Killing God Island

Chapter 2053: Section F 35 These so-called Slavs

The strong people who have successfully left here on this island are basically most of the acquired abilities. In fact, the full name of the god-making program is the human gene-inspired creative project, which is similar to the creation and development of human internal genes. After tampering with the serial code, the various positional forces that are excited later will be used to develop and study these data.

This is the origin of the initial plan for creating gods, but soon evolved into a kind of completely chasing more power, the data obtained began to be optimized and improved, trying to expand the unknown power and physical strength of human beings infinitely, trying to create nothing God who can't, this is the ultimate goal of the four major families.

Of course, this is only part of the greed of the four big families. In fact, the real intention is that they want to live forever. The three heads of the four big families, they are all over seventy years old. They want to be young. The only thing they want is not to die, they want eternal life, so they are eager to succeed in the experiment of killing God Island quickly.

In this way, they can live forever, so they are thinking about how to restore their old bodies. In fact, although this experiment can achieve the purpose of carrying aging in many aspects, the cost of wanting to have such a strengthening gene is that Sixty people die because the body's genes cannot withstand the pain and evolution of the genes being broken up.

Especially since they are not young now, the risk will be relatively greater, so three of the four heads of households are not willing to take risks

The only thing they expect from this risk is the problem of high homework risk as early as possible, so these three old men are secretly pushing the various fortified people on this island to fight.

A large part of the dead people will be taken back to the corpse by the people of the four big families for research, so that there will be more and more data, just like now if Chen Tian's level is dead, the corpse will be taken back to the headquarters for research , You will get a lot of very useful information, which will be immediately used for experiments.

The experimental objects are those people who are about to enter the killing island, and the experimental results are based on their survival probability and the battle data into the island.

They are the reinforcements who entered the island after they began to lure them, and these reinforcements are basically the genes of the strong people who left smoothly on the island, or the genes of the dead record strong people. After their genetic research, they took a backup and then started to copy and clone their cells to experiment with new people again.

And these newcomers are selected from prisons all over the world. They are basically selected to enter the God-making program if they have too many advantages over ordinary people. It would interfere with an ordinary death row prisoner at will. After all, these people are basically dead.

But for some very good people, it’s a pity if they were shot and killed when they committed something, so the four big families will use their network to rescue them and list them as members of the God-making plan. Of the giant islands that kill God’s Island, only 80% of them can be said to be prisoners.

The other 20% are people who entered the island through the remaining channels for experimentation, including elite soldiers from various countries participating in this god-making program. These are strengthened soldiers who enter the island to perform acting and so on. Of course, there are elites from all walks of life in the global society, when they enter here because they are too good. They are different, even though they are likely to have no combat ability, but the experiments made by the four major families are not just fighting members who only fight with single cells. Their The experimental aspect is very wide, including the elites in all walks of life. If they enter this island, they will live and die with these prisoners.

Whether these cultural people who seem to only use their brains to hold their pens can be stocked in this rogue place, and these upper-middle-class elites with full of benevolence, morality and morality, their "sex" will happen again after they enter this island. What kind of change, what kind of fighting will they take to survive.

If they can't fight hard in the front, how will they kill each other? When they are desperate, will they choose "suicide" or will they surrender, or beg for mercy, these are observations of these people, Of course, there are also observations of the military elites of various countries, as well as the struggle among criminals in these countries.

The four families in this different class of people, and various leaders who have been developed in the process of strengthening, each of the four families will be divided into many departments to observe, and the observed The results will be compared, and then assigned when the upper-level meeting.

Including those seemingly all strengthened people who are now entering the f zone. Among them, more than half of them are not criminals. Some of them are elites who are born in the exclusive countries of the countries. They are just here to conduct actual combat exercises after strengthening. , That is, whether it is possible to leave here from the initial z zone until entering the a zone for customs clearance.

Others have just said that before they were all literati, and they were not these people who entered here as criminals. Of course, these people did not enter here for no reason. After all, it takes a look to enter this island The seemingly coincidental reason, for example, is that the criminal himself committed the death penalty, but they have great potential in themselves, so they will be rescued by the four major families.

And these people are the same, they only come here because of various reasons, half of them are for personal reasons, such as people who embezzle public funds because of their greed, because his potential is great, and the four big families use this as a threat He deceived him to Kill God Island, and some others were actually very responsible, but they thought they were excellent and were selected by the four big families.

After all, each of the four major families can fight against a strong country. They want to frame a person. Even if you are reasonable, you can sort it out for you. So these people will eventually enter the island. The person may be a reader who has no control over it.

However, the changes after entering this island do not really need to be worse than these criminals who do nothing evil. These people are even more powerful than these criminals who have no brains. When a person is blackened to survive and use any means, these so-called literati are actually better than these so-called Rogues are more terrible, and their bodies are also strengthened.

That is to say, these Svens are ruthless, they are also the kind that will continue to become stronger in battle. When they kill more people, they will become stronger and stronger, and plus their minds. It’s easy, and they still have a lot of professional knowledge that they know very well, so this kind of person is actually more terrifying than someone who can only fight.

Of course, most of these scholars are teamed up with some very strong people. Just like Ye Minyu, although they can play well, they have their own team when they did not join the Chen Tian team before, but when they recognize the true After the situation, most of them are with the real potential team, and as the second team leader in this team, try their best to maximize their advantages.

So although Shirley doesn’t have a natural motivation, but the exclusive ability inspired by genetic enhancement is still very strong. Of course, Angelina is very upset. After all, these women seen in this hot spring , Basically all of them are in good shape, and she is only the same as Shirley, feeling that if she is in Ye, it is a comfort to herself.

But what Angelina didn’t expect was that Shirley’s body was hot, and she was not the same as her. Lin Xue, who agreed to take a hot spring with herself, didn’t look at her as a young girl, but her figure was also It's quite good, although it can't be said that it is a perfect body, it still looks very harmonious, especially the height is much higher than Angelina, and the proportion of the body is also non-Angelina.

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