Killing God Island

Chapter 185: Lei Liwei

Jaina’s unplanned hands lifted Petejerov’s lower leg straight, but when Petejleff landed, he turned around one leg and exchanged his position with the right leg he just kicked out, making it unreachable. Jaina hit the ball instantly, kicked it in Jaina’s chest and kicked Jaina as a whole more than a meter away, directly hitting the waist with the elastic pull belt of the ring, and the whole body was directly bounced back, and at the same time hit Peteer Roufu put a heavy punch, because this punch had already been punched out at the same time she was about to be bounced back.

This caused Jaina to be beaten on the ground in an instant, and at the same time, Pete Jerev was also shocked, because he hadn't stopped his strength when he was hot, and he used a full blow. He knew it, and he was a little scared. It would be a bad thing if he killed the woman directly. After all, the woman was the daughter of the owner.

Now he fell to the ground motionlessly with one punch, and Pete Jeref's full blow can sink the 20cm dry board into the whole, and just now this punch just hit Jaina. The sternum part of the sternum, if it is an average person, the internal organs in the entire chest cavity will be shattered, and the bones are completely smashed or sunken. It is normal for the above to be masters who have been fortified. It was penetrated or even deformed, so Pete Jereff looked at Jaina, who couldn't help but fell into a panic.

Even the home assistant and the current referee rushed to the stage in a hurry, and Pete Jelev immediately explained: "I...I didn't mean it. It was just a miss, you should see it?"

Just before Assistant Corvins, who was at home, ran to the stage, and did not wait for further inspection of her injury, she found that Jaina stood up like no one else, and there was no injury on her body. She shot after standing up. Patting the dust on the chest and body said: "Just to make a joke with you, in fact, I'm fine, come, let's continue!"

Petr Jereff and Assistant Covens were instantly at a loss, and even Assistant Covens was not difficult to find that the one who had just played out was very powerful, and the people who watched the situation in the office just had that moment. I also think that Jaina is over, most people think it is over, and although Chang Yanxiao thinks this is too fast, but it seems that the woman has indeed lost, and Joni. With a smile, I think that from a visual point of view, this person is 80% out of order, but the result surprised everyone. Only Cowens was very calm.

At the same time, Pete Jereff in the ring also asked again: "Are you really okay? It is not too reluctant to suffer internal injuries. I don't want to bully the seriously injured!" Jaina replied with a smile after hearing: "It's okay! I have nothing at all, please rest assured, please continue to move!" Jaina's smile is just like madness. Very calm, and this time I can't feel any depression from her face, and the reason why the previous punch frightened Pete Jerev is because she didn't even give pain, groan, groan. It was as if he was stunned or killed, and then fell to the ground, and then suddenly stood up as if nothing happened. This kind of person really made Pete Jelev a little unpredictable.

Just after Peter Jereff thought about it, and wondered if he should take the initiative to attack, Jaina had walked very close to him, and also kindly reminded: "Please don't be distracted when you fight me?" she After this sentence was kicked out, Pete Jelev followed his hands up and tried to defend it as before, but what he did not expect was that the strength of this foot was not at the same level as just now, Pete Jere Husband's body was severely tilted by Jaina's direct kick, and he hadn't waited for him to stand up. Jaina was kicked by a foot and followed quickly. In desperation, Pieterov could only avoid the side, but he didn't I thought that the foot was not directly kicked but stopped in the air, and then turned to knees and kicked straight. Petrejev did not expect the woman to move so fast, the body turned sideways and could not turn again. , Can only defend against Jaina’s knee with crossed arms, but Jaina’s move is indeed a false shot. At the same time as a fake action, there is a rotating side kick, and the heel is directly kicked and there is no response. The location of Peter Jelev's temple.

This kick kicked his body in the air at 360 degrees for several weeks before it fell heavily to the ground. A dizzy feeling hit the face. The body felt that the things around him were swinging involuntarily, but he was still very Unwillingly stiff did not fall, but Jaina was directly pressed by one foot as soon as she got up. At the same time, Jaina looked down at Pete Jereff and said, "The victory and defeat have been divided, do you still want to fight?" After this sentence, Jaina, who was about to get up again, pressed on the soles of his feet again.

At the same time, Covins in the deep meeting room also said to everyone: "You have also seen that the outcome is still clear. Of course, everyone here is not a weak person. If anyone thinks he is stronger than Peter Jereff, he can be confident. If you are better than Jaina, you can continue to challenge directly now. Pete Jereff definitely does not represent your strength, but if everyone has been silent, it means that Pete Jereff is the representative of everyone. If he loses, it means that Everyone agrees."

As soon as this is said, the following have been discussed again, and at the same time, many people are wondering why Coves is so calm, and what level of strength is this woman? And why is the power greater than Chang Yanxiao and Joni Yilin, both of them are so suffocating, then we rush to challenge whether we won and won't get good fruit? Because of all kinds of concerns, some powerful people with scheming did not challenge Jaina again.

But Joni Eileen stood up directly in the seat and said to Cowens: "I am not convinced by her uncle, she joined the family later than me, although she is also the uncle of the uncle, just from the screen just enough I can see that she also has certain skills, but I don’t agree with her why she has more rights than me and Chang Yanxiao. Chang Yanxiao and I have been in the family for two years. The dedication for the family is not a minority. Switching back to her current status, but her new member has no achievements, but she is so esteemed by her righteous father. According to what she just said, she is more than 10,000 people in the family. How do you make everyone think about it, Everyone present was born to death for the family to be mixed up to the present status. How many people would you feel so cold? This is not a simple problem that can be solved by defeating Pete Jereff. You must let everyone be thorough. I agree with this decision. Even if you let everyone challenge her, it is not enough to let everyone agree with her strength, aside from her contribution to the family, you can be convinced by speaking with combat strength. After all, this is the combat department, but I If you don’t accept her, you have to let me see her strength in person!

Cowens said with a very serious expression: "Don't I tell you two not to intervene?"

"Why? I'm not convinced!"

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