sides and the body's ability to fight against each other are studied. The original Jimus body is also a kind of very resistant person, but although the body is being repaired while being injured, he is actually talking with Zhuo Shi. Brothers and sisters have consumed a lot of physical strength when they fight. Of course, there are many wounds in the beaten body that cannot be completely cured. For example, Zhuo Wenxin kicked Jimus to this foot in his chest.

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