Killing God Island

Chapter 2052: The real intention of the four major families in Area F 34 is eternal life

Area f has everything. These women can enjoy a lot of things outside the island that they can't even see the luxury. They can do it here, especially the skin care that they have no money to do. Here they can all do it.

So as long as you are a female, you will never miss a skincare treatment for yourself, and then go to do other things, so the beauty salon here is really crowded.

Although the number of women who can survive is many times smaller than that of men, there are also many women who have the ability and ability. These women who can live in the f zone are definitely not ordinary women. Each one is definitely capable, but Here is the safe zone, and each knows that the rules are not to be used, so no one will take the initiative to pick things up, basically in order.

After all, the women who can live in the f zone not only have the skills, but their minds are naturally not stupid. Of course, they know that women who can sit here and enjoy this kind of treatment will naturally have no strength, so no one will Asking for something interesting, so they are still very orderly.

Angelina and Lin Xue were in a group of two. They met the four women in the women's team at this place in the hot springs. However, they only knew three but they did not know Shirley, because Shirley was not in the shape of a little girl. , Shirley's body is a slim beauty, she usually looks like a little girl in a wheelchair.

But she is really not a little girl, but her body Angelina and Lin Xueke have never seen, so when they greeted West "Lu" Mei and Daomei and the muscular girl, the first sentence they asked was : "What about your leader Shirley?"

After Angelina asked this sentence, she looked around again and again and asked, "Did she not come with you?"

"Of course she came with me, only you don't know her!"

Xi Lumi directly said this to Angelina: "What do you mean?"

Angelina didn't respond for a while. After all, what she said was indeed heard by ordinary people, and she was also confused. What's more, she suddenly came to such a sentence, so Angelina didn't understand what she meant.

At this moment, a very beautiful woman beside Angelina suddenly asked Angelina: "What are you doing with me?"

Angelina looked back at this person and she didn't know her at all, so Angelina emphasized again: "I didn't ask you, I asked a friend of mine!"

"Aren't you looking for Shirley?"

"Yes! I'm looking for her!"

"Then there is no problem, I am Shirley!"

Shirley's sentence shocked Angelina directly: "What are you kidding?"

"I'm not kidding, I am Shirley!" Angelina replied with a smile on her face: "Impossible, impossible, are you totally different from her?"

West "Lu" Mei directly "plugged" and said: "She is really Shirley herself, this is her body, what you have seen before is not her body!"

Angelina's brow furrowed, and her expression was obviously unbelievable. When she turned her back, the slim beauty turned into a little girl, and they always thought that Shirley was a disabled little girl who could not stand, but actually Shang Shili is not a disabled person. He usually takes a wheelchair because he is not in good health and he does not want to waste his physical strength.

So Shirley wasn’t in a wheelchair because her legs were disabled. Angelina originally thought Shirley couldn’t stand up because she had never seen Shirley stand up, but today she saw it, so Angelina The surprised expression on her face proved that although she had to believe now, her heart didn't want to believe too much.

Because Angelina is very reluctant to believe that this is true, because she is a born child and a child, her dream is to have a slim figure like Shirley just now, but unfortunately she is always long Not big, and Shirley's figure was not exclusive at first, after all, she was also a little dwarf.

You now know that Shirley's original figure is not like this, she is obviously a little unhappy, after all, she really did not expect Shirley's body to be so beautiful, it really makes her a little unbearable, after all, she just had the figure It's great, but now she's back to being a child.

So after being surprised, Angelina asked directly like Shirley: "How did you do it? Can you tell me? I really like to know how you did it, how did you make yourself smaller?" "

Shirley's expression was very silent, but she sighed helplessly: "This is my exclusive ability. I'm sorry I didn't do it to teach you. If you can also use reading motivation, I can teach you how to become like this, but you If not, there is no way."

Angelina shook her head helplessly, of course she would not read motivation, although this ability is also divided into born and acquired, although Shirley belongs to the acquired day, she does not lose at all to those who are born with the motivation to drive, innate It belongs to a different kind of human beings, just like these people who are born with super powers, they are so-called innate abilities.

The strength of innate ability is indeed strong, but if the acquired ability is used properly, it will not lose too much to the innate ability, and the strengthened people who kill God Island are the so-called ability acquired by strengthening cells, and most of them The strengthened people on Kill God Island are all acquired abilities.

Even if the strong people who have successfully left here on this island, most of them are basically acquired abilities. In fact, the full name of the God Creation Project is a human gene inspired creative project, which is similar to the creation and development of human itself. The internal gene tampered with the sequence code, and then stimulated various positional forces to develop and study these data.

This is the origin of the initial plan for creating gods, but soon evolved into a kind of completely chasing more power, the data obtained began to be optimized and improved, trying to expand the unknown power and physical strength of human beings infinitely, trying to create nothing God who can't, this is the ultimate goal of the four major families.

Of course, this is only part of the greed of the four big families. In fact, the real intention is that they want to live forever. The three heads of the four big families, they are all over seventy years old. They want to be young. The only thing they want is not to die, they want eternal life, so they are eager to succeed in the experiment of killing God Island quickly.

In this way, they can live forever, so they are thinking about how to restore their old bodies. In fact, although this experiment can achieve the purpose of carrying aging in many aspects, the cost of wanting to have such a strengthening gene is that Sixty people die because the body's genes cannot withstand the pain and evolution of the genes being broken.

Especially since their bodies are not young now, the risk will be relatively greater, so three of the four heads of households are not willing to take risks

The only thing they expect from this risk is the problem of high homework risk as early as possible, so these three old men are secretly pushing the various fortified people on this island to fight.

A large part of the dead people will be taken back to the corpse by the people of the four big families for research, so that there will be more and more data, just like now if Chen Tian's level is dead, the corpse will be taken back to the headquarters for research , You will get a lot of very useful information, which will be immediately used for experiments.

The experimental objects are those people who are about to enter the killing island, and the experimental results are based on their survival probability and the battle data into the island.

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