Killing God Island

Chapter 1302: Tian Jie Wan Qi Pian 269 has seen the big scene with Shirley in the senior area.

The willow that fell in the air was a bit heavy, and it was too sudden, and the original body force was consumed a little too much, resulting in superficial wounds. Although the wounds that repaired the body and bones were not repaired in an instant, the body caused pain throughout the body. Unable to maintain balance in the air, the whole person was allowed to land freely and fell to the ground for a long time without standing up.

This time Yangliu finally understood why Shirley had let the muscular women come to help me. The battle between these two men was really powerful. Although the strength of the muscular women is strong, at most they can be brought up to the level of quasi-God like Chen Tian’s physical awakening, but The use of this power cannot last as long as Chen Tian, ​​but the strength is indeed slightly above Chen Tian, ​​and the strength of Jimus is naturally not weak. Or how could it be possible for the joint attack of the brothers and sisters who lived in Zhuo Family?

So this time, the muscular woman is considered to be the opponent, but the strength of the muscular woman is still above Jimus. Of course, this also borrowed the reason why the brothers and sisters of Zhuo had just injured him. After all, Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin just joined together. Let Jimus consume a lot of physical strength, more is Zhuo Wenxin kicking the foot on Jimus' chest. Although the surface seems to have been repaired, in fact, the internal organs are still more or less different from the previous ones just after the repair, plus After his strength was broken up, the strength after this condensation was much weaker than before.

So in the minute when the two attacked each other quickly, you used all kinds of moves to fight against each other, but it seemed that they could not have much impact on the other. In addition to the physical energy consumed by each other, it was only to Some injuries were added to the two sides, and the two of them obviously did not have too obvious heights, which proves that the two have scored fifty-five points overall.

But after one minute and three minutes after the two quickly played against each other, the gap between the two began to become more and more obvious. Although the three minutes between the two people might not be able to fight each other for the ordinary people, But for the two men's battle, it is a high-frequency battle mode. The two men's moves against each other are at least 3,000 times, and the various forces exerted on each other are no less than a thousand times.

In this way, the physical strength of both sides and the body's ability to resist and so on are studied. The original Jimus body is also a kind of very resistant person, but although the body is being repaired while being injured, he is actually talking with Zhuo Shi. Brothers and sisters have consumed a lot of physical strength when they fight. Of course, there are many wounds in the beaten body that cannot be completely cured. For example, Zhuo Wenxin kicked Jimus to this foot in his chest.

It has already given Jimus a dark wound. Even after genetic repair, this kind of dark wound will still exist. It seems that the wound and the internal injury have been repaired. In fact, it is not a true complete repair. The repair is only the surface, even if it is repaired. Afraid to be hit hard here, this will cause the newly repaired gene to split again to produce the same or even heavier injury as the previous injury. This kind of thorough repair unless it is Chen Tian’s regenerative repair ability exceeds many times the ordinary level. .

Otherwise, basically want to really repair the very serious injury, which requires at least two hours of thorough repair and regenerative gene repair after the adaptation stage, but in this big scuffle, how could there be such an opportunity for her to really It was so serious that the injury before it was fully recovered. It was only the surface as long as the same part did not undergo the second heavy injury. It was not a problem, but what I was afraid was that the part with the previous injury was seriously hit here.

For Jimus, he suffered the most serious injuries before, not the wounds on the surface of the body and the injuries on the surface everywhere. This kind of injury will not be greatly affected for them to such a degree of strengthening people, but before He was attacked by Zhuo Yanxuan's sister Zhuo Wenxin when he was joined by Zhuo's brother and sister, causing him to be unable to recharge his body for nearly three minutes after kicking on the chest.

The so-called recharge is to be unable to use any of your abilities and condense your own strength. It can be seen that this foot has a great impact on Jimus, but fortunately, the muscular woman who will deal with him from time to time is Willow, which leads to let him Within three minutes, the pain on the chest was temporarily recovered from the pain, but there was a dark disease. Although it was completely repaired from the appearance and surface, even the bones and nerves of the body seemed to be completely repaired, but In fact, the genes in this part have just been generated, no matter the bones or internal organs of this part have no previous resistance.

And it is very fragile within three hours. It may have been able to withstand very much strength, but after repair, it may at most be able to withstand the three-point force under the same heavy blow. This is why Jimus and the muscular woman looked evenly divided in the previous battle. , But within a few minutes, under the same level of mutual attack, the main reason for the gap between strength and weakness was quickly widened. If Jimus had not been hit by Zhuo Wenxin’s foot before, it may still be able to fight with the muscular woman. Five to five.

