Killing God Island

Chapter 215: Instant burst is king

At this time, the knife was madly wielded, and the blade did not chop any objects, but its blade power was huge like a choppy wave, breaking through the air obstruction to form a wave of blade like a tornado, because the center rotates to form thousands of blades Sharp air blade.

A sharp air blade makes the surrounding airflow, electric poles and walls are cut one after another, and the huge sand and stone soil plus various chopped objects all follow the strong wind to the two who are fighting in the front Swept away in an instant.

The name is: "Employ the wind and the waves to build the universe, and the wind and the remaining clouds will be cut with a knife." After wielding this knife madly, he turned his back to the dim and dark atmosphere behind him, and said this to Qian Da, whose face changed greatly.

The power of this move is too strong, and it is so strong that all the ancestral houses and people in front of the craze have been affected. Some female pedestrians and some people who sell goods in the house are caught in the cold air flowing in the air. The wind blade, this air blade, even the high-rise buildings made of reinforced concrete can be cut into several segments without pressure and then be swept to the sky.

Its power is so strong that it can be compared with natural disasters, not to mention the people who are blown into the air, and the people who are almost blown away are easily separated by the wind, and the first five minutes of the madness wielding this move, Han Li and Shi Yue are still fighting in the front. Because this is the commercial area in the first half of the main street in the U District, there is also a lot of traffic and girls love shopping.

This is a female community where many girls basically shop every day. Although the women who can come to this island will not be ordinary girls outside the island, their female nature will not change because of the changes in the environment, and People who come to this island have certain consciousness in their hearts. Everyone knows that earning a day a day here, as long as they haven’t left the island, there will be danger to their lives. This island will always survive for the fittest and survive forever. Being a strong man, there are no laws, laws, and so on, so that the strength here is the power of power is the law of this area.

Since the Kuiqi trio just arrived here, they don’t know Shi Yue, one of the four blockers in the u area. The reason why the u area can become a women’s area is not the intention of the four families, but the queen. And the extremely ridiculously strong women such as the four big heads, so the men who enter here will be very tragic and become slaves, and Shi Yue, one of the four big heads in the u district, is actually very strong. Or, this kind of person who wouldn’t dare to walk in the arrogance and arrogance of the u district on weekdays, but unexpectedly encountered a hard stubble this time. If she fights with others, she may hit ten, but she offended this time. The person is Han Li, an animal gene enhancer who can turn on the sky-tribulation state just like her. And Han Li is also able to divide cells by himself to create replicas exactly like himself, and has the same strength as himself, but can only survive for 30 minutes with independent thinking but can synchronize thinking with himself , Has all the memories and all the abilities of the body, that is to say, all the moves and skills that Han Li can use. The replicator created by her split cells can use the same moves and all kinds of hers as she clones herself. All the moves that can be used, but the physical performance may be slightly inferior to the body, but it does not affect its strength. Because of this, it has just caused a nearly draw with a Han Li. Now two Han Lis suddenly appeared, and This clothing-free replica Han Li was not weak at all. Simply put, it was suddenly two hits one at a time, causing Shi Yue to be at a disadvantage all the time. The two of them cooperated perfectly and kept on combing. Until she kicked and fell to the ground, the two talents took two steps backwards, and then sprinted forward three steps and jumped again. The two jumped at the same time and used the same trick to flip and split in the high place, and Shi Yue's sudden anger used a hidden weapon hidden in her body, and suddenly all of them ejected a sharp blade to break their clothes instantly, and ejected more than forty sharp daggers from various positions in her body.

The ejection force of this bullet is not inferior to the bullet, and it is even several times more powerful than the bullet. Using Han Li, who fell on the top, instantly struck, the posture of the two on the ground was almost the same, and the legs were stabbed. , Han Li’s duplicated body and body legs were pierced with a dagger, and Shi Yue also stood up again: "You really do not know what to do, you think you can split yourself into two people. Niu. Fork . Really? Now I will make you regret it!" After she said this, she rushed to the two who covered her injured leg, and Han Li cut her tail again and wanted to make a second replica. Because Hanli can stretch out her tail without clothes on her body, but she can’t divide cells and copy herself after her tail is cut, she can’t grow the number at double speed. Once the tail is cut, it will take at least ten more minutes to grow again, so In this short distance of more than ten meters, Han Li was given the opportunity to make himself again.

