Killing God Island

Chapter 214: Riding the wind and breaking the waves to build the world, the wind and the remaining

Qianda directly replied: "Of course I know that she is one of the twelve shows of the Ruandi family. She is about the same age as me, but I have to admit that I am indeed much stronger than me."

Kuang Qi also nodded affirmatively and said: "The strength is indeed much stronger than you, but when she first met me, her strength was much weaker than you now, but her potential is very high, you should not be inferior to her in terms of potential , What is lacking is a kind of transcendent consciousness. Gvija was trained by me. She is the most powerful in the special ability in the state of Heavenly Tribulation. However, apart from the Heavenly Tribulation state, its melee ability is also very good. Basic If I don’t take it seriously, he will be injured."

"But I don’t quite understand why you have to fight with a knife. I think a qualified master must have the strongest ability in close combat, but since you are so persistent about the knife, I can also teach you how to use the knife. In fact, I and you Master Ms. Zhao has also used knives, but we basically don’t need knives like this now. Instead, we feel that it’s troublesome to get a knife in our hands. Although I am called the fist is the hardest, your master is known to be the most powerful. Strong, but in fact, when we were young, our skills in playing knives were also good. However, after we became famous afterwards, they were not used much and were gradually forgotten by many people. Our past, but the most taboo is to stay in certain moves. Going on or hacking at random, neither of them can exert the true power of the swordsman, and it is also the misunderstanding of most swordsmen." Kuang Qi said while pointing at the two who were fighting in front: "If it is a small character , Killing them is like cutting melons and chopping vegetables, then you can swing your knife at will, but when you encounter this level of fighting, hacking will let the other party catch the weakness."

"You mean to say that if you want to be more skilled in controlling the accuracy of the knife, you must be good at observing the opponent's movements and moves, and then give your opponent a fatal blow instead of staying on some hacking or fixed moves." Qianda spoke out her analysis. After listening, he nodded slightly and said, "Yes! You understand it quickly. You want to use a good knife as a killing tool and have top-level standards. First of all, you must understand the three major elements. Fast. Accurate. Ruthless, fast. This feature requires you to work **** the physical strength. The criterion needs to observe the opponent and use accurate and calm thinking to make the right and most accurate judgment in an instant and simultaneously make the knife to achieve the accuracy of one kill. , And ruthlessness requires the integration of the two. Without speed, it means that the strength of the knife is definitely not enough. As long as the strength of the knife is high, the speed will be fast. Common sense, and speed plus perfect judgment increases speed. Precisely, the combination of these two types of characters will only appear when this ruthless character is used. It means that those who use the knife will see the soul of the dead. Do you know why those who cut off seven emotions and six desires are very high with a knife?"

Qianda thought about it and replied: "It should be because they don't care about the world, so many moves can play their best. For example, at the same time, they wield a suicide move. The attacker uses a knife to cut his neck. Normal people will To block this fatal blow, and they will swing their swords to see each other at a faster rate, because they are not concerned, so they let go, and they are not afraid of changing their lives, otherwise the person will suddenly close the knife to block , This has already given up the initiative, and because they can not let go of their inner realm and so on in many secular worlds, they are already doomed to their defeat."

"The metaphor you play is very insightful, but the knife wants to use well, not to cut through the secular world to reach the highest level. In fact, it is very simple to use a good knife. Some people who have not learned any moves can also use the knife to kill people easily. As long as the sword can penetrate the body of a person, whether you are a master or a weak person, first of all, you have learned the correct first step of using a knife. In fact, no matter how powerful your sword moves are, the ultimate goal is to kill people, so as long as you knife If you can kill you, you don’t need to learn any moves. As long as you can kill, it is actually the strongest knife. In fact, the knife is just to let you better block and attack, but I think it is also limited to this, so I am not Recommend the plot in the TV series, I must practice a certain sword technique to be invincible in the world. When I used a knife to kill people at the beginning, my understanding is here!" Kuang Qi finished this sentence, pointing his chest with his finger To the left. Qianda is a very smart person, and immediately understood the meaning of madness: "Are you referring to the heart?"

