Killing God Island

Chapter 181: Seven War Madness five years ago

Just when the two were talking, a plane had flown from afar, Ben Xi stared at Chang Yanxiao and said: "Although we only met briefly, but I hope you don't forget me if I leave as you said I saved enough points, reputation, etc., I hope you are the one who will pick me up from this island!"

Chang Yanxiao laughed after hearing: "The people who can leave this island with their own strength are all amazing people. If you can really leave this island with your own strength, I will make an appointment with your friend." He said After this sentence, he rode a tiger in the direction of the helicopter, and Ben Xi still silently looked at his back in the back.

It may be that Chang Yanxiao’s master is very sensitive, and he turned back to Ben Xi and shouted, “Ben Xi! Don’t die! I remember your name, and I look forward to seeing you outside the island one day! "

Ben Xi also waved to Chang Yanxiao and said, "Yes! Certainly! You must take care!"

Twenty minutes before the time difference, there were more than twenty first-class super masters lying on the ground of the headquarters training ground. The only thing standing in front of them was a beautiful woman with dark skin. The fourth insane among the seven war madness of the Lintes family, Joni Eileen!

She likes to come back here to warm up before lunch, and take part in physical fitness. This is not the gym, but the headquarters of the special forces, which gathers the world's famous masters. Some later joined the initiative. Invitations, etc. Anyway, many people who are not weak will recruit into the family.

Then, in order to divide the levels by strength, the people who really have real hard power will be assigned to this department, and Joni Eileen is also in this department, and is also one of the seven instructors in this department. In fact, the so-called The seven instructors refer to the seven war mad, but many of them will not appear here, and it is Joni Eileen who can always see it.

In particular, she exercised here in tights and added a lot of color here, but this woman likes to fight with others. She has to work with people to warm up after exercising every day, and it is still a master here. Born to be a war mad, she simply can't hold on to want to learn from them.

But although these people are okay in strength, the gap in strength is too large compared to her, so she basically let several people go together, but often the final result is that she beat the people who came up, originally Today, she didn't want to fight these people. After all, she knew that they were not opponents, but today a special team came with a group of new members.

And one by one, they thought they were very strong, and all of them seemed to be bullish. They instantly angered Joni Eileen, so she personally started to teach these twenty people how to behave.

When Joni Eileen singled out more than 20 people, she didn't even suffer any injuries, and after she beat them all down, she also felt that the quality of the family's recent selection was getting worse and worse. The level of people is still poor, and fighting against them is insulting my combat effectiveness. Joni Eileen thought that here suddenly he wanted to find someone with some level of skill, but the seven madmen were not at the headquarters except himself.

So there is really no one who can really move with Joni Eileen. Just when she feels bored, she suddenly thinks of the scene when she first encountered madness...

Five years ago, Jonny Eileen was just 19 years old. She was invited by the family to headquarter under the name of a Vietnamese murderous demon. The family’s internal management and senior management were not like this today, although there are also so-called The assassination department and many combat departments, but there is no later seven war madness in the world that no one knows, no one knows, and Joni Yilin came to the headquarters for the first time this time.

At that time, her skin was much darker than it is now. Originally, Joni Eileen was a black-skinned beauty. Although she has become light-black now, her racial differences make her skin color always incomparable to whites and yellows, but her Her appearance and figure are not inferior to the beauty of all countries. She was the top representative of black beauty. When she first came, no one knew her strength. Many people thought he was a high-ranking call girl, but for a few weeks. No one would dare to underestimate her afterwards. Basically, all the family members who were recruited at the same time were repaired by her miserably. If they were not merciless, they would become crippled without dying.

It wasn't until the appearance of Chang Yanxiao among the members he recruited in the next period that Jolin Yililin's eyes lit up. When Chang Yanxiao first came to the headquarters, Joni Yilin had already become a middle-level cadre in the special team, as long as you are in this department If you have hard power, you will not be buried. Although Joni Yililin also met with Chang Yanxiao, the first impression of being honest with him is very general. He is a typical Chinese ordinary man who has no strong and strong muscles. She also had the appearance of a ponytail with long hair, and she walked with a toothpick in the corner of her mouth.

The people who can be recruited by the Plinters family are actually small, well-known people. Chang Yanxiao is not a weak mixed man in the family. Although his position is mixed from the bottom, his strength It is already very strong to join, so I dare to walk so arrogantly. If the average person walks like this, his legs may have been interrupted several times.

