Killing God Island

Chapter 182: Prins family

These two are Jaina, who is known as the third madman, and the most famous seventh madman, the two are mad. This is a pair of sisters who have fallen into trouble. Because of the help of the owner, Corvins, the sister Jaina decided to officially join the family. And joined with his younger brother Qi, and the latter is even more powerful before the ancients and after.

Because Cowens has a kindness to Jaina, Jaina is very loyal to him, and Kuangqi is the person who listens most to her sister, and because her sister has become the strongest ace of the entire family.

Two years later, Joni Yililin and Chang Yanxiao’s power within the family was unreasonable. Both of them became one of the top cadres of the family, and they were mainly responsible for the family fighting department and murder. The related work is mainly Joni Eileen who was originally a murderous woman, so she has now become the leader of the special operations department.

All the new members of the family special team are not allowed to pass her test before entering this department. The strength and potential of all aspects of physical strength, endurance, etc., most of them are done by Joni Eileen, but they want to To be recognized and promoted in the Special Warfare Department, it must go through the checkpoint of Joni Ilylin, but the madness of joining the family special forces team and his sister Jaina skipped this step, and the family directly A sentence by Vince was directly incorporated into the combatants table of the special operations department, which also made the combat effectiveness of the two of them a mystery, completely omitting the steps that everyone must go through, and the average person would not have privileges, And the owner, Cowans, will not grant this privilege to others. He enforces the statement that you have to be able to exert yourself to be recognized by others, so the members of the combat department who are recruited into the family are actually entering the family. He was still very famous before, but most of the people who were famous outside entered the family but remained obscure. Many even became passers-by who did not remember their names.

Actually, it is not that these people are not good enough, but there are too many good people here, many things are covered by people who are better and better than you, as if you are a flashlight, you have a strong light in the dark, but When you compare the flashlight to a place where there is sunlight, his light is very slim, so here is a cruel zone that does not look at your external name, only your personal strength, and Joni Eileen was originally South Africa The top murderous demon on that side, and later entered the Golden Triangle of Vietnam, was a ruthless character that no one dared to provoke. After being recruited into the family, he even used his real strength to return to his current status from the bottom of the road, so I have to say Jonny . Yi Lilin is a very capable person, who has a certain temper.

Joni Eileen is no exception. He doesn’t like Jaina who became the leader of the mobile unit less than a month after joining the special war list, because Jaina’s strength has not been demonstrated in the special warfare department. The above is easily used for heavy tasks, and the status is second only to his own status after just two months or so, so Joni Eileen has serious dissatisfaction. As the leader of the special warfare department, he belongs to The place where the whole family trains and selects top talents in all aspects of combat strength. As for the department that actually performs the killing task, it is actually the mobile department. Although the special operations department of the mobile unit is also linked to the special operations department, it is related to the real special operations department. Not so big, so Joni Yilin has little chance of contacting Jaina.

And Chang Yanxiao took control and took over the family diplomacy and the entire dark trend in just two years of the family, and established his own combat department and was recognized by the family as the family department. In addition to his outrageous strength, Chang Yanxiao He also used the family power to create the Hundred Beast Legion, and he is called the King of Beast Beast, and this Hundred Beast Legion has a hundred strong fighting generals, but Chang Yanxiao’s employment and selection are actually better than Joe Ni Yilin is a hundred times stronger, so the Beast Legion he created personally has exactly 100 internal cadres, and is also called 100 wild beasts by the outside world. Each of them is also a regional leader, so the common saying is that it belongs to the leader of a society, group, group, and organization, and the 100 wild beast cadres under his command belong to the kind of host. It is a variety of big brother-level figures from the outside world, so half of the power in this country is actually controlled by the organization Chang Yanxiao. He is commonly known as the Hei Dao, and the Chang Yan Xiao group. The backing is the Prins family. , One of the four major families belonging to it is a world-class big family clan that is more famous than some countries, more majestic, more combative and more money, while the black in the area of ​​the power of the Plinters family belongs to all Chang Yanxiao took over alone, while Bai was on the political side and was taken over by certain powerful tasks of the country.

Three years later, there was a great adjustment within the Plinters family. Some of the people who worked with Cowens when they were young were mostly dead, and the other half gradually retreated to the second line because they were old. The power of the family, in addition to some economic figures in the internal affairs of the family, the most important thing is the issue of the mobilization of cadres of the combat agency. The world-class giant killer group that has headaches has gradually transformed into a diversified company nowadays, but as long as it does not affect the threat to national interests in private, it will be closed, and the Taoist people are even more Know the Prins family.

Each of the four major families has its most proficient areas, and the Prins family is the strongest in terms of murder. They all say that people in the world cannot be killed, as long as the Prins family handles it, it will be solved, as long as you give As long as you have connections and money, please move the Plinters family to solve it. Compared with this person, no matter who it is, it will completely disappear from this world, no one is easy to use, it is such a powerful family, so this Family internal affairs companies and so on are all guise, so here the executives such as economic documents, in fact, the actual power is not high in the entire family, the highest company manager management, in fact, even the middle-level cadres of the combat department.

Therefore, Covance will not attend any conference or conference at all. He always attends the conference personally about murder or some major meeting about family development interests, and decides to dominate the internal fighting department of the entire family. In order to mobilize the command authority of multiple departments such as the mobile team, he must be present in person and order soldiers to be assured.

As a leader of one of the four major families that can stand up in the world, Covens must have extraordinary management skills and extraordinary foresight. Two years later, there is still a trend of competition among the entire family, because Pu Lin The influence of the Tes family is too large. Every department has top-level talents. The entire family is like a kingdom. If the Printes family is likened to the Warring States, the new generation of top talents in three years will be like the seven heroes of the Warring States. The ups and downs, each showing extraordinary strength, and also controlling all aspects of the power within the family, now their individual ambitions have gradually expanded. Expansion. Expansion. Bigger, if not timely management is likely to happen internally In order to compete for greater power and become a trend of mutual fighting, once the civil war broke out, the whole family is bound to be in chaos.

Therefore, when Coves attended this meeting, he must divide the leaders of the major regions of the family to make them challenge each other's fields without crossing each other. At this time, although the Prins family's seven war madmen are well-known names The number has not yet appeared, but these seven people are still all joined in the family, three of them have been sitting in the same position as the seven cash mads, they are respectively Noci. Si, abbreviated as Noci, and two others, Corvins, value their fighting power very much, that is Joni Yilin and Chang Yanxiao.

And today, among the people sitting at the luxury round table, there is even a woman named Jaina. This woman has started to hate her since joining the list of Special Warfare Department. Joni Ilyline always thinks that woman It must have been sitting in this position by body. How could it be possible to directly enter the internal management team without going through the initial combat test?

So Joni Eileen has always looked down on Jaina, thinking that such a woman sitting with everyone is just insulting everyone.

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