In the same combat level, under the impact of high-speed power, even if neither side hits the other body, the power impact caused by the two sides' actions alone will also cause their physical state to continue to decline. Of course, the muscular woman no matter the physical state It is still better than Jimus in all aspects, plus there are no hidden injuries in the body, so the difference between the two will be immediately known after a minute or two.

And even if the two are not divided in two minutes, then Shirley may intervene in the battle between the two. After all, in this kind of scuffle, the two-minute period may be considered to be for ordinary people. A very short moment, but for the reinforcement, especially the duel between the masters, the two-minute match has been considered a relatively long time. In their high-speed mutual attack, they can go back and forth to each other. There are more than a thousand moves.

Of course, this refers to the situation where the strength gap between the two is similar. If a battle with a large strength gap is basically solved, the opponent will be solved within ten seconds, or directly kill the opponent. Some even, just use the opponent for a second. He was killed. In this kind of melee, there is not a small number of strengthened people who are killed in seconds. Although the strengthened people who participated in this melee are all masters of the elite in the t zone, and even some of them are far away. It is far beyond the level of strength that should be strengthened in the t zone.

So the battles that take place here are of all kinds of opponents. Of course, the difference in strength is also uneven, so there will be two-party battles. Some of them may be beautiful. The other party’s attack actions have been killed, of course. The men fight like Muscle Girls and Jimus for a long time. For these fortified people, the two sides have been fighting each other for about two minutes. It has been a long time.

However, the battle scene between Muscle Girl and Jimus is still quite eye-catching. The strength of these two people is greater than Chen Tian’s strength or equivalent to Chen Tian’s strength. Naturally, the strength shock wave generated by the battle between the two parties is also forced to have no surroundings. The degree of watching by others. After all, the distance between the two is too close, but they will be injured by mistake. The muscular woman knew that Jimus had been injured after being beaten.

However, she is aware of the fact that the ability to repair people is fast, but she is also aware of it, but some injuries are impossible to recover from the surface. Only high-level strong-talkers understand this, and this is the area for the t-zone. In the starting area of ​​real masters, although these people have a lot of strength, they are really strong, but they are not very clear that the real areas of the advanced areas are all fighting.

Although the strength level of Jimus is strong, it is also a fortified person who has not left the t zone. Although the battle is strong, there are many aspects like the unseen baby in the well, there are many things he does not understand, and the muscle woman is ancient Dak is a man who followed Shirley in the high-level area. For the injured, how to fight him, including how to fight him, can increase his old injury. This old injury refers to the dark injury, some of the superficial injuries that have been restored on the surface, Repairs in less than one cycle cannot be completely and completely restored, and this is known to the advanced areas.

Although the physical genes and various aspects of the fortified person are much stronger than ordinary people, but after all, the fortified person is the transformation and strengthening of human beings, unless the special type of fortified person in the a zone level is reached, otherwise it is basically inseparable from the human body. Bound, of course, for wound healing and internal wound healing, these things that need to recover slowly for a long time, it is easier for the fortified person to recover, although in most cases there is no problem, but some ordinary human rich individuals, after injury I like to let doctors find a way to recover their injuries as quickly as possible. Of course, from a medical point of view, there are many ways to recover faster than ordinary people.

But the recovery is almost the same as that the seeds are covered with special fertilizers. There are advantages and disadvantages. The big disadvantage is that although it looks good, it still needs regulations. It is not a real and complete recovery, but the strengthening of people is Severe fatal injuries, some injuries after self-genetic repair do not hinder the internal injuries of their own constitution and important organs. After the repair, there is no problem at all, but as long as it is enough to affect the dark injury, it does not seem to deal with it on the surface. It is completely repaired So simple.

The current restoration is only 50% to 40% of the surface restoration. This kind of restoration can only barely save your life and keep you from dying for a short period of time. In a short period of time, he still fights with people. As long as this person is not as good as himself, it will greatly reduce the increase in his own injuries. As Jimus’s strength, there are definitely no opponents in the t zone, but he is usually hidden in one of the four leagues. Under the influence, there is basically not too much of his own strength. His strength, whether it is with Chen Tian or the brothers and sisters of Zhuo Family, is enough to fight hard with them.

So even if there is a hidden injury, it’s okay. If Jimus is not dealing with the muscular female Guda, but Yangliu, even if there is a hidden injury on his body, he can’t do anything with him because of Yangliu’s current strength. Willow was the result of the counterattack.

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