Killing God Island

Chapter 184: Odaiba Liwei

Chang Yanxiao and Joni Yilin immediately saluted Cowens and said in unison: "Thank you for your promotion, I will do my best in the future."

Cowens nodded with a smile and said, "Okay!" Then he motioned for the two to sit down, and he said, "The third thing I want to explain is Jaina's position..." Cowens After speaking here, the tone paused for a moment, which made everyone present guess what position the woman would give.

Unexpectedly, what Cowens said next shocked everyone present: "I will appoint Jaina as the supervisor of all gates. Check everything in the gate. After that, she said that the order I gave was me. In order to convey instructions, they must be followed unconditionally for the first time."

Everyone was surprised for the first time, and immediately afterwards, they did not understand why Cowens gave this woman such high rights. The following people whispered in silence, and Cowens also saw it, There are still many questions about his decision.

So Cowens said directly: "I know that you still have a lot of doubts, but I have always been a very ethnic person. I also believe that whether a person can sit in a stable position requires the approval of many people. If no one agrees, even It’s the order I gave, and no one will serve her, and I won’t really agree with any instructions she gave. So I give you the opportunity to recognize her, and let you know if she is worthy of this position. Now, whoever feels that her strength can be stronger than her, please tell me, if you really beat her, she is really inferior to any of you, I will give her position to the person who wins her. What do you think? "

The following people did not express their views for the first time, and at the same time, Coves turned to ask Jaina: "What do you think of my father's opinion?"

Jaina nodded slightly and said, "I think you are right. I really want to convince people. First of all, I must let others agree. I am willing to let everyone know me better, so I fully accept the proposal just made by my righteous father. "

Sitting across from Jaina, Jonny Eileen listened to the music, and she just got up and said she wanted to challenge her, and Coves was the first to say, "Everyone present, except Chang Yanxiao and Jonny Eileen, Anyone can challenge Jaina, and whoever wins her, the position I just said is his. I always said that I don’t know why. So who of you feels that this arrangement is wrong, just prove it to me now. If there is no objection now, it will be completely different in the future."

As soon as Cowans's voice fell, a middle-aged man with muscles all over his body stood up and bowed to Cowens to salute: "I think everyone has different levels of objections, but they also take care of the owner, so they dare not take it easy. Stand up, but I have always been a straight-headed person, can she sit in this position, I will witness it before I will fall under her, if you let me fall into Chang Yanxiao and Joni Yilin, Then I absolutely agree with the strength of the two of them, but this old woman of unknown road, even if you are the owner of the house, you deliberately want to promote her power, but everyone here is not a weak scholar in the family business district, speaks mind and knowledge, we only convince Who is harder between fist and fist, who is stronger between strength and strength, so I want to stand up first to see if she really has this ability."

The person who said this was Pete Jereff, who had a very straightforward family temperament. What he always said straightforwardly was as free and easy as he seemed. The representative of the team strength of 47 fans, he is very confident in his fighting strength. Although he has not played against Chang Yanxiao, he thinks that he is not the opponent of Chang Yanxiao and Joni Yililin, except for these two. Apart from being a super, meta, meta-level strongman, he is really not afraid of anyone present, and naturally will not take Jaina as a new woman in his eyes.

Cowens saw Pete Jeref so motivated and said, "If you want to verify her strength, then verify it yourself. By the way, let everyone look at your strength." He After saying this, he waved to the assistants on both sides, and then said to them: "Take them both to the tl ring, the time is 30 minutes."

The two nodded one after the other, and told them in the past, and the two also directly followed them and left the meeting room, while landing a huge screen slowly in front of everyone, and at this time on the screen The location shown above is also the ring that the two are about to come to.

Cowans signaled to everyone to watch: "Then the meeting will be suspended for a while now. Let's witness with me to see if she can take this position!" The rest of the people silently turned their attention to the branch. The huge screen directly in front of Vince went up, and now the two of them were all in place.

"The time is only thirty minutes. You can use various combat skills on the stage, but you can't use any weapons. In addition, there are no extra rules, completely freestyle combat, are you ready now?" Just now The head assistant who brought Pete Jereff and Jaina to here asked the two of them the last question before the game.

The two of them also shook their heads at the same time. At the moment when he fell down with one hand and shouted the beginning, he also put on the countdown electronic watch. The time was just counting down from thirty, but he was on the stage. The former two did not seem so nervous, and the two did not rush to attack each other after yelling out the beginning.

Instead, he walked towards each other casually, and when he walked to about one meter, Pete Jerif made a punch, which was also blocked by Jaina in a normal posture, and then also very With a free right wave, Pete Jerif didn't evade and directly blocked the other arm. When the two hands parried with each other, they also retreated backwards and kicked one side at a time. At the same time, he continuously kicked three feet in the air, and they were also blocked by each other’s legs. The two people were very coherent in each other’s moves, but they didn’t seem to have real strength. The first attack seemed to be only tentative. The attack was not eager to win out at the outset.

Following the distance between the two as they pulled and pulled closer to each other, the actions of elbowing and striking each other began to gradually become faster and faster, and the speed and strength also became more and more with the movement of each other's pace. The stronger, but the two of you still come and go to fight each other's attacks until Jaina, a leg-sweeping Pete Jereff, jumped directly and took one leg in the air.

Jaina’s unplanned hands lifted Petejerov’s lower leg straight, but when Petejleff landed, he turned around one leg and exchanged his position with the right leg he just kicked out, making it unreachable. Jaina hit the ball instantly, kicked it in Jaina’s chest and kicked Jaina as a whole more than a meter away, directly hitting the waist with the elastic pull belt of the ring, and the whole body was directly bounced back, and at the same time hit Peteer Roufu put a heavy punch, because this punch had already been punched out at the same time she was about to be bounced back.

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