Kuangqi nodded his head: "Yes! It takes more effort to be more accurate when making a knife, and to exert its power beyond the limit of its own level when fighting, and often observes things with the eyes, it will produce a big deviation, so as long as You know how to listen to the world with your heart, and everything can be slashed! Human soul lies in the heart, as long as you can sever human soul with a knife, even the resurrected person who possesses the god-eater physique of Chen Tian will be killed by you. ."

Qian Da asked with a surprised expression: "You are exaggerating? I don't believe that there is a soul after the death of human beings, but I am afraid that the kind of realm you just said may not be able to be trained." Qian Dachang With a sigh, she did not expect Kuang Qi to touch the top of her head very gently: "You are still young, and the road is still long. Maybe your future achievements will be bigger than your master Ms. Zhao, Your time is just beginning." These words are very heart-warming, and Qian Da nodded slightly: "I will make myself stronger and stronger than I can beat you!" Kuang Qi heard her After saying this, he nodded and said, "That's right, you have great potential, but you need a good guide, you have a good foundation, it can be seen that Ms. Zhao has trained you well, and now you What is missing is to refining what you have learned again. Since you were selected by Ms. Zhao, it means that your potential is very large, and my hobby is to develop people with potential."

Qianda asked curiously at this time: "Obviously, you and my master Zhao Ying have such a good relationship. Why is it that a lady Zhao screams at a time, don't you think it's strange to call it this way?"

Kuang Qi directly replied: "Of course not, because she has become very famous in the past few years. Who doesn't see her, she doesn't honor the word Ms. Zhao? She is now a veritable elder sister, I don't call her her real name. There is also a reason. I will tell you about this opportunity. Now you borrow your knife from me. I will show you how the knife should be used to make it more powerful!" Qian Da handed the knife to Kuang Qi directly. , And Kuang Qi is not like the knife mad Miller, one of the twelve shows of the Ruandi family. The posture of holding the knife must be professional. He takes the posture very casually. After pulling out the knife, he throws it directly forward. The posture is definitely not handsome, but it is very casual. The whole process of wielding the knife is carefully observed in the eyes.

But he was maddened by this seemingly sloppy character, and his lazy posture, but his figure was very stylish. The moment when the knife was made, Qianda observed not the power of this knife, but the more handsome and handsome face, the more crazy Qi is actually the kind that looks a little inferior to the handsome guy at first, and obliquely bangs to block half of his face, but with his powerful aura and his slightly handsome face will make you feel more and more handsome, And this unique male courage will really fascinate many women, especially the girls who have been in contact with him for a long time, will be attracted by his every move and will be convinced by his powerful strength, and Ms. Zhao, who has always been proud and domineering, Once a madman with a heart of love, Joni Yililin, one of the seven madmen, she is famous for her top-notch work, and she was also captured by the madman, and another top-level master One of the twelve shows of the Ruandi family also has special feelings for Kuang Qi. In addition, after entering the island, he has been dead and follow his face and has been shouting Han Li, the eldest brother, and Qian Da is actually in the heart at this time. Zhong also had some good feelings for Kuang Qi. The acceleration of her heartbeat made her have to believe that Kuang Qi was the second man who made her feel this way. At this time, Kuang Qi wielded this knife. The blade did not chop any objects, but its The powerful blade is like a turbulent wave, which cuts through the air flow and forms a wave of blades like a tornado. Due to the rotation of the center, thousands of sharp air blades are formed, and the sharp air blades make the surrounding air flow. Telephone poles and walls have been cut one after another. The huge sand and stone mixed with various chopped objects have swept away with the strong wind flowing to the two fighting in the front.

The name is: "Establish the world by the wind and the waves, and the wind and the remaining clouds will be cut with a knife." After wielding the knife, Kuang Qi turned his back to the dimly changing momentum behind him, and said this to Qian Da, whose face changed greatly.

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