At the beginning, Joni Eileen was not optimistic about him, so he sent someone to test the strength of this group of people, but he went to deal with other things. As a result, after half an hour, the headquarters directly called to let Joni Yililin hurried back to the headquarters immediately, and personally went to test the strength level of a man named Chang Yanxiao. After she arrived, she realized that she couldn't give Chang Yanxiao a battle level.

Because he has defeated all the opponents in the same period, even the instructor kid has not let go, and now the instructor has been sent to the hospital, the strength of the table is completely comparable to your battle record at that time, basically the opponent is mostly a move ok End the fight.

Joni Eileen smiled and said, "Is it? Then I want to meet this person"

Joni Eileen pushed in the door and walked in, while the others watched the match between the two on the monitor. When Joni Eileen walked in, Chang Yanxiao also stood like a rogue from the ground Get up: "Yeah? Is such a beautiful black girl the reward given to me from above?"

Joni Eileen saw that he was about to reach out and touch himself. The corner of his mouth smiled slightly and said, "Whether I am a reward depends on whether you have this skill!" Joni Eileen lifted up the next second when Chang Yan smiled. The long legs swept one foot, and Chang Yanxiao didn't evade this trick. The whole body was kicked to the ground in an instant. Because the ground is marble, it is not only strong and smooth, but Chang Yanxiao was kicked to the ground. The taxi stopped for more than a meter.

But soon Chang Yanxiao stood up on the spot and said with a heavy face: "It seems that you are not a small character! Then I have to be serious!"

"You'd better take it seriously, I just didn't use my full strength just now, just give you a small warning, if you don't use my full strength with me, be careful and regret after death!" Joni Yililin finished this sentence, and once again Chang Yanxiao rushed over, and the two immediately hit a huge noise around the scene. This scene of fighting was very exciting, so that the people watching watched closed their breaths for a moment, even the people who were pouring water beside them. I forgot that I was pouring water, and the water came out. He didn't look away, because this fight was the first time they saw it in so many years. This is the real battle in their minds.

The two men almost met each other, and the ten-minute fight did not divide the victory. Finally, due to the fighting strength of the two men and the destructive power of the huge aftershock, the surrounding cement walls were cracked. In the end, all the staff were afraid because of the two of them. It was collapsing. After all, the two of them struggled until the end of the building trembling, so they immediately stopped the fight, and finally submitted this precious combat information to it, until the owner of the Prins family, Corvins, personally After watching the battle between the two, they also nodded with great satisfaction: "Well! These two are good. Let them prepare to see me in person tomorrow."

Joni Yililin and Chang Yanxiao, who had met the head of the family, were quickly promoted. Later, they were intentionally promoted by Cowens to let them personally do a few dangerous tasks that can highlight their abilities, but the two They were all done beautifully, which also made Cowens appreciate the two. Later, after the two joined forces to do several tasks, the two were officially accepted by Cowens as sons and daughters. In order to be more special than the high-level, and have more power than the high-level status, although the concept of the Seven-Mad was not yet available, basically the most active people in the entire family at that time also appeared one after another, except for Joni. Lin and Chang Yan laughed, and one of the seven madmen in the future was the first madman: Noch Prints, who was also a very hot family focal point at this time, also because of the blood of the family's orthodox Noch Pryn. Tes is the person with the most power in the future of the seven madmen. At that time, he was already a position similar to the second and third in the family. Not only was his brain flexible and well-managed, but his own strength was also ranked among the top ten top powers in the world. No matter the strength or management are top talents, there is no one in the family who refuses to accept it. Even the strong men at the level of Jonny Ilylin and Chang Yanxiao have tacitly recognized his talents and strengths.

Seventh Madman Second Madman: Camille Hughes, in fact, this time period is also in the family, but his name is not as loud as these people, although strong, but belongs to the master of the hidden line, and was just 15 years old and strengthened Because of the sudden gene mutation, the process was spent in detention for a long time. His time was not fully highlighted at this time. At that time, the fifth madman Cage Thomson was always in the laboratory. Spent in this place, but the reuse of this person will be three years later, but at the same time, the emergence of two of the other seven madmen has promoted the emergence of the seven war madmen and the key to the whole family. Known as the strongest fighting family of the four major families, this should be summed up as the appearance of these two.

These two are Jaina, who is known as the third madman, and the most famous seventh madman, the two are mad. This is a pair of sisters who are in trouble. Sister Jaina, because of the help of the owner, Corvins, decided to officially join the family. , And joined together with his younger brother, Qi, and the latter is even more powerful before the ancients and after.

Because Cowens has a kindness to Jaina, Jaina is very loyal to him, and Kuangqi is the person who listens to her sister most, and because her sister has become the strongest ace of the entire family.

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