Although the time was a little hurry, but fortunately, it still came out in time. Shi Yue knew that the woman’s strength in front of him was not simple. If she could not kill her without her real skills, she rushed over and stepped on the right foot. , The body jumped a few meters by the speed of the glide falling from above, she directly threw a punch, and this punch turned out to be a super thick arm, and her body suddenly became bigger like a fat monster, The newly copied Han Li jumped directly and punched her, but when the body fell, she directly enlarged her body, especially the fist was five times the Han Li fist, the difference in proportion was very obvious after collision The result is also very obvious. In fact, Han Li's punch is definitely not small, but it is not a little worse than Shi Yue who became a fat man with more than three hundred pounds.

Shi Yue smashed Han Li from the sky with a punch, and just fell to the ground and was hit by the falling Shi Yue punch on the ground Han Li. This punch and the huge gravity of her fall use the surrounding cement The ground instantly collapsed into a big pit with a diameter of ten meters and a depth of at least one meter, and Han Li, a replica of the central viscera hit by her punch, was no longer able to move, and her limbs were trembling and her eyes were dying.

After solving the copy just copied by Han Li, her fat body jumped out of the Shenkeng very dexterously, and then looked directly at Han Li and said: "You copy it is useless, I will still Punch one, and now you and that replica body's legs were stabbed by my dagger. It takes five minutes at the fastest to repair such a deep wound by yourself. I see how you take my next move!" Shi Yue finished This sentence, directly running to Shi Yue again with a fat body, this step after step seems to make people feel the ground trembling, in fact, this is just a visual feeling that the ground does not tremble, her fat body runs every step The fat on her body and face are shaking. Her form is really difficult to compare with her form just now, but she has great power in this form. Although it looks bulky, it is very agile, and its defense is not weak, because of the copy The body attacked her from behind, and instead of avoiding it, she punched the body directly.

Instead, the replica is ejected more than a meter away from her fat and elastic fat. It seems that people who do not understand the strength to be struck will be bounced away by her super-elastic and defensive fat, now Shi Yue fat head The ear is like a beast, if she does not walk upright, it will give a feeling of a huge round meat ball, but her fist must not be underestimated. Han Li kept avoiding, but unfortunately Shi Yue, who became fat, did not because When she is too fat, she moves slowly, so when the two are close in strength, Han Li can’t hide in the past. She only twitched her defense for three times and her right arm is numb and she dare not pick it up. Han Li’s right arm is slightly fractured. If her fist is hardened, his arm may be directly deformed, so she has no choice but to give the replica a color. Although she has independent thinking, she also understands Her own mission, so she took advantage of Shi Yue's attack on the body directly, jumped her arms directly from her back and directly tied Shi Yue's neck.

"Do you think you can strangle me with your copy?" Shi Yuegang said this, before she broke her arms, she heard a loud noise behind her, and the replica Han Li exploded. The self-detonation instantly formed a lot of power. Just like a human bomb, the smoke from the back of Shi Yue's back was blown straight. Although there was no wound, the entire back was black and black. And because of the huge impact, it also made Shi Yue’s huge body leaned forward and almost fell to the ground. At this time, Han Li used the best time to rush to a mouth in front of October, and his very sharp and sharp tongue punctured Shi Yue instantly. The softest part under the neck of the neck, what Shi Yue did not expect was that after her fat passed, her tongue stuck in half and stuck there, and her neck could not be pierced completely, and Shi Yue’s enlarged head also Staring at Han Li with wide eyes, Han Li found it too late to go after this plan failed. Shi Yue's huge hand directly grabbed her by the shoulder and shouted at her: "You also want to Kill me? Just can't catch you, you even sent them, then I will smash your head, and you don't have a tail now. See what tricks you can play, I want to see it is your head Is it hard, or is my fist hard?" Shi Yue grabbed Han Li's shoulder with his left hand, and punched Han Li's head directly with his right hand. At that moment, the trick he had just swung out, and the wind and the clouds were followed Coming.

Shi Yue felt that the wind was blowing back and forth across the sky, and the huge airflow around her also stopped her from punching and turned directly. Without turning, she did not know the seriousness of the situation. When she turned, the expression of the whole person was stunned. ....

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